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来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I must have made the acquaintance of Shylock and Satan about the same time, for the two characters were long associated in my mind.
  • 回想起来,我一定是在同一个时期熟悉夏洛克和撒旦的,在我的意识里,总会把这两个人物联系在一起。
  • I remember that I was sorry for them.
  • 我记得我当时还为他们难过了一阵子,
  • I felt vaguely that they could not be good even if they wished to, because no one seemed willing to help them or to give them a fair chance.
  • 我模模糊糊地感觉到,即使他们愿意也不可能成为好人,因为似乎没有人肯帮助他们,或者给他们一个公平的机会。
  • Even now I cannot find it in my heart to condemn them utterly.
  • 直到现在,我也无法做到无条件地谴责他们的不义。
  • There are moments when I feel that the Shylocks, the Judases, and even the Devil,
  • 曾经有那么一个瞬间,我觉得像夏洛克,犹大,乃至魔鬼之流
  • are broken spokes in the great wheel of good which shall in due time be made whole.
  • 就像一根根折断的辐条——但不管轮子被毁坏得多么厉害,承载人类历史的巨大车轮总会被及时地修复如初。
  • It seems strange that my first reading of Shakespeare should have left me so many unpleasant memories.
  • 我第一次读莎士比亚时就留下了那么多令人不快的回忆,这似乎显得有些奇怪。
  • The bright, gentle, fanciful plays—the ones I like best now—appear not to have impressed me at first,
  • 明快、柔美而充满幻想的戏剧——也就是我目前最喜欢的戏剧类型——最初并没有给我留下什么深刻的印象,
  • perhaps because they reflected the habitual sunshine and gaiety of a child's life.
  • 这或许是因为它们所反映的不过是一个小孩子的无忧无虑的快乐生活而已。
  • But "there is nothing more capricious than the memory of a child: what it will hold, and what it will lose."
  • 但是“没有什么东西能比一个小孩子的记忆更反复无常的了:哪些是该拥有的,哪些又是该失去的,我无从说清”。
  • I have since read Shakespeare's plays many times and know parts of them by heart, but I cannot tell which of them I like best.
  • 后来,我曾多次阅读莎士比亚戏剧,可以说对其中的部分章节熟稔于心,可是我却无法说出我最喜欢哪出戏。
  • My delight in them is as varied as my moods.
  • 我对这些作品的喜爱层次是广泛的,就像我的情绪一样变化多端。
  • The little songs and the sonnets have a meaning for me as fresh and wonderful as the dramas.
  • 在我看来,短小的民谣和十四行诗能够传达出同戏剧一样的神韵。
  • But, with all my love for Shakespeare, it is often weary work to read all the meanings into his lines which critics and commentators have given them.
  • 但是另一方面,对莎士比亚的喜爱也增加了我阅读上的困难——读懂评论家和注释者们对每一行诗的阐释确实是一项十分劳累的工作。
  • I used to try to remember their interpretations, but they discouraged and vexed me; so I made a secret compact with myself not to try any more.
  • 我试图记住别人的评论,但是那些(蹩脚的)评论每每令我气恼不已,所以,我悄悄地同自己签订了一份“协议”——不再看那些评论。


I must have made the acquaintance of Shylock and Satan about the same time, for the two characters were long associated in my mind. I remember that I was sorry for them. I felt vaguely that they could not be good even if they wished to, because no one seemed willing to help them or to give them a fair chance. Even now I cannot find it in my heart to condemn them utterly. There are moments when I feel that the Shylocks, the Judases, and even the Devil, are broken spokes in the great wheel of good which shall in due time be made whole.

It seems strange that my first reading of Shakespeare should have left me so many unpleasant memories. The bright, gentle, fanciful playsthe ones I like best nowappear not to have impressed me at first, perhaps because they reflected the habitual sunshine and gaiety of a child's life. But "there is nothing more capricious than the memory of a child: what it will hold, and what it will lose."
I have since read Shakespeare's plays many times and know parts of them by heart, but I cannot tell which of them I like best. My delight in them is as varied as my moods. The little songs and the sonnets have a meaning for me as fresh and wonderful as the dramas. But, with all my love for Shakespeare, it is often weary work to read all the meanings into his lines which critics and commentators have given them. I used to try to remember their interpretations, but they discouraged and vexed me; so I made a secret compact with myself not to try any more.

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compact [kəm'pækt]


n. 合约条约,梳妆粉盒
adj. 紧凑的,紧

unpleasant [ʌn'pleznt]


adj. 使人不愉快的,讨厌的

weary ['wiəri]


adj. 疲倦的,厌烦的
v. 疲倦,厌烦,生

acquaintance [ə'kweintəns]


n. 熟人,相识,了解

willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的

gentle ['dʒentl]


adj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的

fanciful ['fænsifəl]


adj. 奇怪的,稀奇的,想像的

capricious [kə'priʃəs]


adj. 变化无常的,任性的

varied ['vɛərid]


adj. 各种各样的 动词vary的过去式和过去分词

wheel [wi:l]


n. 轮子,车轮,方向盘,周期,旋转





