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BBC环球慢速英语 第199期:特殊人群(6)

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The scientists continue to argue over the case.
  • 科学家仍在这件事上争论不休。
  • It raises very important questions and they cannot agree about the answers.
  • 这一现象引发了极其重要的问题,而科学家无法就答案达成一致。
  • A team of scientists from Germany believes there is one main difference between humans and animals.
  • 来自德国的一个科学家团队认为,人类和动物之间有一个主要的区别。
  • It is the fact that humans can walk on two legs.
  • 那就是人类能用两条腿走路。
  • These scientists say that this is what really defines a human being.
  • 这些科学家认为,这是界定人类的核心因素。
  • Other scientists believe there is much more to being human than that.
  • 其他科学家认为人类不仅限于此。
  • The Bible teaches that God created people to be special, and separate from the animals.
  • 《圣经》教导我们,上帝创造的人类是特别的,有别于动物。
  • This is something more than the way we walk.
  • 这不仅限于我们走路的方式。
  • The Bible says that God made people to be like himself. He gave them the same qualities that he has.
  • 《圣经》写到,上帝创造的人类有上帝的形象。他赋予了人类他所拥有的特质。
  • The Bible calls it 'being made in the image of God'.
  • 《圣经》称这是“按照上帝的形象被创造的”。
  • People love other people and show kindness and care. This is a quality from God.
  • 人们爱护其他人,展现出仁慈和关怀。这就是来自上帝的特质。
  • The Bible says God is love. And to some degree, all people desire to know God.
  • 《圣经》表示,上帝是爱。从某种程度上说,所有人都想了悟上帝。
  • This shows that human nature is spiritual. The image of God in us searches for the God who made us.
  • 这表明人性是精神层面的:我们身上的上帝形象在寻找创造了我们的上帝。


Voice 2: The scientists continue to argue over the case. It raises very important questions and they cannot agree about the answers. A team of scientists from Germany believes there is one main difference between humans and animals. It is the fact that humans can walk on two legs. These scientists say that this is what really defines a human being. Other scientists believe there is much more to being human than that.

Voice 1: The Bible teaches that God created people to be special, and separate from the animals. This is something more than the way we walk. The Bible says that God made people to be like himself. He gave them the same qualities that he has. The Bible calls it 'being made in the image of God'.
Voice 2: People love other people and show kindness and care. This is a quality from God. The Bible says God is love. And to some degree, all people desire to know God. This shows that human nature is spiritual. The image of God in us searches for the God who made us.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

kindness ['kaindnis]


n. 仁慈,好意

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

spiritual ['spiritjuəl]


adj. 精神的,心灵的,与上帝有关的





