Well, you guys, I heard that the Academy Awards are planning to move forward without a host.
Yeah, sounds crazy until you remember that America's been moving forward without a government.
And so it's doable. Well, it just came out that last year, Robert Mueller secretly interviewed one of Trump's campaign pollsters, Tony Fabrizio.
Which is impressive, cause usually when you have a secret meeting with a guy named Tony Fabrizio, you don't come back.
Jimmy, oh. Talk to my friend Tony Fabrizio, all right? Forget about it. Stop doing that to my hand.
Just take a little something for you. Stop doing that to my hand. This is for you. All right?

It's like Tony Febrezio. Febreze, you never smelled anything. Nothing ever happened. No, no, no.
I saw that next month, Trump's longtime lawyer Michael Cohen is gonna testify publicly in Congress.
Trump heard that, and he was like, While you're there, can you ask if you can borrow 5.7 billion dollars?
Just while you're there. Just, Thank you. Will you be a lamb? Just be a lamb and ask for 5 billion dollars.
Check this out, Disneyland is raising its prices, and the cheapest ticket will be over 100 dollars.
Yeah, They know it's kind of shocking, which is why they take your picture the moment you find out the price.
Then they sell that to you for 500 bucks. 500? Wow. And this is when me and the missus found out it was gonna be...
But get this... A gas shortage in Mexico could mean that avocados aren't delivered to the U.S. before Super Bowl Sunday.
It's the first time gas will affect Mexican food and not the other way around. Yeah. Thank you.