The Master was put in fear in K'wang. He said, "After the death of King Wan, was not the cause of truth lodged here in me?
"If Heaven had wished to let this cause of truth perish, then I, a future mortal! should not have got such a relation to that cause.
While Heaven does not let the cause of truth perish, what can the people of K'wang do to me?"
A high officer asked Tsze-kung, saying, "May we not say that your Master is a sage? How various is his ability!"

Tsze-kung said, "Certainly Heaven has endowed him unlimitedly. He is about a sage. And, moreover, his ability is various."
The Master heard of the conversation and said, "Does the high officer know me?
When I was young, my condition was low, and I acquired my ability in many things, but they were mean matters.
Must the superior man have such variety of ability? He does not need variety of ability.
Lao said, "The Master said, 'Having no official employment, I acquired many arts.'"