(1). Cheat 是欺骗,那么考试作弊是 cheat on the exam 还是 cheat in the exam?
(2). 最近在国外新闻上看到一句话报道 the spread ofcoronavirus appeared to be slowing down in China, but it picked up its speedelsewhere in the world. 之前老师讲过 the wind is picking up 形容风变大,但是雨、雪变大不用pick up ,而是用heavy. 所以我想是不是pick up 这个词组是用于和速度有关的, 而雨、雪是和量有关的所以不能用这个。此外the rain is gettingheavier 这句话形容雨变大了对吗?
(3). 摩登家庭第一季第一集里 Cameron 和Mitchell 收养一个女儿lily, Phil在见到lily时说“Lily, isn’t that gonna be hardfor her to say”, 是不是老外也觉得lily这个名字很难发音,我就是读不好自己的这个英文名字,国外的同事还常把我的名字写成Lilly, 我猜他们是把他们发音的方式给拼出来了,Lil-ly。(这句话我做了语音)
2、【莫西】老师,我一直对短元音I的发音有困惑,Henry老师讲了 I不是发yi的音,而是类似'额'的音,但我有时候听become behind 这些Be,是短元音,但听出来还是yi的音?
3、【张畅】请问Henry老师, with you 连读时,with念清辅音还是浊辅音,with 后接什么情况发清辅音,什么情况下发浊辅音,非常感谢您们!爱您们!Havea nice day!
4、【Powehi】老师我想求教“你害怕吗?”是Do you scare?还是Are you scared? 这两句话读出来如何区分scare 和 scared呢?(因为scared末尾的d通常消音处理)谢谢!
片段二 第5季第14集
Monica: You are so cute! How did you getto be so cute?
Chandler: Well, my Grandfather was Swedish1and my Grandmother was actually a tiny littlebunny.
Monica: Okay, now you’reeven cuter!
Chandler: You’know that is a popular opiniontoday I must say.2The weirdest thing happened at the coffeehouse. I think Phoebe washitting on me.
Monica: What are youtalking about?
Chandler: I’m telling youI think Phoebe thinks I’m foxy.
Monica: That’s not possible! I’m sorry;it’s just, Phoebe just always thought you were, you were charming in a, in different kind of way.
Chandler: Oh,y’know I–I can’t hear that enough.3
Monica: I’m sorry, I think thatyoujust misunderstood her.
Chandler: No, I didn’tmisunderstand, Okay? She was all over me! Shetouched my bicepfor crying out loud!
Homework: 本周学习,连读掌握
1、Okay, now you’re even cuter!
2、I can’t hear that enough.
3、She touched my bicep forcrying out loud!
Homework: 课堂纠音,上节连读
1、Look, it’s not that crazy.Okay?
2、Janice and I have a lotin common!
3、Don’t put ideas in hishead!