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BBC环球慢速英语 第439期:有机巧克力(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Spanish sailors arrived in South America in the sixteenth century.
  • 西班牙水手在16世纪抵达南美洲。
  • They observed how the Aztec people used the cocoa beans.
  • 他们看到了阿兹特克人使用可可豆的方式。
  • They heard them speak about the special powers of the cocoa bean drink.
  • 他们听到阿兹特克人说起可可豆饮料的特殊能力。
  • The Spanish sailors decided to bring some beans back with them to Spain.
  • 西班牙水手决定带些可可豆回西班牙。
  • The Spanish people also made a hot drink with the beans.
  • 西班牙人也用可可豆制作了一种热饮。
  • But they decided to add sugar. The sweet 'chocolate' was very popular.
  • 不过他们决定在里面加些糖。这种甜“巧克力”备受欢迎。
  • Soon everyone in Europe and America were enjoying it.
  • 很快,欧洲和美洲的所有人都喜欢上了这种甜巧克力。
  • There were many stories concerning the sweet chocolate.
  • 有很多与这种甜巧克力有关的故事。
  • Some people believed that chocolate would cure heart disease.
  • 一些人认为这种巧克力能治愈心脏疾病。
  • Others said that it made the skin look better.
  • 其他人则认为这种巧克力能改善皮肤。
  • A group of chocolate-makers made an even more surprising claim.
  • 一群巧克力制造商甚至给出了更令人吃惊的说法。
  • They said that their chocolate would stop people from getting old!
  • 他们说他们的巧克力能防止人们变老!
  • There were many untrue beliefs about chocolate.
  • 有关巧克力有很多不正确的看法。
  • But one thing was true. And it is true today.
  • 但是有件事是真的。而且至今仍是真的。
  • Almost everyone likes chocolate. Give a child a chocolate and they will smile.
  • 几乎所有人都喜欢巧克力。给孩子巧克力会让他们露出笑容。
  • Offer an adult a chocolate and they will smile too!
  • 给成年人巧克力也会让他们展露笑颜!


Voice 2: Spanish sailors arrived in South America in the sixteenth century. They observed how the Aztec people used the cocoa beans. They heard them speak about the special powers of the cocoa bean drink. The Spanish sailors decided to bring some beans back with them to Spain. The Spanish people also made a hot drink with the beans. But they decided to add sugar. The sweet 'chocolate' was very popular. Soon everyone in Europe and America were enjoying it.

Voice 1: There were many stories concerning the sweet chocolate. Some people believed that chocolate would cure heart disease. Others said that it made the skin look better. A group of chocolate-makers made an even more surprising claim. They said that their chocolate would stop people from getting old! There were many untrue beliefs about chocolate. But one thing was true. And it is true today. Almost everyone likes chocolate. Give a child a chocolate and they will smile. Offer an adult a chocolate and they will smile too!


重点单词   查看全部解释    
claim [kleim]


n. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的





