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编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Tonight, Kim Jong-un becomes the first North Korean leader to cross the border since an uneasy truce was signed in 1953.
  • 今晚,金正恩将成为1953年签订不稳定休战协议之后首位跨过边界的北朝鲜领导人。
  • He'll be meeting with South Korean president Moon Jae-in inside the Demilitarized Zone
  • 他将在切割南北朝鲜的非军事区会见南韩总统文在寅,
  • that separates the North from the South, a holdover from a war that never quite ended.
  • 该地区是这场从未真正结束的战争遗留下来的产物。
  • When Japan surrendered to the Allied forces in September of 1945, the Korean Peninsula,
  • 1945年9月,日本向同盟国投降后,
  • which had been a Japanese colony, was divided by the Soviet Union and the U.S. along the 38th parallel.
  • 曾是日本殖民地的朝鲜半岛沿着北纬38度线切割给了苏联及美国。
  • The division of Korea was really unprecedented and unexpected.
  • 朝鲜的分裂史无前例且毫无预警。
  • Korea had been a unified nation for well over a thousand years,
  • 朝鲜一千多年来都是一个完整国家,
  • but it was also a process which did not consult any Koreans.
  • 但其分裂过程从来没有征询过任何朝鲜人的意见,
  • This was solely an agreement between the Americans and the Russian.
  • 单单只是美国人和苏联人之间的协议。
  • Two competing governments formed, one in Seoul led by Syngman Rhee,
  • 两个竞争的政府就此组成,一方扎根于首尔,由李承晚领导,
  • and one in Pyongyang headed up by Kim Il-sung.
  • 另一方扎根于平壤,由金日成领导。
  • And each one thought it had the mandate to rule the entire peninsula.
  • 双方都认为自己有统治整个朝鲜半岛的使命。
  • Initially, it was a civil war essentially between North and South Korea,
  • 起初,的确是南北朝鲜之间内战,
  • but within days, the U.S. decided that they were committed to defending South Korea,
  • 但在几天内,美国就决定保卫南韩,
  • and they got approval from the United Nations to send in forces to repel North Korean aggression.
  • 同时得到了联合国的批准,派出武力抵御北朝鲜侵略。
  • After all, this was the early days of the Cold War.
  • 这终究发生在冷战前期。
  • And to the U.S., siding with South Korea symbolized taking a stand against the spread of communism.
  • 而对美国来说,和南韩站在同一阵线象征着反对共产主义的扩张。
  • Our nation, all the things we believe in are in great danger.
  • 我们的国家,我们所相信的一切都岌岌可危。
  • The future of civilization depends on what we do now and in the months ahead.
  • 文明的未来就看我们现在及接下来几个月要怎么做了。
  • China wasn't about to let the U.S. inch up to its border and jumped to North Korea's defends.
  • 中国不愿让美国将版图扩张到自己的国土边界,因此加入到北朝鲜的防卫阵线。
  • After the Chinese intervention, the Korean War changed its character,
  • 中国加入后,朝鲜战争的本质就变了,
  • it became a war between China and North Korea on the one side, and South Korea and the U.S. on the other side,
  • 变成了两方的战争,一方是中国与北朝鲜,另一方是南韩与美国,
  • the only time in history China and the U.S. went to war with each other.
  • 这也是史上中国和美国之间的唯一一次战争。
  • The violence was brutal; at least two million people died.
  • 这场暴力战争非常残酷,至少两百万人在战争中丧命。
  • And in 1953, once the killing stopped, the U.S., China, and North Korea signed an armistice, a temporary ceasefire.
  • 1953年,这场战争一结束后,美国、中国和北朝鲜就签了休战协议,暂时熄火。
  • But a crucial signature was missing.
  • 但却少了一个重要签名。
  • The South Koreans refused to sign it.
  • 南韩拒绝签订休战协议。
  • Syngman Rhee was quite resentful toward the Americans who were not pushing to keep the whole of the North.
  • 李承晚对没有致力要南北朝鲜统一的美国人感到非常愤恨。
  • He saw this as a betrayal of his own ambitions to unify Korea under the Republic of Korea.
  • 他认为美国背叛了自己想将朝鲜统一成大韩民国的抱负。
  • And so South Korea never signed the armistice.
  • 所以南韩从来没签过停战协议。
  • Since Rhee held out, the peace deal was never formalized.
  • 因为李承晚的坚持,和平协议从来没有正式订下。
  • And so even today, the Peninsula is still technically at war.
  • 以至到了今天,朝鲜半岛理论上来说还是处于战争状态。
  • Over the years, the opposing sides have traded shots across the border
  • 这几十年来,对立的双方在界线边少不了一些枪响炮鸣,
  • and blasted propaganda at each other over loudspeakers, with some bombings and defections mixed in.
  • 也透过扩音器不断大声宣传,还混杂着一些轰炸与叛逃。
  • But there've been only two one-on-one meetings between leaders from the North and South.
  • 但南北双方领导者的一对一会面只进行过两次。
  • It's been very difficult for the two sides, North and South, to trust each other because of this legacy of war.
  • 南北双方要信赖彼此非常困难,这是由战争遗留的伤痕导致的。
  • I think that we are at the beginning of a long process of discussion, and it's better to be talking than fighting.
  • 我想我们正处于长期讨论的开端,而谈话比战争好多了。


原味人文风情:Tonight, Kim Jong-un becomes the first North Korean leader to cross the border since an uneasy truce was signed in 1953. He'll be meeting with South Korean president Moon Jae-in inside the Demilitarized Zone that separates the North from the South, a holdover from a war that never quite ended.

When Japan surrendered to the Allied forces in September of 1945, the Korean Peninsula, which had been a Japanese colony, was divided by the Soviet Union and the U.S. along the 38th parallel.
The division of Korea was really unprecedented and unexpected. Korea had been a unified nation for well over a thousand years, but it was also a process which did not consult any Koreans. This was solely an agreement between the Americans and the Russian.
Two competing governments formed, one in Seoul led by Syngman Rhee, and one in Pyongyang headed up by Kim Il-sung. And each one thought it had the mandate to rule the entire peninsula.
Initially, it was a civil war essentially between North and South Korea, but within days, the U.S. decided that they were committed to defending South Korea, and they got approval from the United Nations to send in forces to repel North Korean aggression.

After all, this was the early days of the Cold War. And to the U.S., siding with South Korea symbolized taking a stand against the spread of communism.

Our nation, all the things we believe in are in great danger. The future of civilization depends on what we do now and in the months ahead.
China wasn't about to let the U.S. inch up to its border and jumped to North Korea's defends.
After the Chinese intervention, the Korean War changed its character, it became a war between China and North Korea on the one side, and South Korea and the U.S. on the other side, the only time in history China and the U.S. went to war with each other.


The violence was brutal; at least two million people died. And in 1953, once the killing stopped, the U.S., China, and North Korea signed an armistice, a temporary ceasefire. But a crucial signature was missing.

The South Koreans refused to sign it.Syngman Rhee was quite resentful toward the Americans who were not pushing to keep the whole of the North. He saw this as a betrayal of his own ambitions to unify Korea under the Republic of Korea. And so South Korea never signed the armistice.
Since Rhee held out, the peace deal was never formalized. And so even today, the Peninsula is still technically at war. Over the years, the opposing sides have traded shots across the border and blasted propaganda at each other over loudspeakers, with some bombings and defections mixed in. But there've been only two one-on-one meetings between leaders from the North and South.
It's been very difficult for the two sides, North and South, to trust each other because of this legacy of war. I think that we are at the beginning of a long process of discussion, and it's better to be talking than fighting.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
truce [tru:s]


n. 休战,(争执,烦恼等的)缓和 v. 以停战结束

temporary ['tempərəri]


adj. 暂时的,临时的
n. 临时工

violence ['vaiələns]


n. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行



adj. 统一的;一致标准的 v. 统一;使一致(uni

parallel ['pærəlel]


adj. 平行的,相同的,类似的,并联的

committed [kə'mitid]


adj. 献身于某种事业的,委托的

repel [ri'pel]


vt. 排斥,抵触,使反感

initially [i'niʃəli]


adv. 最初,开头

crucial ['kru:ʃəl]


adj. 关键的,决定性的

peninsula [pi'ninsjulə]


n. 半岛





