And Harris pulled off a similar move when asked about the stock photo error on Buttigieg's site that she quipped about just days ago. "The mayor has made apologies for that," she said, before pivoting to focus on black voters.
Buttigieg hit all his talking points, kept his cool, and even managed to squeeze in a line that Forbes had ranked him as "literally the least wealthy person on this stage."
Buttigieg 抓住了他所有的谈话要点,保持冷静,甚至成功地挤出一句话,福布斯将他列为“这个舞台上最不富有的人”。
Electability, Schmelectability
Biden couldn't even get out his first sentence without stammering, "who is most likely to win the presidency in the first place?" Polls say he's still in a good position, but the fact he could hardly get the statement out shows that candidate may not be him. Biden continued to play his Obama card--"I come out of the black community.. In terms of my support and cite his vast experience in Washington, which may not play as well with many voters as Buttigieg's selling point of not having vast (or any) experience in Washington.
Biden 甚至连第一句话都结结巴巴地说不出来,“首先,谁最有可能赢得总统大选?”民意调查显示,他仍然处于有利地位,但他几乎无法发表声明的事实表明,这位候选人可能不是他。拜登继续打出他的奥巴马牌—“我来自黑人社区…”说到我对他的支持,并引用他在华盛顿的丰富经验,这可能不会像
Minutes later, Biden's first gaffe appeared in talking about his health care plan that would "not make people choose. Allow people to choose, I should say."
几分钟后,Biden 的第一次失言出现在谈论他的医疗保健计划时,他说这个计划“不会让人们做出选择”。我应该说,允许人们选择。”
Later on, when talking about violence against women, he said that politicians and society need to "keep punching at it, keep punching at it." Not a great choice of words. He said men should never raise a hand to a woman "except in self-defense, which rarely happens."
These sorts of gaffes don't seem to have mattered in the past to Biden voters. Still, when he started the campaign the nomination was his to lose--and he seems up to the task of losing it.
对于 Biden 的选民来说,这类失误在过去似乎并不重要。尽管如此,当他开始竞选时,他的提名是注定要失败的——而且他似乎能够承担失败的任务。
There was another Biden gaffe when he spoke of getting the support of "the only black woman to be elected to the Senate." There was a pause as Senator Cory Booker looked across the stage and Harris could be heard yelling, "No, I'm standing right here."
Moments earlier, Booker redirected a question thrown his way, saying, "I'd like to return to the issue of black voters, I've been one my entire life." The audience loved it, nearly as much as when Booker said he thought Biden "might have been high" when the former veep said he opposed legalizing marijuana.
就在几分钟前,布克重新提出了一个问题,他说,“我想回到黑人选民的问题上来,我一生都是黑人选民。”观众们都很喜欢,就像 Booker 所言,当前副总统Biden 说他反对大麻合法化时,他认为Biden“可能很兴奋”一样。
In other news, Warren had a plan, Bernie Sanders called for political revolution and Tom Steyer talked about climate change. As the field whittles down and the caucuses get closer, the candidates actually seem to be enjoying themselves more, which made for a more entertaining debate.
在其他新闻中,Warren 有一个计划,Bernie Sanders 呼吁政治革命,Tom Steyer 谈论气候变化。随着竞选活动的减少和党团会议的临近,候选人实际上似乎更享受他们自己,这使得辩论更有趣。
The next Democratic debate is December 19.