In high school, a student interested in taking apart and rebuilding machines approached the CEO of Hewlett-Packard and asked for some parts to help him complete a class project. Duly impressed, the CEO made arrangements for the student to get the parts. And years later, he was probably thrilled to be able to say he took the time to do so. The confident, driven student who asked for the parts was Steve Jobs, a man who would go on to become the CEO of Apple Computers and a pre-eminent figure in the tech industry...
Early Life
Steve Jobs was born to two unmarried graduate students in 1955 (curiously, just 9 months before Microsoft founder Bill Gates). His parents gave him up for adoption, and Jobs was 30 years old and well in the midst of tech stardom before he learned about his birth parents, the Simpsons. Growing up, the only family he knew was his adoptive parents, a couple from Mountain View, California who fostered his interest in taking apart and rebuilding machines. His father, Paul Jobs, was a machinist who taught Jobs about electronics from an early age. Working in the family garage, the two spent hours tinkering on projects. During these work sessions in the garage, Jobs' father taught him a lesson that has made its way into Apple products of all shapes and sizes. Don't sacrifice any part of the design no matter where it is on the product. Jobs later described this, saying, "When you're a carpenter making a beautiful chest of drawers, you're not going to use a piece of plywood on the back, even though it faces the wall and nobody will ever see it. You'll know it's there, so you're going to use a beautiful piece of wood on the back. For you to sleep well at night, the aesthetic, the quality, has to be carried all the way through."
Though Jobs showed an early interest in mechanics and design, he did not show early promise in school. His mother had taught him to read as a toddler, but he was bored in school and often goofed off, a habit that frustrated one teacher to the point of bribing him to behave. This teacher saw potential in a young Jobs, and Jobs later credited Mrs. Hill with being one of the "saints" of his life. Jobs so excelled in that fourth grade class with Mrs. Hill that he skipped over the fifth grade entirely and headed straight for middle school. This jump ahead was tough for him initially: he was bullied and became a bit of a loner. Indeed, he disliked middle school so much that he told his parents that if he couldn't switch schools he would just stop going to school altogether. To keep Jobs in school, the family moved from Mountain View to Los Altos, and Jobs settled into the Cupertino School District. It was here, that he met and befriended Bill Fernandez, another student interested in electronics. Fernandez later played a critical role in the creation of Apple computers when he introduced Jobs to his neighbor - another electronics aficionado, and someone you might have heard of... His neighbour was Steve Wozniak (more on him in a minute).
Early Work
By the time he entered high school, Jobs was already working at Hewlett-Packard, where a cold call to the CEO had earned him a job offer. But while he was in high school his interests began to diversify quite a bit. Jobs discovered a love for the classics and for literature in general - Dylan Thomas and Shakespeare were particular favorites. During his senior year, Jobs was so excelling in English that he was able to take classes at Stanford. When it came time to attend college, though, Jobs opted to attend Reed State in Oregon. But, well, that didn't last long. After only one semester, Jobs' previous aversion to formal education reared its head and he dropped out. He continued dropping in on classes that interested him, though he wasn't earning credits and wasn't paying for anything. Interestingly, one of those drop-in classes greatly affected his future. Something that he explained in his famous 2005 Stanford commencement address (something, by the way, that is well worth watching). "If I had never dropped in on that single calligraphy course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts."
Career Beginning
Despite being a college dropout, Jobs was able to secure a job with Atari computers in 1974. He worked as a tech, assisting the engineers who were doing the heavy duty coding work. Jobs didn't have a lot of money at this time, and he was trying to scrape funds together to travel to India to study Eastern religion - his interests in things outside technology had stuck around. The head of Atari, Niel Bushnell, years later said he thought Jobs was saving money by actually living in the office... "I'm not sure about this but I actually think Steve was living there, so people used to complain that he didn't smell that well... I'd come in on the weekend and he'd be there, I'd come in late at night and he'd be there." The time at Atari also marked a key point in the friendship between Jobs and his old friend Steve Wozniak. Jobs was assigned to design a circuit board for the video game Breakout, and he approached Wozniak to help because Atari was offering a bonus if it could be designed using fewer chips. Jobs also needed the project completed in only four days. What Jobs didn't tell Wozniak was that Atari had offered Jobs a large bonus for using fewer chips - a bonus Jobs received and kept for himself even though Wozniak did the majority of the work. When Wozniak found out about the lie ten years later, he is reported to have cried. But Wozniak didn't know of Jobs' deceit at the time, and the two continued experimenting with technology together.

But, their tinkering was put on hold for seven months, though, when Job's alleged living in the office had saved him enough money to travel to India. He went to India in search of spiritual enlightenment, something that was rather in fashion in the 60s and 70s. He did this trip on an incredibly tight budget - he slept on the street, sweated on crowded buses, and ate the bare minimum... He also must have eaten some pretty sketchy food, reportedly getting dysentery and losing forty pounds. During this time he was also meditating and learning about Zen Buddhism. He wanted to go to Tibet, but after his travelers' checks were stolen he decided to head home to the U.S. Back home, he continued his practice of meditation, as well as another habit he'd picked up ... his use of psychedelic drugs. Jobs was a big fan of LSD, a drug he started using in college and would credit with expanding his creativity and vision of the world: "Taking LSD was a profound experience, one of the most important things in my life. LSD shows you that there's another side to the coin, and you can't remember it when it wears off, but you know it. It reinforced my sense of what was important - creating great things instead of making money, putting things back into the stream of history and of human consciousness as much as I could."
The Beginning of Apple
Back in the United States, Jobs had no money and lived in his parents' toolshed that he had converted to a bedroom. But he and Wozniak continued to work on computers, with Jobs convincing Wozniak that at least one of Wozniak's early products was sellable. Wozniak had built a product, known as a 'blue box' that could mimic the tones of a telephone system and essentially trick a phone into making a free long distance call for the user. With technology today we don't think twice about calling someone on the other side of the planet, but in the 1970s this was a big deal. Now, as you might have guessed, these blue boxes were totally illegal, but they still sold well. Yep, Steve Job's first business... Selling illegal devices to make long distance phone calls for free!
Now, the next brainchild that Wozniak had was much more legitimate... It was a product that would become the Apple I. In 1976, Jobs suggested selling it, and he and Wozniak officially started Apple Computers. The company was first run out Jobs' parents' garage, and most of their customers were hobbyists. But enough computer hobbyists were laying out money for the Apple I that Jobs and Wozniak had cash in their pockets. Jobs began searching for investors, and Wozniak kept designing. In 1977, just a year after the company launched, they put out another version of their computer, the Apple II. This time, it had color graphics and was much more user-friendly allowing for it to be used outside of just the hobbiest market. They sold $3 million of the Apple II in their first year alone, but this figure was about to become dwarfed... Two years later, they had sold $200 million worth, but again, this seemingly huge number was about to be dwarfed again... In 1980, only four years after their launch, Jobs and Wozniak went public. By the end of Apple's first day of public trading the company was worth an astounding $1.2 BILLION. Steve Jobs was only twenty-five years old.
During the nascent years of Apple, Jobs was dealing with much personal turmoil. His longtime on-again, off-again girlfriend Chrisann Brennan had moved in with him, and she got pregnant. Jobs was, by all accounts, not thrilled about this news. He later told Brennan: "I never wanted to ask that you get an abortion. I just didn't want to do that." Brennan had been offered a job at Apple, but given Jobs' reaction to her pregnancy she did not want to take it. She left him and their house, and began working as a cleaner. Despite asking for support from Jobs, he did not provide any support for his child until a paternity confirmed that he was the father. Even then, despite his company being worth over a billion dollars, he was only required to provide $500 a month in child support. Despite these early problems, Lisa and Jobs later reconciled, and Lisa even lived with Jobs during her high school years. She then attended Harvard, and today works as a writer in New York City. Though it took him years to admit to it, Jobs named one of Apple's early products after his daughter. But the LISA computer was not as successful as the Apple II had been. This failure was followed by another - the Apple III, which again failed to live up to expectations (and not just Job's expectations, but everyone's).