Hey there I'm Mike Rugnetta, this is crash course theater and today we're exeunt in late medieval Europe and headed to late medieval Japan introducing one of the world's most distinct and Lasting theatrical styles, Noh.
嘿,大家好,我是迈克·鲁格内塔,这里是“戏剧速成小课堂” 讲完了欧洲中世纪晚期的戏剧 今天我们将进入中世纪晚期的日本戏剧 也是世界上最别具一格、历史最为悠久的戏剧风格之一——能剧(日本古典剧)
What's that York? No. It's~it's called Noh. Yes. Noh.
你知道吗尤里克 不 它叫“Noh” 是的 “Noh(能剧)”
No, Noh is the name, spelled n o h. The H is silent, handle it dude.
不不 “Noh”是它的名字 拼成n o h H不发声 记住了哥们儿
Anyway, we'll be tracing Noh's origins showing how it flourished in the 14th century. And then we'll explore its staging.
嗯 我们会讲到能剧的起源以及它在14世纪是怎样火起来的 之后我们还会研究一下能剧发展的几个阶段
We'll look at Kyogen, the farcical scenes between Noh plays which act as a nice reminder that the world isn't all vengeful ghosts and lamenting women.
我们会讲到“狂言” 能剧里面比较滑稽的场景 它用来提醒观众戏剧里不是只有复仇的鬼魂和哀怨的女人
We'll also look at Atsumori, Zeami Motokiyo's flute playing samurai Noh drama. So put on your favorite spirit mask and let's go.
我们还会讲到“敦盛”、世阿弥的武士能剧 所以 戴上你最喜欢的灵魂面具我们开始上课吧
We don't exactly know when or how theatres arrived in Japan. But the mythical version goes like so.
我们不太清楚戏剧是何时或者怎样传播到日本的 但是据传说过程是这样的:
One time the sun goddess Amaterasu was teased so badly by her brothers that she hid in the heavenly rock cave and the world went dark.
有一天 太阳神“天照大神(日本神话中高天原的统治者)受到了哥哥们的过分嘲笑 于是她躲到了天岩洞里 没有了太阳神 整个世界陷入了黑暗
Not great, so the gods tried to get her to emerge. But nothing worked until Amano-Uzumeno, the goddess of dawn mirth and revelry came up with a brilliant plan.
这样很不好 所以众神想方设法让她出来 但是并没有用 直到安满能天宇受神——黎明狂欢女神想出一招妙计
She would sing and dance while taking off her clothes, so she does this and the gods go crazy so crazy that the sun goddess pokes her head out and is like what's all this fuss about.
她一边唱歌跳舞一边脱衣服 众神都疯狂得不行不行了 最后太阳女神把头探出来说道:出什么幺蛾子了?
Light returns to the world and maybe also stripping gets invented. Stripping, theater, and light a natural tree, oh really.
再之后 世界又重新有了光亮 可能脱衣舞就是那时发明的 脱衣舞 戏剧 点亮大树 奥 真的
In terms of non-mythical origins, sacred dance was part of Shintoism the traditional religion of Japan, particularly important was Kagura or God music, a dance performed by priestesses.
就非神话起源而言 圣舞是日本传统宗教神道教的一部分 尤其是神乐 一种由女祭司表演的舞蹈
But in the 6th century CE, Buddhism arrived and with it Japan adopted additional forms of dance and ritual.
但在公元6世纪 佛教传入日本 日本之后便采用了其他形式的舞蹈和仪式
We know about some of these from a 712 CE text called "Records of Ancient Things". Sort of does what it says on the title.
这些在公元712年的一本叫作《古物志》文稿里都有记载 内容正如其名

In 782 some killjoy Nobles nix palace entertainers who were then taken in by Buddhist and Shinto Temples at which point worship got a lot more exciting.
公元782年 一些扫兴的贵族们拒绝了宫廷艺人 之后他们被纳入佛教和神道教寺庙 当时崇拜风气已经越来越为流行
Maybe you're noticing some similarities with the rise of liturgical drama in the West.
Noh has two more immediate predecessors, Dengaku, or field music, possibly originated in Korea.
能剧有两个直系前辈 田乐和军乐 大概来源于韩国(朝鲜)
It was associated with spring rice sowing and fall rice harvest festivals, and included comedy, juggling and dance.
与春稻播种和秋稻收获的节日有关 包含喜剧、杂耍和舞蹈
Sarugaku or monkey music possibly originating in China featured animal acts and nudity.
猿乐 或者叫猴乐 大概起源于中国 以动物表演和裸体为特色
More significant for Noh, Sarugaku also included dance theater in which the chorus would speak the lines for the main character when the dance became too vigorous.
对能剧来说更重要的是 猿乐还包含舞蹈剧 当舞蹈跳到高潮时合唱团就会为主角说台词
In the 12th century Buddhist temples adopted Sarugaku Noh, a cleaned-up version of the Sarugaku as a teaching tool.
12世纪时期佛教寺庙采用了猿乐能剧 它是一种教学工具 是净化版的猿乐
Even without animal acts were still a pretty long way from noh proper though.
就算没有动物表演 它比真正的能剧还差得多
The real funny moment came with Kiyotsugu Kan'Ami, an acclaimed Sarugaku Noh performer.
清次坎娜米出现后才有了真正的滑稽时刻 坎娜米据是一名广受欢迎的猿乐演员
When he shows up, Japan is structured as a Shogunate. Meaning that while there's an emperor most of the ruling is done by the Shogun, the highest-ranking general.
他出现时日本是幕府制度 也就是说 虽然有天皇 但基本就是幕府将军在统治 幕府将军是最高级别的将军
The Shogun in the late 14th century is a "shikaga yashimitsu". And he is big-time into culture.
14世纪的幕府首领是shikaga yashimitsu,并且他对文化很感兴趣
He becomes a patron at two Kan'Ami and then a patron and lover of Kan'Ami's son Zeami Motokiyo.
他成为坎娜米的赞助人 也是坎娜米的儿子世阿弥的爱人
Father Kan'Ami manages to combine Sarugaku Noh with stories borrowed from classical Japanese sources like The Tales of Genji and then ties the whole thing up with a Buddhist bow.
坎娜米先驱成功将猿乐能剧和日本经典故事如“源氏物语”结合起来 然后用佛教的作揖将整个故事串起来
Son Zeami then takes that form perfects it, and write some theory about it.
Because I mean, come on, someone's got to be doing theory at your theater, right?
因为 我的意思是 好吧 肯定要有专门研究戏剧理论的人 是吧
Zeami, also writes about a hundred of the plays considered Noh canon.
And guess what? We still have 21 of them yes sources.
你猜怎么着?我们还有21本 是的 原稿
Noh plays are short only 10 or so pages long, but they take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to perform, which may seem like a nice reasonable evening at the theater.
能剧很短 只有10页左右 但是表演时间从半小时到2小时不等 听起来像是美好而又时长合理的戏剧之夜
But when there are five types of Noh play and court entertainment includes one of each type, performances could last a but numbing eight hours.
但是 如果有5种类型的能剧并且宫廷娱乐包含了每种类型的其中一种 那么表演可能会持续8个小时 容易让人麻木
Each play consists of two scenes and most involve a ghost a demon or a tormented human who can't rest.
每出戏包含两个场景 大体是关于一个鬼魂 一个恶魔或者一个无法休息的饱受折磨的人
The language is a mix of verse and prose, most of it sung or chanted.
语言是诗歌和散文的混合体 大部分是吟唱
Every Noh play ends with the dance.
The five types of noh play are the Kami Mono, which involved the sacred story of a Shinto shrine. Shura Mono plays are about warriors like Atsumori, we're gonna meet him soon, Katsura Mono plays or wig plays are about wigs. JK(just kidding) They're about ladies who were played by wig wearing men because surprise surprise dudes only.
能剧的五种类型是神灵剧 讲述的是神社里的神圣故事 修罗剧讲述的是像敦盛这样的战士的 我们很快会见到他 桂精剧或者假发剧是关于假发的 开玩笑的 桂精剧是关于女士的 她们由戴着假发的男人扮演 因为由男人来演会有惊喜
The fourth type of noh play is basically a grab-bag.
Though it often included Gendai Mono plays which told naturalistic stories or the Kyojo Mono aka mad woman plays which are sad wig plays about a woman who loses a child or a lover and then goes insane.
它一般包括讲述自然故事的日本现代剧或疯女人剧 讲的是失去孩子或者情人之后疯了的女人的悲伤假发剧
The final type the Kichiku mono or demon plays feature supernatural beings and have the coolest masks I mean look at this and also this.
最后一种是鬼畜剧或者恶魔剧 以超自然生物和酷炫面具为特色 比如这个 还有这个
Noh dramas are philosophical and somewhat static. They're heavily influenced by Shinto ideas about our connection to nature and Buddhist ideas concerning the transitory nature of life and the destructiveness of desire.
能剧比较哲学化 比较静态 深受神道教思想和佛教思想的影响 神道教认为人与自然是相连的 佛教认为人的生命是短暂的 并且人的欲望具有破坏性
There's not a lot of action and the goal is to convey a mood rather than to tell a story. Each play has at least three characters and some have four or five.
能剧没有太多的动作 目的只是传达一种情绪而不是讲述一个故事 每部剧包含至少三个角色 有时会出现四到五个角色
The three essential types of characters are first the Shite, or main character. This is the only character to wear a mask.
三个重要角色 第一个叫“Shite(主角)” 也就是主角 这是唯一一个戴面具的角色
Second the Tsure the Shite's companion and third the Waki or witness or antagonist.
第二个叫“Tsure(配角)” 也就是主角的配角 第三个叫“Waki” 就是证人或者敌人
Sometimes the Shite is disguised in the first scene and reveals himself in the second scene. Sometimes as in Atsumori the Shite plays two different characters.
一般第一个场景是主角被伪装起来 第二个场景是主角暴露自己 有时比如在敦盛里 主角会饰演两个不同的角色。
Between subsequent Noh plays and sometimes between the scenes of one play, comedy scenes called Kyogen were staged.
后来 在能剧与能剧的表演间隙之间 有时会在一部剧的幕间 会上演一种叫作"Kyogen(狂言)"的喜剧
These were probably a nice change of pace because Noh plays aren't um~Funny?
这可能是一个不错的转变 因为能剧太枯燥了
There are two kinds of Kyogen, "Parodies of Noh", which are like satyr plays and scenes of everyday life based around stock characters, which resemble Roman comedies.
"Kyogen(狂言)"有两种类型 一种是“能剧的模仿” 类似于希腊神话中的羊人剧 另一种是基于定性角色的日常生活场景 类似于罗马喜剧
But in both cases. There is one big difference: Kyogen are never vulgar. They are short, usually music less and though the language is more casual than in Noh, they are still very carefully performed.
但是 不管哪种都和能剧有很大区别:Kyogen(狂言)很正派 很短 通常音乐较少 而且虽然使用的语言没有能剧里那么正式 但是表演上仍然很严谨
The Noh stage is pretty rad. The main part the Hon-Butai is roofed like a shrine and held up by four pillars.
能剧的舞台很棒 主舞台的主要部分有着类似神社一样的屋顶 有四根柱子支撑