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美国学生历史 第175期:1860年的美国(5)

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Then the traveler had to alight, get something to eat, and see his baggage placed on another train.
  • 旅客不得不下车吃东西并查看他们在另一节车厢上的行李。
  • Still, with all its discomforts, traveling in the worst of cars was better than traveling in the old stagecoaches.
  • 虽然有这些不便之处,乘坐最为糟糕的火车旅行也胜过乘坐老式的四轮马车;
  • Many more steamboats were used, especially on the Great Lakes and the Western rivers.
  • 更多的汽船投入使用,在五大湖和西部的河流上更是如此。
  • 367. Education.
  • 367.教育
  • The last thirty years had also been years of progress in learning.
  • 最近这三十年也是学习方面进步的三十年,
  • Many colleges were founded, especially in the Northwest.
  • 国家创办了许多学院,特别是在西北部地区学院更多,
  • There was still no institution which deserved the name of university.
  • 但仍然还没有哪个学院可以叫做大学。
  • But more attention was being paid to the sciences and to the education of men for the professions of law and medicine.
  • 人们更加注意科学和成人教育,注重培养法律和医药方面的专业人员。
  • The newspapers also took on their modern form.
  • 报纸也换上了现代面孔,
  • The New York Herald, founded in 1835, was the first real newspaper.
  • 创办于1835年的《纽约先驱报》是第一份真正的报纸。
  • But the New York Tribune, edited by Horace Greeley, had more influence than any other paper in the country.
  • 但是,由郝瑞斯?格瑞勒主编的《纽约论坛报》在全美的影响最大。
  • Greeley was odd in many ways, but he was one of the ablest men of the time.
  • 格瑞勒有许多特异之处,他是那个时代的精英之一,
  • He called for a liberal policy in the distribution of the public lands and was forever saying, "Go West, young man, go West."
  • 他号召一种分发公共土地的自由政策,并且一直在宣讲“去西部,年轻人,去西部”。
  • The magazines were now very much better than in former years, and America's foremost writers were doing some of their best work.
  • 杂志比前些年大为改进,美国的一些一流作家在杂志上发表他们的杰作。


Then the traveler had to alight, get something to eat, and see his baggage placed on another train. Still, with all its discomforts, traveling in the worst of cars was better than traveling in the old stagecoaches. Many more steamboats were used, especially on the Great Lakes and the Western rivers.

367. Education.
The last thirty years had also been years of progress in learning. Many colleges were founded, especially in the Northwest. There was still no institution which deserved the name of university. But more attention was being paid to the sciences and to the education of men for the professions of law and medicine. The newspapers also took on their modern form. The New York Herald, founded in 1835, was the first real newspaper. But the New York Tribune, edited by Horace Greeley, had more influence than any other paper in the country. Greeley was odd in many ways, but he was one of the ablest men of the time. He called for a liberal policy in the distribution of the public lands and was forever saying, "Go West, young man, go West." The magazines were now very much better than in former years, and America's foremost writers were doing some of their best work.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
alight [ə'lait]


vi. 落下,走下,偶然发现 adj. 燃烧的,点亮的

institution [.insti'tju:ʃən]


n. 机构,制度,创立

liberal ['libərəl]


adj. 慷慨的,大方的,自由主义的
n. 自

deserved [di'zə:vd]


adj. 应得的;理所当然的 v. 值得;应得;应受报答

distribution [.distri'bju:ʃən]


n. 分发,分配,散布,分布





