Two O'Clock, a hundred yards! Coming up on Jonathan Bird's Blue World, Jonathan travels to the Caribbean to swim with one of the world's largest animals...the Humpback whale!
Hi, I'm Jonathan Bird and welcome to my world!
Whales are the largest animals on Earth. Yet ironically they are one of the most difficult animals to see and film.
Normally Humpbacks are found in the cool and rich waters of the temperate seas.
But every year for a short period of time, Humpback whales from the North Atlantic migrate to the warm and clear waters of the Caribbean to mate and give birth.
And one of the largest gathering places in the world is the Silver Banks, in the Dominican Republic.
The Dominican Republic occupies half the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean sea. Just north of the island is a shallow area called the Silver Banks—that's where the whales are found.
During the summer, Humpbacks live in the cool, murky waters of the North Atlantic where there are huge schools of small fish to eat.
They migrate two thousand miles down to the Silver Banks in the winter so they can have their calves in warm, calm, protected tropical water.
This is the best place to film them underwater because the ocean is so clear.
I will be working for the week aboard the Turks and Caicos Aggressor, a live aboard dive boat that spends about two months a year here in the Dominican Republic.
I board the boat and meet Captain Amanda Bryan. For most of my expeditions I need a lot of dive gear, but for this expedition, all I need is my mask, fins and snorkel.
Soon we depart from the marina and begin a 90 mile trip north over the open Caribbean Sea, under a beautiful blue sky. Our journey takes about 6 hours.
When we reach the Silver Banks, I can see why this area is popular with the whales. Isolated coral reefs dot the entire area like a minefield.
They provide protection from waves, but the water between the reefs is still 80-100 feet deep, providing the depth that large animals like whales need.
This is just one of many shipwrecks that have accidentally hit one of the reefs in the Silver Banks.
In fact, the bank gets its name from the large number of galleons carrying silver and treasure that supposedly sank here.
Captain Amanda carefully moves the boat around the coral heads to a mooring where our floating home-away-from-home will stay all week.
So I need at least 300 feet of line out at this point.

Soon, it's time to launch the Zodiacs. We will use these smaller boats to attempt getting close to the whales on the surface.
While the Zodiacs are going into the water, Humpbacks surface right around our boat! I can hardly wait to get in the water with them!!
The next morning, my team and I board the Zodiac for a day on the water. Now it's a matter of patience and persistence.
While Captain Dennis is driving the boat slowly in search of whales, I'll be watching the horizon for hours, looking for whale spouts.
Before we find any whales, some dolphins find us! Our dive master Mario is on the bow with a keen eye for whales in the distance.
Finally, a whale that looks approachable. Two o'clock, a hundred yards! The whale is just hanging out, not moving very fast, and doesn't seem afraid of our Zodiac as we float nearby.
It's time for me to attempt getting close to the whale in the water. I put on my snorkeling gear and lower myself very quietly into the water.
Once I have my camera, I float silently in the water to see if the whale will come over to check me out.
The whale is hovering down below, looking up at me. She might be curious, but not that curious.
I wait a bit longer to see if she will come up and investigate. After a few minutes, the whale starts to surface. Either I have piqued her interest, or she just needs a breath of air.
Humpbacks can go nearly an hour on a single breath if they need to, but resting animals like this one usually breathe every 20 minutes or so.
Soon, it appears that the whale is just getting a breath, and has no interest in me.
But she turns around for a quick look anyway. If she would just come a little closer!
No such luck. She turns and swims away. Her massive tail, called a fluke, is as wide as two cars parked next to each other!
I watch her swim away. Chasing after her would be no use. Even when they are barely swimming, whales swim much faster than snorkelers.
So frustrating! The whales are just really skittish. They don't want us near them. We're actually frightening them. It's hard to believe that an animal that big could be scared of us!
So, we head off looking for some different whales. What we need to find is a mother and calf. Sometimes, the calves are more curious than their mom.
Okay, two o'clock whales! Mario finds another whale, and decides to see if it will let him get close.
He puts on his gear and slips into the water. I'm waiting to see what happens.