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欧美人文风情(视频+文本+字幕)第386篇: 有话直说的好处

编辑:Ceciliya   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Think she's cheating on me? No, I don't think so.
  • 你们觉得她是不是劈腿?没有啦,我觉得不会。
  • Well, you should definitely talk to her. She's cheating on you, bro. Drop her. Right?
  • 你绝对应该跟她谈谈。她就是劈腿啦,兄弟。甩了她。好吗?
  • Nice tights. Are you flirting with me? Maybe.
  • 紧身裤好看。你在跟我调情吗?可能喔。
  • You want to take me out tonight, you should just ask.
  • 如果你今晚想约我出去,你就直接问。
  • Personally, I love being one of the many girls who was blunt and honest. I mean, it gets you what you want.
  • 我个人是喜欢当有话直说的诚实女孩。我的意思是说,这会让你得到想要的东西。
  • Also, we're usually the ones who decide where the group of friends is gonna eat for lunch that day.
  • 而且我们通常会是那个决定当天朋友们午餐要去哪里吃的人。
  • We should get sushi, you guys. No, no, no, let's get Chinese food.
  • 大家,我觉得我们应该吃寿司。不、不、不,我们去吃中式料理。
  • Okay, but sushi is better, so... No, Chinese food sounds good right now, so—
  • 但我觉得寿司比较好吃,所以... 不要,中式听起来不错,所以-
  • Okay, it's the same thing... No, that's racist. Uh, stop it. We are getting Mexican.
  • 那根本跟寿司一样... 才不一样,你种族歧视。够啦。我们吃墨西哥菜。
  • So, that's cool. But sometimes, you can rub people the wrong way.
  • 事情这样才会好好解决。但有时候你可能会用错误的方式惹怒别人。
  • Chris, you gotta take that hat off, man. New Year was like two weeks ago. Come on.
  • Chris,你不要再戴那顶帽子了,天哪。新年已经过两个礼拜了。拜托。
  • My dead grandmother gave me this hat.
  • 这帽子是我过世的奶奶给我的。
  • And, uh, sometimes it can get you into trouble.
  • 而且,额,有时候会让你惹来麻烦。
  • Guys, we just had a crazy year this year. Yeah, like that tie.
  • 我们今年刚过完疯狂的一年。对啊,跟那条领带一样疯。
  • But people trust us for the truth.
  • 但别人会相信我们说的话才是真的。
  • And those are my ideas. Thanks. Really good job. Thanks.
  • 以上就是我的想法。谢谢。讲得很棒。谢谢。
  • Quinta. Yeah? How was it? Girl, you killed it. Really? Yes. Thank you.
  • Quinta。怎么了?我刚刚说得怎么样?宝贝,你表现超棒。真的吗?真的。谢谢。
  • And when we do get what we want, we usually have a ball with people who appreciate us the way we are.
  • 我们得到想要的东西后,常常过得很愉快,因为我们有欣赏我们直率本性的人。
  • You're gonna come over, and you're gonna meet my friends. Don't tell me what I'm gonna do.
  • 你要过来,然后和我朋友见面。不要跟我说我该怎么做。
  • Well, it's not a big deal. You're gonna come over, and you're gonna meet my friends.
  • 这没什么啦。你就过来,然后跟我朋友见见面。
  • Okay. And we're the kind of people who can start a revolution.
  • 好啦。而且我们会是开启革命的那种人。
  • I can't give you guys Martin Luther King Day off this year.
  • 我今年没办法让你们大家在马丁·路德·金恩纪念日放假了。
  • That is unacceptable, okay? Martin Luther King did not die for our sins so that we could work on his birthday.
  • 这不能接受,好吗?马丁·路德·金恩为了我们的原罪死去,不是要让我们在他的生日当天工作的。
  • I thought that was Jesus. I don't know; I just want the day off, so let's hear it.
  • 那是耶稣吧。我不知道;我只是想放假,所以我们听她的。
  • Yeah! Amen to that! Yeah! Yeah! We will not work on that day. Okay, okay. You guys have the day off.
  • 没错!阿门! 没错!没错!我们那天不工作。好、好。你们那天可以放假。
  • Basically, keep being blunt. The world needs people like you. Otherwise, how would we get anything done?
  • 基本上,继续当个直言不讳的人吧。这个世界需要像你这样的人。不然的话,要怎么搞定任何事情啊?
  • Okay. All right, guys. I think we should still get Chinese food. Eugene Lee Yang, we are getting Mexican food. All right.
  • 好吧。好了,大家。我还是觉得我们应该去吃中菜。尤金·李·杨,我们要吃墨西哥菜。知道了吧。
  • All right. Come, come on. Okay.
  • 好吧。来,来呀。好啦。


原味人文风情:Think she's cheating on me? No, I don't think so.

Well, you should definitely talk to her. She's cheating on you, bro. Drop her. Right?
Nice tights. Are you flirting with me? Maybe.
You want to take me out tonight, you should just ask.
Personally, I love being one of the many girls who was blunt and honest. I mean, it gets you what you want.
Also, we're usually the ones who decide where the group of friends is gonna eat for lunch that day.
We should get sushi, you guys. No, no, no, let's get Chinese food.

Okay, but sushi is better, so... No, Chinese food sounds good right now, so

但我觉得寿司比较好吃,所以... 不要,中式听起来不错,所以-
Okay, it's the same thing... No, that's racist. Uh, stop it. We are getting Mexican.
那根本跟寿司一样... 才不一样,你种族歧视。够啦。我们吃墨西哥菜。
So, that's cool. But sometimes, you can rub people the wrong way.
Chris, you gotta take that hat off, man. New Year was like two weeks ago. Come on.
My dead grandmother gave me this hat.
And, uh, sometimes it can get you into trouble.
Guys, we just had a crazy year this year. Yeah, like that tie.
But people trust us for the truth.
And those are my ideas. Thanks. Really good job. Thanks.
Quinta. Yeah? How was it? Girl, you killed it. Really? Yes. Thank you.
And when we do get what we want, we usually have a ball with people who appreciate us the way we are.
You're gonna come over, and you're gonna meet my friends. Don't tell me what I'm gonna do.
Well, it's not a big deal. You're gonna come over, and you're gonna meet my friends.
Okay. And we're the kind of people who can start a revolution.
I can't give you guys Martin Luther King Day off this year.
That is unacceptable, okay? Martin Luther King did not die for our sins so that we could work on his birthday.
I thought that was Jesus. I don't know; I just want the day off, so let's hear it.


Yeah! Amen to that! Yeah! Yeah! We will not work on that day. Okay, okay. You guys have the day off.

没错!阿门! 没错!没错!我们那天不工作。好、好。你们那天可以放假。
Basically, keep being blunt. The world needs people like you. Otherwise, how would we get anything done?
Okay. All right, guys. I think we should still get Chinese food. Eugene Lee Yang, we are getting Mexican food. All right.
All right. Come, come on. Okay.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

unacceptable ['ʌnək'septəbl]


adj. 不能接受的,不受欢迎的

blunt [blʌnt]


adj. 钝的,迟钝的,直率的
v. 使迟钝,

revolution [.revə'lu:ʃən]


n. 革命,旋转,转数





