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BBC环球慢速英语 第284期:马尔马雷计划(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The ancient port is in Yenikapi, on the European side of Istanbul.
  • 这座古海港位于伊斯坦布尔欧洲区的耶尼卡帕。
  • The Marmary Project chose this city to be the place for a train station.
  • 马尔马雷计划选择这座城市建造车站。
  • Engineers destroyed many small homes here to make room for the station.
  • 工程师推倒了当地许多小房屋,以给车站腾出地方。
  • While they were clearing the area they came across some ancient objects.
  • 他们在清理该地区时发现了一些文物。
  • Archaeologists have never seen these kinds of objects in that area before. So, the objects are very special.
  • 考古学家以前从未在该地区见过这类文物。因此,这些文物是极为特殊的。
  • So far archaeologists have found many pieces of the ancient port.
  • 目前考古学家已经发现了古海港的许多残骸。
  • They have found ancient stone walls that were once part of the ship harbour.
  • 他们还发现了曾为船港一部分的古代石墙。
  • Old wood sticks come up out of the water.
  • 古老的木棒在水中被发现。
  • Archaeologists believe the wood pieces were once a pier, where boats would come to stop.
  • 考古学家认为这些木棒曾被作为码头使用,即船只停靠的地方。
  • The lead archaeologist is Metin Gokcay. He tells about the port and the pier.
  • 领导这项任务的考古学家是梅廷·高凯。他对古海港和码头进行了介绍。
  • "We have found forty-three metres of the pier so far.
  • “目前我们已经发现了43米长的码头。
  • We believe there used to be a platform on those sticks. Down there is where the people unloaded their horses."
  • 我们认为在这些木棒之上曾有一个平台。人们在下面卸马。”


Voice 1: The ancient port is in Yenikapi, on the European side of Istanbul. The Marmary Project chose this city to be the place for a train station. Engineers destroyed many small homes here to make room for the station. While they were clearing the area they came across some ancient objects. Archaeologists have never seen these kinds of objects in that area before. So, the objects are very special.

Voice 2: So far archaeologists have found many pieces of the ancient port. They have found ancient stone walls that were once part of the ship harbour. Old wood sticks come up out of the water. Archaeologists believe the wood pieces were once a pier, where boats would come to stop. The lead archaeologist is Metin Gokcay. He tells about the port and the pier.
Voice 4: "We have found forty-three metres of the pier so far. We believe there used to be a platform on those sticks. Down there is where the people unloaded their horses."





