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蓝宝石案(MP3+中英字幕) 第37期:赖德先生(7)

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  • "Well, I did what she said, Mr. Holmes, and I carried the bird all the way to Kilburn.
  • "就这样,我照我姐姐说的做了,福尔摩斯先生,于是我带着这只鹅一路跑到基尔伯恩。
  • I told my pal what I had done, for he was a man that it was easy to tell a thing like that to.
  • 我把我所做的一切都告诉了我的伙伴,因为他是一个可以将此类事情推心置腹地相告的人。
  • He laughed until he choked, and we got a knife and opened the goose.
  • 他乐得喘不上气来。我们持刀将鹅开了膛。
  • My heart turned to water, for there was no sign of the stone, and I knew that some terrible mistake had occurred.
  • 我的心一下子凉了半截,因为嗉囊里根本没有蓝宝石的踪影,我知道一定发生了什么很糟糕的差错。
  • I left the bird, rushed back to my sister's, and hurried into the back yard.
  • 我置鹅于不顾,急步奔向我姐姐家里,匆匆走进了后院。
  • There was not a bird to be seen there.
  • 但是那里已经一只鹅也不见了。"
  • "'Where are they all, Maggie?' I cried.
  • 我喊道:'麦琪,那些鹅都到哪里去了?'
  • "'Gone to the dealer's, Jem.'
  • "'已经送到经销店去了,杰姆。'
  • "'Which dealer's?' "'Breckinridge, of Covent Garden.'
  • "'哪家经销店?'"'考文特园的布莱肯里奇。'
  • "'But was there another with a barred tail?' I asked, 'the same as the one I chose?'
  • "'其中是否有一只尾巴带有黑道的鹅?和我挑选的那只一样的?'我问道。
  • "'Yes, Jem; there were two barred-tailed ones, and I could never tell them apart.'
  • "'有的,杰姆,一共有两只尾巴带黑道的鹅,连我都分不清它们。'


"Well, I did what she said, Mr. Holmes, and I carried the bird all the way to Kilburn.

I told my pal what I had done, for he was a man that it was easy to tell a thing like that to.
He laughed until he choked, and we got a knife and opened the goose.
My heart turned to water, for there was no sign of the stone, and I knew that some terrible mistake had occurred.
I left the bird, rushed back to my sister's, and hurried into the back yard.

福尔摩斯探案集 蓝宝石案

There was not a bird to be seen there.

"'Where are they all, Maggie?' I cried.
"'Gone to the dealer's, Jem.'
"'Which dealer's?' "'Breckinridge, of Covent Garden.'
"'But was there another with a barred tail?' I asked, 'the same as the one I chose?'
"'Yes, Jem; there were two barred-tailed ones, and I could never tell them apart.'




