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权利的游戏 第1137期:第六十三章 提利昂(2)

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  • He had been upstairs, enjoying the comfort of a featherbed and the warmth of Shae's body beside him,
  • 片刻前,他人还在楼上,躺在柔软舒适的羽毛床上,怀抱雪伊温暖的身体。
  • when his squire had woken him to say that a rider had arrived with dire news of Riverrun.
  • 然而他的侍从匆匆跑来把他摇醒,报告说有人骑马带来奔流城方面的重大消息。
  • So it had all been for nothing.
  • 他立刻明白他们是白跑了一趟。
  • The rush south, the endless forced marches, the bodies left beside the road... all for naught.
  • 往南急奔,无止尽的急行军和弃于路边的尸体……全成了空。
  • Robb Stark had reached Riverrun days and days ago.
  • 罗柏·史塔克早在好几天前便解了奔流城之围。
  • How could this happen? Sir Harys Swyft moaned. "How?
  • “这怎么可能?”哈瑞斯·史威佛爵士呻吟道,“怎么可能?
  • Even after the Whispering Wood, you had Riverrun ringed in iron, surrounded by a great host...
  • 即便在呓语森林之战以后,奔流城依旧为大军团团包围……
  • what madness made Sir Jaime decide to split his men into three separate camps?
  • 詹姆爵士到底在想什么,怎会把部队分为三处驻扎?
  • Surely he knew how vulnerable that would leave them?"
  • 他总该清楚这样会有何风险吧?”
  • Better than you, you chinless craven, Tyrion thought.
  • 他比你这没下巴的懦夫清楚多了,提利昂心想。
  • Jaime might have lost Riverrun, but it angered him to hear his brother slandered by the likes of Swyft,
  • 纵然詹姆丢了奔流城,然而听见哥哥被史威佛这种人毁谤,依旧令他怒火中烧。
  • a shameless lickspittle whose greatest accomplishment was marrying his equally chinless daughter to Sir Kevan,
  • 史威佛是个厚颜无耻的马屁精,他这辈子最大的成就,就是把他那个同样没下巴的女儿嫁给凯冯爵士,
  • and thereby attaching himself to the Lannisters.
  • 借此与兰尼斯特家族攀上亲戚。
  • I would have done the same, his uncle responded, a good deal more calmly than Tyrion might have.
  • “换我也会这么做,”叔叔应道,提利昂若是开口,绝不会如他这般冷静。
  • "You have never seen Riverrun, Sir Harys, or you would know that Jaime had little choice in the matter.
  • “哈瑞斯爵士,您没见过奔流城,不然您一定会清楚詹姆别无选择。
  • The castle is situated at the end of the point of land where the Tumblestone flows into the Red Fork of the Trident.
  • 奔流城座落于腾石河汇流进三叉戟河的支流红叉河的三角洲尖端,
  • The rivers form two sides of a triangle, and when danger threatens,
  • 河流构成了三角形的两边,而一旦遇到危险,
  • the Tullys open their sluice gates upstream to create a wide moat on the third side, turning Riverrun into an island.
  • 徒利家便打开上游的闸门,在第三边造出宽阔的护城河,将奔流城变为河中孤岛。


He had been upstairs, enjoying the comfort of a featherbed and the warmth of Shae's body beside him, when his squire had woken him to say that a rider had arrived with dire news of Riverrun. So it had all been for nothing. The rush south, the endless forced marches, the bodies left beside the road... all for naught. Robb Stark had reached Riverrun days and days ago.

How could this happen? Sir Harys Swyft moaned. "How? Even after the Whispering Wood, you had Riverrun ringed in iron, surrounded by a great host... what madness made Sir Jaime decide to split his men into three separate camps? Surely he knew how vulnerable that would leave them?"
Better than you, you chinless craven, Tyrion thought. Jaime might have lost Riverrun, but it angered him to hear his brother slandered by the likes of Swyft, a shameless lickspittle whose greatest accomplishment was marrying his equally chinless daughter to Sir Kevan, and thereby attaching himself to the Lannisters.
I would have done the same, his uncle responded, a good deal more calmly than Tyrion might have. "You have never seen Riverrun, Sir Harys, or you would know that Jaime had little choice in the matter. The castle is situated at the end of the point of land where the Tumblestone flows into the Red Fork of the Trident. The rivers form two sides of a triangle, and when danger threatens, the Tullys open their sluice gates upstream to create a wide moat on the third side, turning Riverrun into an island.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
stark [stɑ:k]


adj. 僵硬的,完全的,严酷的,荒凉的,光秃秃的 ad

craven ['kreivən]


adj. 懦弱的,畏缩的 n. 懦夫

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

moat [məut]


n. 壕沟,护城河 vt. 将 ... 围以壕沟

comfort ['kʌmfət]


n. 舒适,安逸,安慰,慰藉
vt. 安慰,使

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

thereby ['ðɛə'bai]


adv. 因此,从而

vulnerable ['vʌlnərəbl]


adj. 易受伤害的,有弱点的

accomplishment [ə'kɔmpliʃmənt]


n. 成就,完成





