Sansa, the queen said. "I've given it out that I have the younger brat as well, but it's a lie. I sent Meryn Trant to take her in hand when Robert died, but her wretched dancing master interfered and the girl fled. No one has seen her since. Likely she's dead. A great many people died that day."
Tyrion had hoped for both Stark girls, but he supposed one would have to do. "Tell me about our friends on the council."
His sister glanced at the door. "What of them?"

Father seems to have taken a dislike to them. When I left him, he was wondering how their heads might look on the wall beside Lord Stark's. He leaned forward across the table. "Are you certain of their loyalty? Do you trust them?"
I trust no one, Cersei snapped. "I need them. Does Father believe they are playing us false?"
Suspects, rather.
Why? What does he know?
Tyrion shrugged. "He knows that your son's short reign has been a long parade of follies and disasters. That suggests that someone is giving Joffrey some very bad counsel."
Cersei gave him a searching look. "Joff has had no lack of good counsel. He's always been strong-willed. Now that he's king, he believes he should do as he pleases, not as he's bid."