Voice 1: Correcting a child’s behaviour is very important. But sometimes, when a child does not behave, a parent may become angry. The parent may then react out of anger. This can lead to hitting a child because of this anger. Experts say that parents should NEVER hit a child out of anger.
Voice 2: Experts say that it is important for parents to be firm, but kind. They should not threaten their children. And if a parent is too angry to deal with a problem, he can even tell the child: "I am too angry to deal with this right now. We will talk about it later." This can help a parent to calm down. He can take time to think of a fitting punishment. Using methods like these teaches children that they do not need to use violence to solve their problems. Instead, they can stay calm and think about a better way to solve the problem.
Voice 1: There is much more to say on this subject, but that is all the time we have for today. What do you think? Write your questions and comments to Spotlight at radio @ english.net. Thank you especially to Konsam, Augusto, and Evelin for writing to us.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201707/517151.shtml