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1984年苹果发布会 乔布斯介绍麦金塔(2)

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  • Just as the five and one quarter-inch floppy disk drive was an innovation in the 70s,
  • 就像5.25英寸的软盘驱动器是70年代的一项创新一样,
  • the 3.5-inch disk drive will be the disk of the 80s.
  • 3.5英寸的软盘驱动器将是80年代的标志。
  • It is far safer, and we're storing over 400k bytes of information on one side of a disk that can be put in your pocket.
  • 它要安全得多,我们可以在磁盘的一面存储超过400KB的信息,而且它可以放在你的口袋里。
  • Macintosh comes with two built-in serial ports, the RS232, the RS422
  • Macintosh有两个内置的串口,RS232和RS422,
  • and an incredible thing called Apple Bus Interconnect.
  • 还有一个不可思议的东西叫做苹果互连总线。
  • Macintosh has four-voice sound and speech built in.
  • Macintosh内置了四种声效和内建语音。
  • And it communicates with you on a high-definition, super crisp, bitmap 9-inch, black-and-white screen,
  • 它与你的交流是在一个高分辨率、高清晰、位图为9英寸的黑白屏幕上进行的,
  • which has over twice the number of dots on its screen of any current-generation personal computer.
  • 其屏点数是目前任何一代个人电脑的两倍多。
  • You have to see this display to believe it -- it's incredible.
  • 只有看到这种显示,你才能相信,Macintosh简直不可思议。
  • And all of this power fits in a box that is one-third the size and weight on an IBM PC.
  • 所有的这些都装在一个大小和重量只有IBM个人电脑三分之一的盒子里。
  • And we're introducing a family of products with Macintosh:
  • 我们接下来介绍Macintosh的一系列配套产品:
  • the image writer printer, an external disk drive, a modem, a numeric keypad, a Macintosh carrying case,
  • 图像写入打印机,一个外部磁盘驱动器,一个调制解调器,一个数字键盘,一个Macintosh的手提箱
  • and a security kit so your Macintosh won't go anywhere without you.
  • 还有一个安全工具包,这样你的Macintosh就不会扔下你去别的地方了。
  • You've just seen some pictures of Macintosh.
  • 你们刚刚看到的是Macintosh的一些图片。
  • Now I'd like to show you Macintosh in person.
  • 现在我想亲自向你们展示一下Macintosh。
  • All of the images you are about to see on the large screen will be generated by what's in that bag.
  • 你们将在大屏幕上看到的所有图像,都是由袋子里的那个东西生成的。


Just as the five and one quarter-inch floppy disk drive was an innovation in the 70s, the 3.5-inch disk drive will be the disk of the 80s. It is far safer, and we're storing over 400k bytes of information on one side of a disk that can be put in your pocket.

Macintosh comes with two built-in serial ports, the RS232, the RS422 and an incredible thing called Apple Bus Interconnect.
Macintosh has four-voice sound and speech built in.
And it communicates with you on a high-definition, super crisp, bitmap 9-inch, black-and-white screen, which has over twice the number of dots on its screen of any current-generation personal computer. You have to see this display to believe it -- it's incredible.

1984年苹果发布会 乔布斯介绍麦金塔

And all of this power fits in a box that is one-third the size and weight on an IBM PC.

And we're introducing a family of products with Macintosh: the image writer printer, an external disk drive, a modem, a numeric keypad, a Macintosh carrying case, and a security kit so your Macintosh won't go anywhere without you.
You've just seen some pictures of Macintosh. Now I'd like to show you Macintosh in person. All of the images you are about to see on the large screen will be generated by what's in that bag.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

screen [skri:n]


n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风
v. 放映,选拔,掩

serial ['siəriəl]


n. 序列,串列
adj. 连续的,一连串的

external [ik'stə:nl]


adj. 外部的,外面的,外来的,表面的

innovation [.inəu'veiʃən]


n. 创新,革新

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

display [di'splei]


n. 显示,陈列,炫耀
vt. 显示,表现,夸


关键字: 乔布斯 苹果 发布会




