Well, here's what people are talking about. This is pretty big. And here in New York City, everyone is at the U.N.
I mean, that's right, the U.N. General Assembly kicked off today and I read that 193 countries will be attending.
Yep, they're all committed to one goal, making New York City traffic a total nightmare. And they're all gonna do it.
They've been really focused. They won. They did it. It is the worst.
Actually, one expert said that because of all the quick meetings, the General Assembly is like speed dating from hell.
Or as that's also known speed dating. I mean, when is speed dating good? When is it fun?
But after meeting with officials at the U.N. today, President Trump said there's a good chance of peace in the Middle East.
Then he was like the bad news is I accidentally started a war with Greenland.
They say it's Greenland, but it's really snowy there so fake name.
That's right, Trump greeted the other world leaders at the United Nations this morning,
but he needed a little help with his microphone. Check this out.
Does red, does red mean it's on or it's off? On.
Another question. Where am I? Where am I? Am I somewhere? Where am I? What am I doing?
我还有个问题,我在哪? 我现在在哪? 我在做什么?
That other guy should have been like "uh, red means off. Say whatever you want. Go get to it." Thank you very much.!
Tomorrow, Trump will give his first big speech to the U.N.

His aides have been working with him for days so that he stops pronouncing it the "unh".
It's such an honor to have my addressing the UNH. Are you related to Kim Jong? Is the red light on or does that mean off?
非常荣幸能够在“unh”(联合国)发表演讲,你和金正恩(unh)有关系吗? 红色是关还是开?
You guys see this? Yesterday, Trump posted a tweet where he referred to Kim Jong Un as Rocket Man,
which beats the other nickname he gave him, Lil'Kim. You know what? That's just confusing. Wow. It's confusing it. That's a nickname.
Meanwhile, I read that people in the White House are worried that other staffers might be wearing a wire for the Russia investigation. Really?
Trump assures staffers he's not wearing a wire, it's just the outline from his spanxs. Oh, okay. Nothing. It's just not...
Oh, I saw that today is Ben Carson's 66th birthday. Wow. Yeah, happy birthday.
It's a little different on Ben Carson's birthday.
He actually opens his eyes to make a wish. Really? Yeah. It's a little different.
Some news out of London. I read that Prince Charles may not live in Buckingham Palace when he becomes King.
Then Queen Elizabeth said when he becomes King. I love your optimism, Chucky.
伊丽莎白女王随后表示,他能等到当国王的一天吗? 我非常喜欢你的乐观态度,亲爱的。
Let's get to some sports news here. It came out that Kevin Durant apparently uses a second twitter handle to argue with fans.
Yeah, he has a secret twitter account. Then Ted Cruz said, you can do that? You go, no, you can't do that. You can do that?
没错,他有秘密账号,泰德·克鲁兹随后表示,你真能这么做吗? 你不能这么做,你能吗?
Finally, you guys, I read that a married couple in Louisiana was arrested after filming themselves having sex in a Walmart and a Burger King.
Of course they were very embarrassed so they told their friends it was a Target and a Wendy's.
We have a great show tonight. Give it up for the Roots!