In Costa Rica, an increasing number of entrepreneurs and small businesses are switching to renewable sources of energy.
Because it's a smart economic choice. Luis Diego Vasquez says it's not just about being green.
因为这是一个有利于经济的明智选择。 瓦斯琪说那不仅很绿色环保。
The solar panels that run his ice cream shop save him money. We used to work with a gasoline generator here.
使其冰淇淋店运营的太阳能电池板还为他省钱。 我们之前使用的是汽油发电机。
The gas costs about 25 dollars a day. Now with the panels, no fuel is used.
汽油每天耗费25美元左右。 现在有了太阳能板,就不用使用燃料了。
There is no pollution, it does not make a sound, people like it and the investment is recovered by saving money on the fuel.
Vasquez and solar farmer Fatima Montealegre are part of the renewable energy economy.
It has allowed Costa Rica to get a record 98% of their electric energy from renewable sources.
We have the opportunity with this energy to have tranquility, health, save money, electricity,
gas and above all, we are contributing to the health of the planet and the health of all the people.
On a national scale, the country gets its energy from a number of sources, like wind energy,

geothermal energy and hydroelectric power, even the streetlights are solar-powered.
Government officials like Andrea Mesa say the country is making choices to go carbon-neutral. Because that is simply what the future will demand.
Where we are going to be very digitalized and these two processes feedback on each other
and where we are going to start to produce electricity in a decentralized manner, these are very structural changes of the energy model and the economic model
and the country sets out its road map to prepare and take advantage of it, to give it opportunities.
All this is possible because Costa Rica only has about 5 million citizens and no major industry. So their electric energy grid is small.
这一切都是有可能的,因为哥斯达黎加大约只有500万公民,没有主要产业。 所以他们的电能网很小。
But the transportation sector is big and that relies almost exclusively on gasoline.
Because of that petroleum products still account for most of the country's total energy use but Mesa insists that too will change.
It is imortant. This is like a mantra that we always repeat, this is not an environmental issue.
It is a development model issue. This is a matter of preparing the country for the fourth industrial revolution.
The world is moving towards an economy where we are going to stop using oil.
Although some think that it will never be possible but that is what we are going to do.
In the short term, analysts expect the growth of renewable energy and the demand for oil to continue to rise.
Kevin Enochs VOA news