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英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第828期:美文《牛奶咖啡与生活碎片》

来源:可可英语 编辑:hepburn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Today Ive been drinking instant coffee and Pet milk, and watching it snow. Its not that I enjoy the taste especially, but I like the way Pet milk swirls in the coffee. Pet milk isnt real milk. The colours off, to start with. Theres almost something of the past about it, like old ivory.


My grandmother always drank it in her coffee. When friends dropped over and sat around the kitchen table, my grandma would ask, “Do you take cream and sugar?” Pet milk was the cream. I remember how often times, I would be watching the Pet milk swirl and cloud in my steaming coffee, and how I would notice, outside her window, the sky doing the same thing above the railroad yard across the street.


And I remember, much later, seeing the same swirling sky in tiny liqueur glasses containing a drink called a King Alphonse: the crème de cacao rising like smoke, like clouds through the layer of heavy cream. This was in the Pilsen, a little Czech restaurant where my girlfriend, Kate, and I would go sometimes in the evening. It was the first year out of college for both of us, and we had astonished ourselves by finding real jobs-no more waitressing or pumping gas, the way wed done in school.

我还记得,又过了很长时间,我在盛着一种名为“King Alphonse”的饮品的酒杯中再次看到了那种风起云涌:可可甜酒像烟雾一样升起,像云朵一样穿过厚厚的奶油层。那是在一家名叫皮尔森的不大的捷克餐厅。当时,我跟女友凯特晚上会时不时过去坐坐。那是我俩大学毕业后的第一年。我们还在为能够找到真正意义上的工作而兴奋不已——再也不用像在学校里那样做些餐厅服务员或加油站加油工的工作。

I was investigating credit references at a bank, and she was doing something slightly above the rank of typist for Hornblower & Weeks, the investment firm. Kate and I would sometimes meet after work at the Pilsen, dressed in our proper business clothes and still feeling both a little self-conscious and glamorous, as if we were impostors wearing disguises. Wed sit in a corner under a painting calledThe Street Musicians of Pragueand trade future plans as if they were escape routes.

我当时在一家银行负责信用备咨调查工作,她在一家名叫Hornblower & Weeks的投资公司做一些略高于打字员级别的事情。我和凯特有时会在下班后,身穿笔挺的工装在皮尔森餐厅见面。当时,我们还会觉得多少有些难为情,也会觉得自己挺有魅力的,好像我们的这身行头跟自己并不是太搭。我们总会坐在一幅名为“布拉格街头音乐家”的画作下面的角落里,交流着我们未来能够出人头地的宏伟计划。

She talked of going to grad school in Europe; I wanted to apply to the Peace Corps. Our plans for the future made us laugh and feel close, but those same plans somehow made anything more than temporary between us seem impossible. It was the first time Id ever had the feeling of missing someone I was still with.


We went there often enough to have our own special waiter, Rudi, a name he pronounced with a rolled R. Rudi boned our trout and seasoned our salads, and at the end of each meal hed bring the bottle of crème de cacao from the bar, along with two little glasses and a small pitcher of heavy cream, and make us each a King Alphonse right at our table. If he failed to float the cream, wed get that one free. He liked us, and we tipped extra. It felt good to be there and to be able to pay for a meal.

我们在那家餐厅通常都会让我们的专用服务员鲁迪为我们上餐,他说自己的名字时带着明显的卷舌音。鲁迪负责为我们的鳟鱼剔骨,以及为我们的沙拉调味。每次进完餐,他都会从吧台给我们拿来一瓶可可甜酒,外加两个小玻璃杯和一小罐浓奶油,还会在我们的餐桌上放上两杯King Alphonse。如果他没能让奶油漂浮起来,这杯King Alphonse就免费了。他非常喜欢我们,我们也愿意多给他些小费。在那家餐厅坐一坐,再点儿东西吃的感觉真好。

Kate and I met at the Pilsen for supper on my twenty-second birthday. It was May, and unseasonably hot. Id opened my tie. Even before looking at the dinner menu, we ordered a bottle of Mumms and a dozen oysters apiece. We squeezed on lemon, added dabs of horseradish, slid the oysters into our mouths, and then rinsed the shells with champagne and drank the salty, cold juice. We laughed and grandly sipped it all down.



I was already half tipsy from drinking too fast, and starting to feel filled with a euphoric, aching energy. Kate raised a brimming oyster shell to me in a toast: “To the Peace Corps!” “To Europe!” I replied, and we clunked shells. She touched her wineglass to mine and whispered:” Happy birthday”. and then suddenly leaned across the table and kissed me. When she sat down again, she was flushed.


I caught the reflection of her face in the glass-coveredThe Street Musicians of Pragueabove our table. I always loved seeing her in mirrors and windows. The reflections of her beauty startled me. I had told her that once, and she seemed to fend off the compliment, saying, “Thats because youve learned what to look for,” as if it were a secret Id stumbled upon. But, this time, seeing her reflection hovering ghostlike upon an imaginary Prague was like seeing a future from which she had vanished. l knew Id never meet anyone more beautiful to me.


We killed the champagne and sat twining fingers across the table. We still hadnt ordered dinner. “Lets go somewhere,” she said. My roommate would already be home at my place, which was closer. Kate lived up north, in Evanston. It seemed a long way away. We walked to the subway. The evening rush was winding down; we must have caught the last express heading toward Evanston. There werent any seats together, so we stood swaying at the front of the car, beside the empty conductors compartment. We wedged inside, I clicked the door shut, and kissed her again.


We were speeding past scorched brick walls, grey windows, back porches outlined in sun, roofs, and treetops. Even without looking, I knew almost exactly where we were. The train was braking a little from express speed, as it did each time it passed a local station. I could see blurred faces on the long wooden platform watching us pass-businessmen glancing up from folded newspapers, women clutching purses and shopping bags.


I could see the expression on each face, momentarily arrested, as we flashed by. A high school kid in shirt sleeves, maybe sixteen, with books tucked under one arm and a cigarette in his mouth, caught sight of us, and in the instant before he disappeared he grinned and started to wave. It was as if I were standing on that platform, with my schoolbooks and a smoke, on one of those endlessly accumulated afternoons after school when I stood almost outside of time simply waiting for a train, and I thought how much Id have loved seeing someone like us streaming by.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
temporary ['tempərəri]


adj. 暂时的,临时的
n. 临时工

salty ['sɔ:lti]


adj. 咸的

rank [ræŋk]


n. 等级,阶层,排,列
v. 分等级,排列,

compliment ['kɔmplimənt]


n. 称赞,恭维,(复数)致意
vt. 称赞,

pronounced [prə'naunst]


adj. 显著的,断然的,明确的 pronounce的过

oyster ['ɔistə]


n. 牡蛎

conductor [kən'dʌktə]


n. 售票员,导体,指挥

touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

pitcher ['pitʃə]


n. 水罐,[棒球]投手,[植]瓶状叶





