Shireen giggled. "I should like a gown of silver seaweed."
Under the sea, it snows up, said the fool, "and the rain is dry as bone. I know, I know, oh, oh, oh."
Will it truly snow? the child asked.
It will, Cressen said. But not for years yet, I pray, and then not for long. "Ah, here is Pylos with the bird."

Shireen gave a cry of delight. Even Cressen had to admit the bird made an impressive sight, white as snow and larger than any hawk, with the bright black eyes that meant it was no mere albino, but a truebred white raven of the Citadel. "Here," he called. The raven spread its wings, leapt into the air, and flapped noisily across the room to land on the table beside him.
I'll see to your breakfast now, Pylos announced. Cressen nodded. "This is the Lady Shireen," he told the raven. The bird bobbed its pale head up and down, as if it were bowing. "Lady," it croaked. "Lady."
The child's mouth gaped open. "It talks!"
A few words. As I said, they are clever, these birds.