You already know that your blood type is important.
If you've lost a lot of blood, getting a transfusion of the wrong stuff can be deadly.
如果你失血过多 却输血错误的话 是很有可能致命的
But did you know that whether you're A, B, AB, or O can also put you at higher risk
但你知道吗 A B AB或者O型血都会让你陷入高风险疾病
for things like malaria, cholera, and heart disease?
如疟疾 霍乱以及心脏病等
The blood type you have is the result of a specific kind of antigen --
in this case, a type of sugar -- on the surface of your red blood cells.
就是 一种在你血红细胞表层的糖类
If you have the A antigen, you're type A; if you have the B antigen, you're type B.
如果你是A型抗原 你就是A型血 如果你是B型抗原 你就是B型血
If you have both, you're AB, and if you have neither, you're O.
如果这两者抗原你都有 你就是AB血型 但如果你都没有 那你就是O型血
But here's the thing: There's more to your blood's alphabet soup than just those three letters.
You also have another kind of antigen -- one you've probably never heard of: The H antigen.
你体内或许会有其他的抗原 比如一种你从未听说过的 H型抗原
The A and B that you always hear about are really extra sugars that get added to antigen H.
你经常听到的A B型抗原其实是H型抗原上增加的额外的糖
And what's more, all of these sugars aren't just on your red blood cells.
They also appear in your guts, and in other compounds that are swimming around in your blood,
它们也存在于你的内脏 在你血液的其他化合物中
where they interact with pathogens and toxins and even parts of your own immune system,
与病原体 毒素甚至是你的免疫系统相互影响
to make you either more or less vulnerable to certain infectious diseases.
For example, it turns out that having type O blood can help you, if you contract malaria.
例如 如果你感染疟疾 O型血会有助于你
One of the big dangers of malaria is when your red blood cells begin to clump together,
forming characteristic flower-shaped patterns known as rosettes.
然后形成花型 称之为玫瑰结
They form when an infected red blood cell sticks to uninfected red blood cells --
当被感染的血红细胞黏住没有被感染的血红细胞时 他们就形成玫瑰结
a process that's helped along by A and B antigens.
As a result, people with A, B or AB blood tend to develop more and bigger rosettes if they get malaria.
总的来说 拥有A B和AB型血的人感染疟疾 会更倾向于形成 又多又大的玫瑰结
These cell clusters can get lodged in tiny blood vessels -- often in your brain -- and block blood flow.
这些细胞簇可以寄住在微小的血管上面-通常是大脑 阻塞血液流动
Which is bad enough. But when rosettes get tucked away like this,
危害非常大 但是当形成这种玫瑰结时
it also prevents the infected cells from being cleaned up by your body's natural defenses.
它可以阻止传染细胞 被你的防御系统清理
All of this means that people with A or B or AB blood are at higher risk for a severe case of malaria than people with type O.
所有这些就意味着拥有A B或AB型血的人承担着 比O型血得疟疾更大的风险
But, type O has its downsides, too.
但是 O型血也有它不好的一面
You may fare better with malaria if you’re an O,
如果你是O型血的话 你可能疟疾得可能不是很大
but you'll probably do worse against certain strains of the bacteria that cause cholera.
但你 被细菌感染而得霍乱的可能性却更大
During an outbreak of cholera in Peru in the early '90s,
在90年代早期 秘鲁爆发了一场霍乱 O型血的人
people with type O blood were 8 times more likely to be hospitalized.
And it turns out that type O blood is least common in places like the Ganges River Delta,
结果是 在像三角洲恒河这种地方 O型血的公民是最少的
where cholera has been making people sick for centuries.
While scientists still don't fully understand what's going on here,

one idea is that having A or B antigens might help prevent the cholera toxin from binding as firmly to some of your cells.
一个想法涌现了:A和B抗原可以帮助人们阻止霍乱毒素捆绑你的一些 细胞
But this protection doesn't take place in your blood.
Instead, it's the result of antigens on the cells that line your intestines.
That's where the cholera toxin does its work, making your cells pump out water and electrolytes,
那是霍乱毒素作用的地方 它让你的细胞失去水 和电解质
and causing the diarrhea that makes cholera such a fast killer.
进而造成腹泻 从而造就了一个如此快的杀手——霍乱
For people who have A's and B's on these cells, the cholera toxin can still bind to them.
对于细胞中有A和B型抗原的人 霍乱毒素仍然可以捆绑它们
But it binds even more strongly to the H antigen.
但是对H型抗原来说 它的捆绑力度甚至更大
And since H is the antigen that Type O people have, O's are at greater risk for a more severe case of cholera.
又由于H型抗原是O型血的人拥有的 所以O型血的人存在 更高的风险得霍乱
Finally, the antigens that determine your blood type can also affect your risk for heart disease.
Here, it is the antigens in your blood that call the shots. But not the ones on your red blood cells.
这里 发号施令的 是在你血液中的抗原 但不是在你的血红细胞中的抗原
Instead, the key is the antigens on something called your von Willebrand factor.
It sounds like the name of a German techno-pop band.
But von Willebrand factor is a protein that helps your blood form clots.
Obviously, you want to have enough von Willebrand factor in your blood to stop bleeding in case of an injury.
很明显 你需要血液中有足够的冯·维勒布兰德因子来帮助你 受伤的时候止血
But having too much of it in your circulation can create clots in places you don't want…
and trigger a heart attack, or a stroke.
Thankfully, your body routinely sweeps out some of this factor.
Scientists haven't quite figured it out yet
but for some reason if your von Willebrand factor has either the A or B antigens on them, that clearance is harder to do.
但出于一些理由 如果你的冯·维勒布兰德因子中 存在A抗原 或存在B抗原 那么就会很难清除这种因子了
As a result, people with type A, B or AB blood have about 25 percent more of this clotting factor in their blood.
总结来说 A B和AB型血的人比其他血型的人多大概25%的 凝固因子在他们的血液中
This may explain why researchers have consistently found higher rates of heart disease,
这也许可以解释为什么和O型血的人相比 研究人员发现在A B和AB型血中
heart attack, and stroke in people with A, B, or AB blood, compared to those with O.
Now, in the grand scheme of things, your blood type is only a bit player when it comes to what diseases you might get.
不过 宏观来说 血型的影响 对你的疾病来说已无足轻重
Eating too many hamburgers and not working out, for instance,
例如 吃太多汉堡包或不锻炼
are almost certainly more damaging to your heart than having A or B antigens on your blood cells.
都会比你 血细胞中A B型抗原造成的伤害更多
But scientists hope to figure out why certain blood types help protect you from some conditions, while making others worse.
但科学家希望弄清为什么血型能帮助你克服一些状况 也会造成更糟的效果
The hope is that, one day, everyone will be able benefit, whether you're an A, B, AB, or an O.
我们希望的是:有一天 不管你是A B AB还是O型血 都对你有好处
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