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权利的游戏 第992期:第五十六章 提利昂(1)

编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The cooks were serving the meat course: five suckling pigs, skin seared and crackling, a different fruit in every mouth.
  • 厨子正端上当晚的主菜:五只烤得金黄酥脆,嘴里含着不同水果的乳猪。
  • The smell made his mouth water.
  • 闻到香味,他口水都流了出来。
  • "My pardons," he began, taking his place on the bench beside his uncle.
  • “不好意思,我迟到了。”他一边说,一边在叔叔身边的板凳上坐下。
  • Perhaps I'd best charge you with burying our dead, Tyrion, Lord Tywin said.
  • “提利昂,我看还是让你去埋葬死者好了。”泰温公爵说,
  • "If you are as late to battle as you are to table, the fighting will all be done by the time you arrive."
  • “要是你上战场也跟上餐桌一般慢,等你光临,仗都已经打完了。”
  • Oh, surely you can save me a peasant or two, Father, Tyrion replied.
  • “哎,父亲,留一两个农民给我对付总行吧?”提利昂回答,
  • "Not too many, I wouldn't want to be greedy."
  • “不用太多,我这个人向来不贪心。”
  • He filled his wine cup and watched a serving man carve into the pig.
  • 他自顾自地斟满酒,一边看着仆人切猪肉,
  • The crisp skin crackled under his knife, and hot juice ran from the meat.
  • 松脆的皮在刀子下哔啪作响,滚烫的油汁流下来。
  • It was the loveliest sight Tyrion had seen in ages.
  • 提利昂已经很久没见过如此美丽的景象了。
  • Sir Addam's outriders say the Stark host has moved south from the Twins,
  • “据亚当爵士的斥候报告,史塔克军已从孪河城南下,”
  • his father reported as his trencher was filled with slices of pork.
  • 父亲一边看着仆人把肉片放进他的木盘,一边说,
  • "Lord Frey's levies have joined them.
  • “佛雷大人的部队加入了他们。
  • They are likely no more than a day's march north of us."
  • 此刻敌军就在北边,离我们大概一日行程。”
  • Please, Father, Tyrion said. "I'm about to eat."
  • “父亲,您行行好,”提利昂说,“我正要开始吃呢。”
  • Does the thought of facing the Stark boy unman you, Tyrion?
  • “提利昂,一想到面对史塔克家那小鬼,你就吓成这样?
  • Your brother Jaime would be eager to come to grips with him.
  • 换成你哥哥詹姆,他只怕会迫不及待想大显身手。”
  • I'd sooner come to grips with that pig.
  • “我宁可对这头猪大显身手,
  • Robb Stark is not half so tender, and he never smelled as good.
  • 罗柏·史塔克既没这么嫩,更没这么香。”


The cooks were serving the meat course: five suckling pigs, skin seared and crackling, a different fruit in every mouth. The smell made his mouth water. "My pardons," he began, taking his place on the bench beside his uncle.

Perhaps I'd best charge you with burying our dead, Tyrion, Lord Tywin said. "If you are as late to battle as you are to table, the fighting will all be done by the time you arrive."
Oh, surely you can save me a peasant or two, Father, Tyrion replied. "Not too many, I wouldn't want to be greedy." He filled his wine cup and watched a serving man carve into the pig. The crisp skin crackled under his knife, and hot juice ran from the meat. It was the loveliest sight Tyrion had seen in ages.
Sir Addam's outriders say the Stark host has moved south from the Twins, his father reported as his trencher was filled with slices of pork. "Lord Frey's levies have joined them. They are likely no more than a day's march north of us."
Please, Father, Tyrion said. "I'm about to eat."
Does the thought of facing the Stark boy unman you, Tyrion? Your brother Jaime would be eager to come to grips with him.
I'd sooner come to grips with that pig. Robb Stark is not half so tender, and he never smelled as good.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
bench [bentʃ]


n. 长凳,工作台,法官席
vt. 坐(

tender ['tendə]


adj. 温柔的,嫩的,脆弱的 ,亲切的,敏感的,未成熟

carve [kɑ:v]


v. 雕刻,切割

stark [stɑ:k]


adj. 僵硬的,完全的,严酷的,荒凉的,光秃秃的 ad





