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BBC环球慢速英语 第184期:埃利·威塞尔(6)

来源:可可英语 编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • After the war Elie began to write for newspapers. He wrote about the news in different parts of the world.
  • 战争结束以后,埃利开始为报纸撰写文章。他描写世界各地的新闻。
  • But Elie did not write about his experiences during the war.
  • 但是,埃利并没有描写他在战争期间的经历。
  • For ten years he did not talk about the Holocaust. Later, he said:
  • 有10年的时间他都没有谈到过纳粹大屠杀。后来,他表示:
  • "I waited for ten years.
  • “我等了10年。
  • But I wanted to be sure that the words I would use are the right words. I was afraid of language."
  • 我要保证我所使用的词汇是正确的。我害怕语言。”
  • Then a friend told Elie that he should write his story.
  • 然后,一个朋友告诉埃利,他应该写自己的故事。
  • He wanted Elie to do it so that people would never forget about the Holocaust.
  • 他希望埃利能将自己的故事写出来,这样人们才永远不会忘记纳粹大屠杀。
  • Elie listened to his friend. It was time to share his experiences.
  • 埃利听从了朋友的建议。是时候分享他的经历了。
  • He wrote a book called 'Night'.
  • 他写了一本名为《夜晚》的书。
  • This book tells his story to millions of people around the world. He said:
  • 全世界数百万人因为这本书知道了他的故事。他说:
  • "I wrote it not for myself. I wrote it for the other survivors who found it difficult to speak.
  • “我并不是为了自己写的这本书。我写这本书是为了其他难以表达的幸存者。
  • And I wanted to tell them, 'Look, you must speak.
  • 我想告诉他们,‘你们必须开口。
  • As poorly as we can express our feelings, our memories, we must still try'."
  • 也许我们不善于表达自己的情感和记忆,但是我们必须去尝试。'”


Voice 2: After the war Elie began to write for newspapers. He wrote about the news in different parts of the world. But Elie did not write about his experiences during the war. For ten years he did not talk about the Holocaust. Later, he said:

Voice 3: "I waited for ten years. But I wanted to be sure that the words I would use are the right words. I was afraid of language."
Voice 1: Then a friend told Elie that he should write his story. He wanted Elie to do it so that people would never forget about the Holocaust.
Voice 2: Elie listened to his friend. It was time to share his experiences. He wrote a book called 'Night'. This book tells his story to millions of people around the world. He said:
Voice 3: "I wrote it not for myself. I wrote it for the other survivors who found it difficult to speak. And I wanted to tell them, 'Look, you must speak. As poorly as we can express our feelings, our memories, we must still try'."





