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编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Your Name is the latest anime film out of Japan from Makoto Shinkai,
  • 《你的名字》是日本最新的动画电影,出自新海诚之手,
  • the guy who brought us The Garden of Words, Children Who Chase Lost Voices, Voices of a Distance Star...all types of great anime films.
  • 他曾带给我们《言叶之庭》、《追逐繁星的孩子》、《星之声》等各类超棒的动画电影。
  • He likes to tell stories about people who are sort of like star-crossed lovers that have something that's keeping them apart.
  • 他喜欢诉说不幸恋人的故事,他们由于某些因素被迫分开。
  • He's good at it, but... It's definitely his wheelhouse, and Your Name fits right in with that,
  • 他非常擅长这类故事。这绝对是他擅长的领域,《你的名字》就是其中之一,
  • except there's something incredibly unique about this film that I've honestly never seen in live action or anime, and that is that this is a body-swapping film.
  • 但它独特的情节是例外,我在实景真人电影或动画片中从来没看过那种交换身体的电影。
  • This movie opens with a young girl named Mitsuha,
  • 这部电影以一个名叫三叶的年轻女孩开场,
  • who wakes up and begins to touch herself and realizes that, Oh my God, I have girl parts.
  • 她起床后开始摸自己,然后发现,我的天哪,我竟然有胸部。
  • Now that's normal for a girl her age except for the fact that Taki,
  • 有胸部这件事其实对于和她同龄的女孩来说是很正常的,
  • a boy who also lives in Japan, is currently inhabiting her body. So that's weird.
  • 但事实是,现在住在她身体里的其实是泷,一个住在日本的男孩,所以很奇怪。
  • And that same boy, Taki, wakes up in Japan, begins to touch himself and realizes, Oh my God, I have man parts down there.
  • 而那个叫泷的男孩在日本醒来,开始触摸自己,然后发现,我的天哪,下面长出小底迪了。
  • That's because Mitsuha and Taki have switched bodies.
  • 那是因为三叶和泷交换身体了。
  • And the story of this film is these two characters who randomly wake up as each other swapping bodies without any warning.
  • 而这部电影的故事情节是这两个角色随机交换身体,在对方的身体里醒来,毫无预警。
  • And they have to figure out how to spend a day in the other person's body.
  • 他们必须想办法在对方的身体里度过一天。
  • They have to figure out why this is even happening,
  • 他们必须找出这件事情发生的原因,
  • and eventually, they kind of grow to appreciate one another as they learn about each other's lives in an extremely unconventional way
  • 而最终,他们渐渐对对方产生好感,当他们以一种极度不寻常的方式了解彼此的生活时,
  • and in an anime film that I loved watching.
  • 这部我很爱看的动画电影就上演了。
  • I got to see this film at the Laemmle Music Center in L.A.
  • 我在洛杉矶的拉姆勒音乐中心看了这部电影,
  • It's currently the only place in the United States showing it because it's a limited Oscar qualifying run.
  • 这是美国目前唯一放映它的地方,因为这是为了报名奥斯卡而上映的限定场次。
  • I was really lucky to be in L.A. when this film opened.
  • 很幸运的是,电影开演时我人刚好在洛杉矶。
  • I drove, like, an hour in an Uber to get to this theater.
  • 我坐了大概一小时的优步才到戏院。
  • And it was, like, the only showing that wasn't completely sold out.
  • 它是当天唯一一部票没卖完的电影。
  • I was in a theater filled with Japanese people. I must have been like the only white dude there.
  • 它是当天唯一一部票没卖完的电影。
  • It was really cool, actually, because I saw it with a crowd that understood it.
  • 其实那很酷,因为我跟一群完全看得懂的人一起看。
  • This is a film that you will appreciate more if you have a varied background in watching a lot of anime
  • 如果你看过很多动画而有多样的背景知识,就会更喜欢这部电影,
  • or if you have a knowledge of Japanese culture, because there's a lot of humor here that you will never see in an American film.
  • 或是如果你对日本文化有概念的话也会更喜欢,因为里头有很多美国电影里没有的幽默。
  • And it's so refreshing. It's also a very different story.
  • 它感觉很清新,也很不一样。
  • I've never seen a romance told through body swapping, which is a very, very unique way of doing it.
  • 我从来没看过哪部浪漫故事是透过交换身体来说的,真的是非常非常独特的表达方式。
  • And the unique Japanese humor that's in this film combined with breathtaking hand-drawn traditional cel animation,
  • 而电影里独特的日式幽默,结合了美得令人屏息的传统手绘赛璐珞动画,
  • make Your Name one of my favorite movies I've seen in 2016.
  • 让《你的名字》荣登我在2016年看过的最爱电影之列。
  • This is an emotionally powerful film that isn't just very funny,
  • 这是部情绪强烈的电影,不只有趣,
  • but has a great way of really tugging at your heart strings without feeling too much like a soap opera.
  • 而且扣人心弦,不会因太过俗滥而变得像芭乐剧。
  • I know a lot of people are probably going to see this film,
  • 我知道很多人可能要去看这部电影,
  • and especially if you don't have a background in watching a lot of anime, or if you don't know much about Japanese culture,
  • 特别是如果你以前没有看很多动画,或对日本文化不甚了解。
  • a lot of people are gonna say this is a super melodramatic soap opera movie that just is for teenagers or whatever.
  • 很多人会说这是部情节夸张的肥皂剧电影,只是给青少年看的。
  • But, it's not. It's a lot more than that.
  • 但并不是这样。它的意义远不止那些。
  • This film has a beautiful way of examining youth culture in Japan,
  • 这部影片以一种美丽的方式检视日本青少年文化,
  • and what can make two people fall in love even if they've never actually met.
  • 以及两个从未见过面的人如何坠入爱河。
  • Because they're learning about each other's lives by actually being that person for a day.
  • 因为他们透过实际化身为对方的一天来了解彼此的生活。
  • And so you know more about the other person than you ever possibly could, which is such a cool way to tell a romance in a film.
  • 所以你对对方的了解,会比你过去可能的了解来得更加深入,这实在是电影讲述爱情的不错方式。
  • And I know I already mentioned this, but I must reiterate the animation in this movie is beautiful; it's so gorgeous.
  • 我知道我之前提过,但必须再讲一次,这部电影里的动画太美了,超级美。
  • I love traditional hand-drawn cel animation;
  • 我爱传统手绘的赛璐珞动画;
  • I'm so sad that America has almost completely abandoned it in favor of CG animation,
  • 我很难过美国几乎完全抛弃这种方式,转而采用计算机动画,
  • which is fun and enjoyable, and I don't have a problem with it.
  • 计算机动画愉快又有趣,我对此没有意见。
  • It's just, I love hand-drawn animation. And I'm so happy that Japan is sticking with it because it is a beautiful thing to see in this film.
  • 但是我爱手绘动画。我很高兴日本还在继续使用手绘动画,这部电影真的是场视觉飨宴。
  • The characters are so well realized. They're so likable.
  • 它里头的角色十分真实。他们太可爱了。
  • And the film also has a great way of transitioning from fun and humorous to serious and emotionally powerful and somewhat suspenseful, actually.
  • 而这个影片的转换方式也很棒,从有趣和幽默转换到严肃和情感强烈,也有点悬疑。
  • A lot of dramady style films have a hard time doing that where it starts off and you're like,
  • 说实在的,很多戏剧型态的电影很难做到那样,常常开头让你觉得,
  • oh, this is all laughs and all of a sudden, like, people are dying, and it's like, oh, shit! This is really serious all of a sudden.
  • 喔,充满欢笑,然后有人突然死掉了,你就会觉得,喔,糟糕!它突然就变得很严肃。
  • A lot of films have a hard time bridging that gap between those very different feels.
  • 很多电影在连接两个非常不同的情绪时处理得不太好。
  • This is a beautifully animated film that serves as a heartfelt reminder that even though Miyazaki has supposedly retired,
  • 这是一部动画制作得非常美的影片,作为一个暖心的提醒,即使宫崎骏应该退休了,
  • we still have great directors like Mamoru Hosoda and Makoto Shinkai making great anime films. I'm gonna give Your Name an A+.
  • 我们还是有像细田守和新海诚这些很棒的导演来制作很棒的动画影片。我要给《你的名字》一个A+。
  • I honestly don't have a single problem with this movie.
  • 老实说,我对这部电影一点儿意见也没有。
  • I think that if you are a big anime fan and if you like films from this filmmaker in particular, you're gonna love this movie.
  • 我想如果你是超级动画迷,或者你特别爱这个制片人的影片,你会爱上这部电影。
  • Some people who aren't as familiar, as I said, with anime or Japanese culture are not going to love it as much as I did.
  • 就像我说的,对动画或日本文化没那么熟的人,不会像我一样那么爱这部电影。
  • I would say if you aren't a big anime fan, this will be more like a B+ for you.
  • 如果你不是超级动画迷,对你来说这部电影大概只有B+。
  • But if you understand anime, and you understand the humor that comes out of Japan that's often in these types of film,
  • 但如果你了解动画,也懂这类电影里常出现的日式幽默,
  • and you appreciate the unconventional romance, then you're gonna probably enjoy it as much as I did.
  • 你也喜欢独特的爱情故事,那你大概会跟我一样喜爱这部电影。
  • Guys, thank you so much, as always, for watching. I greatly appreciate it.
  • 大伙儿,就像平常一样,感谢你们收看。我真的很感谢。


原味人文风情:Your Name is the latest anime film out of Japan from Makoto Shinkai, the guy who brought us The Garden of Words, Children Who Chase Lost Voices, Voices of a Distance Star...all types of great anime films.

He likes to tell stories about people who are sort of like star-crossed lovers that have something that's keeping them apart. He's good at it, but... It's definitely his wheelhouse, and Your Name fits right in with that, except there's something incredibly unique about this film that I've honestly never seen in live action or anime, and that is that this is a body-swapping film.
This movie opens with a young girl named Mitsuha, who wakes up and begins to touch herself and realizes that, Oh my God, I have girl parts. Now that's normal for a girl her age except for the fact that Taki, a boy who also lives in Japan, is currently inhabiting her body. So that's weird. And that same boy, Taki, wakes up in Japan, begins to touch himself and realizes, Oh my God, I have man parts down there. That's because Mitsuha and Taki have switched bodies.

And the story of this film is these two characters who randomly wake up as each other swapping bodies without any warning. And they have to figure out how to spend a day in the other person's body. They have to figure out why this is even happening, and eventually, they kind of grow to appreciate one another as they learn about each other's lives in an extremely unconventional way and in an anime film that I loved watching.

I got to see this film at the Laemmle Music Center in L.A. It's currently the only place in the United States showing it because it's a limited Oscar qualifying run. I was really lucky to be in L.A. when this film opened. I drove, like, an hour in an Uber to get to this theater. And it was, like, the only showing that wasn't completely sold out. I was in a theater filled with Japanese people. I must have been like the only white dude there. It was really cool, actually, because I saw it with a crowd that understood it.
This is a film that you will appreciate more if you have a varied background in watching a lot of anime or if you have a knowledge of Japanese culture, because there's a lot of humor here that you will never see in an American film. And it's so refreshing. It's also a very different story. I've never seen a romance told through body swapping, which is a very, very unique way of doing it.
And the unique Japanese humor that's in this film combined with breathtaking hand-drawn traditional cel animation, make Your Name one of my favorite movies I've seen in 2016.


This is an emotionally powerful film that isn't just very funny, but has a great way of really tugging at your heart strings without feeling too much like a soap opera. I know a lot of people are probably going to see this film, and especially if you don't have a background in watching a lot of anime, or if you don't know much about Japanese culture, a lot of people are gonna say this is a super melodramatic soap opera movie that just is for teenagers or whatever.

But, it's not. It's a lot more than that. This film has a beautiful way of examining youth culture in Japan, and what can make two people fall in love even if they've never actually met. Because they're learning about each other's lives by actually being that person for a day. And so you know more about the other person than you ever possibly could, which is such a cool way to tell a romance in a film.
And I know I already mentioned this, but I must reiterate the animation in this movie is beautiful; it's so gorgeous. I love traditional hand-drawn cel animation; I'm so sad that America has almost completely abandoned it in favor of CG animation, which is fun and enjoyable, and I don't have a problem with it. It's just, I love hand-drawn animation. And I'm so happy that Japan is sticking with it because it is a beautiful thing to see in this film.
The characters are so well realized. They're so likable. And the film also has a great way of transitioning from fun and humorous to serious and emotionally powerful and somewhat suspenseful, actually. A lot of dramady style films have a hard time doing that where it starts off and you're like, oh, this is all laughs and all of a sudden, like, people are dying, and it's like, oh, shit! This is really serious all of a sudden. A lot of films have a hard time bridging that gap between those very different feels.
This is a beautifully animated film that serves as a heartfelt reminder that even though Miyazaki has supposedly retired, we still have great directors like Mamoru Hosoda and Makoto Shinkai making great anime films. I'm gonna give Your Name an A+.
I honestly don't have a single problem with this movie. I think that if you are a big anime fan and if you like films from this filmmaker in particular, you're gonna love this movie. Some people who aren't as familiar, as I said, with anime or Japanese culture are not going to love it as much as I did. I would say if you aren't a big anime fan, this will be more like a B+ for you. But if you understand anime, and you understand the humor that comes out of Japan that's often in these types of film, and you appreciate the unconventional romance, then you're gonna probably enjoy it as much as I did.
Guys, thank you so much, as always, for watching. I greatly appreciate it. And if you like this, you can click right here and get Stuckmannized.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

chase [tʃeis]


n. 追求,狩猎,争取
vt. 追捕,狩猎

humorous ['hju:mərəs]


adj. 幽默的,诙谐的

reiterate [ri:'itəreit]


vt. 反覆地说,反覆地做

limited ['limitid]


adj. 有限的,被限制的

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

strings [striŋz]


n. (乐器的)弦 名词string的复数形式

soap [səup]


n. 肥皂
vt. 用肥皂洗,阿谀奉承

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型





