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美国学生历史 第171期:1860年的美国(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Chapter 35 The United States in 1860
  • 第35章 1860年的美国
  • 361. Growth of the Country.
  • 361.国家的发展
  • The United States was now three times as large as it was at Jefferson's election.
  • 此时美国的领土是杰斐逊当选总统时的三倍,
  • It contained over three million square miles of land.
  • 有300多万平方英里,
  • About one-third of this great area was settled.
  • 在这一大片区域中三分之一已经有人居住;
  • In the sixty years of the century the population had increased even faster than the area had increased.
  • 近60年来人口以前所未有的速度增长,
  • In 1800 there were five and a half million people living in the United States.
  • 1800年美国有550万人,
  • In 1860 there were over thirty-one million people within its borders.
  • 而1860年美国本土已经有3100万人口,
  • Of these nearly five millions were white immigrants.
  • 这些人当中近500万人是白种人移民,
  • More than half of these immigrants had come in the last ten years, and they had practically all of them settled in the free states of the North.
  • 而这些移民中半数以上是近10年才到来的。特别是,他们都居住在北方的三个自由州,
  • Of the whole population of thirty-one millions only twelve millions lived in the slave states, and of these more than four millions were negro slaves.
  • 在全部3100万人口中仅仅1200万人生活在蓄奴州,这些奴隶中有400多万是黑奴。
  • 362. Change of Political Power.
  • 362.政治权力的变革
  • The control of Congress had now passed into the hands of the free states of the North.
  • 现在国家政治权力转交给北方自由州的手中,
  • The majority of the Representatives had long been from the free states.
  • 大多数代表都是来自自由州。
  • Now more Senators came from the North than from the South.
  • 这时候来自北方的参议员在人数上超过来自南方的参议员,
  • This was due to the admission of new states.
  • 这主要是由于接受一些新的州造成。
  • Texas (1845) was the last slave state to be admitted to the Union.
  • 得克萨斯是最后一个被接受加入联邦的蓄奴州(1848年)。
  • Two years later the admission of Wisconsin gave the free states as many votes in the Senate as the slave states had.
  • 两年后,威斯康星加入联邦使得自由州和蓄奴州的票数相同。


Chapter 35

The United States in 1860
361. Growth of the Country.


The United States was now three times as large as it was at Jefferson's election. It contained over three million square miles of land. About one-third of this great area was settled. In the sixty years of the century the population had increased even faster than the area had increased. In 1800 there were five and a half million people living in the United States. In 1860 there were over thirty-one million people within its borders. Of these nearly five millions were white immigrants. More than half of these immigrants had come in the last ten years, and they had practically all of them settled in the free states of the North. Of the whole population of thirty-one millions only twelve millions lived in the slave states, and of these more than four millions were negro slaves.

362. Change of Political Power.


The control of Congress had now passed into the hands of the free states of the North. The majority of the Representatives had long been from the free states. Now more Senators came from the North than from the South. This was due to the admission of new states. Texas (1845) was the last slave state to be admitted to the Union. Two years later the admission of Wisconsin gave the free states as many votes in the Senate as the slave states had.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
contained [kən'teind]


adj. 泰然自若的,从容的;被控制的 v. 包含;遏制

majority [mə'dʒɔriti]


n. 多数,大多数,多数党,多数派

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

election [i'lekʃən]


n. 选举

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制





