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万物简史(MP3+中英字幕) 第521期:丰富多彩的生命(17)

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  • Yet there is surprisingly little agreement on how many phyla there are or ought to be.
  • 然而,令人吃惊的是,在关于有多少门或诙有多少门的问题上,人们的看法大相径庭。
  • Most biologists fix the total at about thirty, but some opt for a number in the low twenties,
  • 许多生物学家坚持认为总数大约是30个门,但有的认为20来个门比较合适,
  • while Edward O. Wilson in The Diversity of Life puts the number at a surprisingly robust eighty-nine.
  • 而爱德华·O·威尔逊在《生命的多样性》一书里提出的数字高达令人吃惊的89门。
  • It depends on where you decide to make your divisions — whether you are a "lumper" or a "splitter," as they say in the biological world.
  • 这取决于你以什么立场来进行分类——即生物学界人士所说的,取决于你究竟是个“聚合分类学家”还是个“分离分类学家”。
  • At the more workaday level of species, the possibilities for disagreements are even greater.
  • 在更平常的层面上,对物种叫法不一的可能性更大。
  • Whether a species of grass should be called Aegilops incurva, Aegilops incurvata,
  • 一种山羊草究竟应该被叫做Aegilops incurva,Aegilops incurvata
  • or Aegilops ovata may not be a matter that would stir many nonbotanists to passion,
  • 还是Aegilops ovata,也许不是个大问题,不会激起许多非植物学家的热情,
  • but it can be a source of very lively heat in the right quarters.
  • 但在有关的人士当中可以引发非常激烈的争辩。
  • The problem is that there are five thousand species of grass and many of them look awfully alike even to people who know grass.
  • 问题在于,世界上总共有5000种草,其中许多连懂草的人看起来也极其相像。
  • In consequence, some species have been found and named at least twenty times,
  • 结果,有几种至少被发现和命名了20次,
  • and there are hardly any, it appears, that haven't been independently identified at least twice.
  • 好像几乎没有哪种草不是被独立发现至少两次的。
  • The two-volume Manual of the Grasses of the United States devotes two hundred closely typeset pages to sorting out all the synonymies,
  • 两卷本的《美国草志》甩了密密麻麻的200页来清理所有的同义词,
  • as the biological world refers to its inadvertent but quite common duplications.
  • 都是植物学界漫不经心地经常使用的重复名称。
  • And that is just for the grasses of a single country.
  • 那还仅仅牵涉到一个国家的草类。
  • To deal with disagreements on the global stage,
  • 为了解决在全球范围存在的差异,
  • a body known as the International Association for Plant Taxonomy arbitrates on questions of priority and duplication.
  • 一个名叫国际植物分类学协会的组织对次序和重复的问题做出裁决。


Yet there is surprisingly little agreement on how many phyla there are or ought to be. Most biologists fix the total at about thirty, but some opt for a number in the low twenties, while Edward O. Wilson in The Diversity of Life puts the number at a surprisingly robust eighty-nine. It depends on where you decide to make your divisionswhether you are a "lumper" or a "splitter," as they say in the biological world.


At the more workaday level of species, the possibilities for disagreements are even greater. Whether a species of grass should be called Aegilops incurva, Aegilops incurvata, or Aegilops ovata may not be a matter that would stir many nonbotanists to passion, but it can be a source of very lively heat in the right quarters. The problem is that there are five thousand species of grass and many of them look awfully alike even to people who know grass. In consequence, some species have been found and named at least twenty times, and there are hardly any, it appears, that haven't been independently identified at least twice. The two-volume Manual of the Grasses of the United States devotes two hundred closely typeset pages to sorting out all the synonymies, as the biological world refers to its inadvertent but quite common duplications. And that is just for the grasses of a single country.

在更平常的层面上,对物种叫法不一的可能性更大。一种山羊草究竟应该被叫做Aegilops incurvaAegilops incurvata还是Aegilops ovata,也许不是个大问题,不会激起许多非植物学家的热情,但在有关的人士当中可以引发非常激烈的争辩。问题在于,世界上总共有5000种草,其中许多连懂草的人看起来也极其相像。结果,有几种至少被发现和命名了20次,好像几乎没有哪种草不是被独立发现至少两次的。两卷本的《美国草志》甩了密密麻麻的200页来清理所有的同义词,都是植物学界漫不经心地经常使用的重复名称。那还仅仅牵涉到一个国家的草类。
To deal with disagreements on the global stage, a body known as the International Association for Plant Taxonomy arbitrates on questions of priority and duplication.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
consequence ['kɔnsikwəns]


n. 结果,后果

passion ['pæʃən]


n. 激情,酷爱

lively ['laivli]



source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料



adj. 被识别的;经鉴定的;被认同者 v. 鉴定(id

priority [prai'ɔriti]


n. 优先权,优先顺序,优先

stir [stə:]


n. 感动(激动,愤怒或震动), 搅拌,骚乱

association [ə.səusi'eiʃən]


n. 联合,结合,交往,协会,社团,联想

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的





