Voice 2: About ninety percent of people with diabetes have the type two disease. In type two diabetes, the body does not use insulin correctly. And it does not make enough insulin to deal with this. In most cases type two diabetes is linked to being overweight. Usually, it cannot be cured. People need to take medicine to control it - for the rest of their lives.
Voice 1: In the past, people considered diabetes type two to be an 'older person's' disease. However, health reports state that the number of young people with diabetes is increasing. The International Diabetes Federation group said that:
Voice 3: "The rates of overweight and obese children are particularly worrying... The future does not look good for the next generation. Early deaths and disability will result from too much weight and from diabetes."
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201903/578910.shtml