Never again he said after swimming the Atlantic Ocean in 1998.
But 51-year-old Benoit Lecomte will be spending eight hours a day for the next six months swimming the Pacific Ocean.
I think I like the, to push the limit, my personal limit and try to find what that is and also to respect the environment.
A sailboat carrying food, supplies and research gear will follow him.
His journey from Japan to California will take him through the Pacific garbage patch an area three times the size of France
where plastic pollution accumulates and threatens wildlife.

When I was little and I was with my father walking on the beach, I didn't see any plastic or very hardly.
And now every time I go with my kids, we see plastic everywhere.
So it made me think wow, all that happened in just 30, 40 years or how it's going to be in the future? What is it going to be for my kids?
这让我想到,这一切竟发生在短短的30, 40年内,未来将会是什么样子,未来孩子们又会看到什么样的场景。
Lecomte will collect samples for researchers to study how plastic pollution affects life in the ocean and on land.
Data for dozens of experiments will be gathered along the way studying radiation from Fukushima,
ocean chemistry and biology and the effects of this extreme crossing on the swimmer's body and mind.
My body just in autopilot and everything that happened to my body, pain or being cold and all that, I try to put aside.
I try to think about my body just being a vehicle for me to do things.
A human vehicle burning eight thousand calories a day with nothing but a wetsuit and goggles between him and the boundless Pacific.
Steve Baragona, VOA news