An amendment offered by Paul that would have cut and cap spending, in addition to balancing the budget, failed to muster the 60-vote threshold needed to pass.
Many of the Republicans who did not support the budget, including Paul, voted for Trump's tax cuts in 2017, which the Congressional Budget Office has projected will add nearly $2 trillion to the deficit by 2028.
包括 Paul 在内的许多不支持预算案的共和党人在2017年投票支持特朗普的减税计划。国会预算办公室预计,到2028年,赤字将增加近2万亿美元。
Leading up to the vote, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell urged his colleagues to support the budget.
在投票之前,参议院多数党领袖 Mitch McConnell 敦促他的同僚支持这项预算。
"This is the agreement the administration has negotiated. This is the deal the House has passed. This is the deal President Trump is waiting and eager to sign into law this is the deal that every member of this body should support when we vote later this morning," the Kentucky Republican said on the Senate floor.
The budget will raise defense spending, something Republican leadership has used to entice its members to support the funding, in addition to the fact that the U.S. will avert a detrimental default on its debt.
"Perhaps most importantly, particularly to my Republican colleagues and to me, this legislation sets a specific funding level for our national defense," McConnell said in his floor remarks. "It secures our nation's full faith and credit and ensures that Congress will not throw an unnecessary wrench into the gears of job growth and the thriving economy."
McConnell 在发言中说。“它确保了我们国家的充分信任和信誉,并确保国会不会给就业增长和繁荣的经济带来不必要的阻碍。”