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BBC环球慢速英语 第313期:切尔诺贝利核电站事故(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • There were four nuclear reactors at the Chernobyl power plant.
  • 切尔诺贝利核电站有4个核反应堆。
  • These reactors contained machines and chemicals to create heat. Then machines changed heat into electricity.
  • 这些反应堆包含机器和用来制造热能的化学物质。之后机器会将热能转化为电能。
  • On April 25, 1986, workers performed a test on reactor number four. They shut off many of the safety controls.
  • 1986年4月25日,工作人员在4号核反应堆进行测试。他们关闭了大部分安全装置。
  • The men started to cool the reactor. They used cooling rods.
  • 男性工作人员开始冷却核反应堆。他们使用了冷却棒。
  • Cooling rods are long thin pieces of the chemical boron.
  • 冷却棒是一块又长又细的化学品硼。
  • But the reactor cooled too quickly. So, the workers pulled the cooling rods out of the reactor.
  • 但是反应堆冷却地速度太快了。所以工作人员将冷却棒从反应堆中撤了出来。
  • Then the reactor began to heat up again. It became too hot too quickly.
  • 随后反应堆开始再次加热。而且加热的速度太快了。
  • The tubes for the cooling rods started to melt. Workers could not put the cooling rods back into the reactor.
  • 用来放冷却棒的管子开始熔化。工作人员无法将冷却棒重新放入反应堆中。
  • The reactor continued getting hotter. It produced much more energy than normal.
  • 反应堆在继续升温。其产出的能量远大于正常值。
  • The fuel in the reactor started to explode.
  • 反应堆中的燃料开始爆炸。
  • The water in the cooling system turned into steam. This steam blew the top of the reactor building off.
  • 冷却系统中的水变成了蒸汽。这些蒸汽将反应堆的屋顶吹掉了。
  • Air from outside entered the reactor. It caused another explosion.
  • 外部空气进入了反应堆中。这引发二次爆炸。
  • Each explosion released harmful chemicals into the air and onto the land.
  • 每起爆炸都向空中和土地释放了有害化学物质。


Voice 1: There were four nuclear reactors at the Chernobyl power plant. These reactors contained machines and chemicals to create heat. Then machines changed heat into electricity.

Voice 2: On April 25, 1986, workers performed a test on reactor number four. They shut off many of the safety controls. The men started to cool the reactor. They used cooling rods. Cooling rods are long thin pieces of the chemical boron. But the reactor cooled too quickly. So, the workers pulled the cooling rods out of the reactor.
Voice 1: Then the reactor began to heat up again. It became too hot too quickly. The tubes for the cooling rods started to melt. Workers could not put the cooling rods back into the reactor. The reactor continued getting hotter. It produced much more energy than normal. The fuel in the reactor started to explode. The water in the cooling system turned into steam. This steam blew the top of the reactor building off. Air from outside entered the reactor. It caused another explosion. Each explosion released harmful chemicals into the air and onto the land.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
explode [iks'pləud]


vt. 爆炸,驳倒
vi. 爆炸,爆发(感情)

explosion [iks'pləuʒən]


n. 爆炸,爆发,激增

contained [kən'teind]


adj. 泰然自若的,从容的;被控制的 v. 包含;遏制

melt [melt]


vi. 融化,熔化,消散
vt. 使融化,使熔





