The eunuch's smile never flickered, but his eyes glittered with something that was not laughter. "You are kind to ask, my lord, but my tale is long and sad, and we have treasons to discuss." He drew a parchment from the sleeve of his robe. "The master of the King's Galley White Hart plots to slip anchor three days hence to offer his sword and ship to Lord Stannis."
Tyrion sighed. "I suppose we must make some sort of bloody lesson out of the man?"

Ser Jacelyn could arrange for him to vanish, but a trial before the king would help assure the continued loyalty of the other captains.
And keep my royal nephew occupied as well. "As you say. Put him down for a dose of Joffrey's justice."
Varys made a mark on the parchment. "Ser Horas and Ser Hobber Redwyne have bribed a guard to let them out a postern gate, the night after next. Arrangements have been made for them to sail on the Pentoshi galley Moonrunner, disguised as oarsmen."
Can we keep them on those oars for a few years, see how they fancy it? He smiled. "No, my sister would be distraught to lose such treasured guests.