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权利的游戏 第910期:第五十一章 珊莎(16)

编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • King Joffrey looked her up and down.
  • 乔佛里国王上上下下地打量着她。
  • "Your sweet words have moved me," he said gallantly, nodding, as if to say all would be well.
  • “你的一番肺腑之言感动了我,”他英勇地点头道,仿佛在说一切都会没事。
  • "I shall do as you ask... but first your father has to confess.
  • “我就成全你……但你父亲必须先俯首认罪,
  • He has to confess and say that I'm the king, or there will be no mercy for him."
  • 承认我是他的国王,不然我无法手下留情。”
  • He will, Sansa said, heart soaring. "Oh, I know he will."
  • “他会的,”珊莎说,整颗心都飞了起来。“嗯,我知道他会的。”
  • Eddard. The straw on the floor stank of urine.
  • 艾德。铺在地板的稻草充满尿臊昧。
  • There was no window, no bed, not even a slop bucket.
  • 这里没有窗户,没有床,连个潲水桶都没有。
  • He remembered walls of pale red stone festooned with patches of nitre,
  • 他依稀记得墙壁是淡红色的,露出一片片硝石,
  • a grey door of splintered wood, four inches thick and studded with iron.
  • 有一扇碎木做的灰门,足有四尺厚,上面钉了铁钉。
  • He had seen them, briefly, a quick glimpse as they shoved him inside.
  • 他被推进来时,短暂地看了屋内几眼,
  • Once the door had slammed shut, he had seen no more.
  • 等门“轰”地一声关上,就什么也看不清了。
  • The dark was absolute. He had as well been blind.
  • 这里没有一丝光线,他和瞎子无异。
  • Or dead. Buried with his king.
  • 或者说,和死人无异。他和他的国王一同被埋在地底了。
  • "Ah, Robert," he murmured as his groping hand touched a cold stone wall, his leg throbbing with every motion.
  • “啊,劳勃。”他喃喃说,探出手去,摸到冰冷的石墙,每动一下,受伤的脚就抽痛一次。
  • He remembered the jest the king had shared in the crypts of Winterfell, as the Kings of Winter looked on with cold stone eyes.
  • 他回忆起当时在临冬城的地下墓窖里,在历代冬境之王雕像的冷冷石眼注视下,国王所说的笑话。


King Joffrey looked her up and down. "Your sweet words have moved me," he said gallantly, nodding, as if to say all would be well. "I shall do as you ask... but first your father has to confess. He has to confess and say that I'm the king, or there will be no mercy for him."

He will, Sansa said, heart soaring. "Oh, I know he will."
The straw on the floor stank of urine. There was no window, no bed, not even a slop bucket. He remembered walls of pale red stone festooned with patches of nitre, a grey door of splintered wood, four inches thick and studded with iron. He had seen them, briefly, a quick glimpse as they shoved him inside. Once the door had slammed shut, he had seen no more. The dark was absolute. He had as well been blind.
Or dead. Buried with his king. "Ah, Robert," he murmured as his groping hand touched a cold stone wall, his leg throbbing with every motion. He remembered the jest the king had shared in the crypts of Winterfell, as the Kings of Winter looked on with cold stone eyes.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
bucket ['bʌkit]


n. 水桶
vt. 装在桶里

confess [kən'fes]


v. 承认,告白,忏悔

jest [dʒest]


n. 说笑,玩笑 v. 开玩笑

touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

mercy ['mə:si]


n. 怜悯,宽恕,仁慈,恩惠





