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Day88 糖的甜蜜陷阱(2)

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The author sets out to prove that because of its unique metabolic, physiological and hormonal effects, sugar is the new tobacco. It is detrimental to health, yet also defended by powerful lobbies. If, as he contends in one example, the most significant change in diets as populations become Westernised, urbanised and affluent is the amount of sugar consumed, then the conventional wisdom linking fat with chronic disease does not square up. Cultures with diets that contain considerable fat, like the Inuit and the Maasai, experienced obesity, hypertension and coronary disease only when they began to eat profuse amounts of sugar. Likewise, diabetesvirtually unknown in China at the turn of the 20th century, but now endemic in 11.6% of the adult population, 110m in total.
Sugar is intoxicating in the same way that drugs can be, writes Mr Taubes. Was it not Niall Ferguson, a British historian, who once described sugar as theuppersof the 18th century? A medieval recipe even suggests sprinkling sugar on oysters. The craving seems to be hard-wired: babies instinctively prefer sugar water to plain.

The author sets out to prove that because of its unique metabolic, physiological and hormonal effects, sugar is the new tobacco. It is detrimental to health, yet also defended by powerful lobbies.
set out 着手/尝试做某事
metabolic adj.新陈代谢的
- metabolism 新陈代谢
physiological adj.生理的
hormonal adj.荷尔蒙的
tobacco n.烟草
detrimental adj.有害的
- The factory' waste was detrimental to the local environment.
defend v.捍卫
lobby n.游说 (try to influence government to make decisions for or against something.

If, as he contends in one example, the most significant change in diets as populations become Westernised, urbanised and affluent is the amount of sugar consumed, then the conventional wisdom linking fat with chronic disease does not square up.
contend v.声称 (to argue in a strong way)
urbanised adj.城市化的
- urban adj.城市的
- urbanise/urbanize v.城市化
affluent adj.富裕的 (having a large amount of money and owning many expensive things)
- He is affluent and can afford to send his children to the best schools.
conventional adj.传统的
chronic adj.慢性的
square up 面对面(对立状)
- The two teams will square up tonight.

Cultures with diets that contain considerable fat, like the Inuit and the Maasai, experienced obesity, hypertension and coronary disease only when they began to eat profuse amounts of sugar. Likewise, diabetesvirtually unknown in China at the turn of the 20th century, but now endemic in 11.6% of the adult population, 110m in total.
considerable adj.大量的
hypertension n.高血压
profuse adj.大量的
- He offered profuse apologies for being late.
- They were profuse in their thanks.
likewise adv.同样地
virtually adv.几乎 (very nearly)
- We spent virtually all day shopping.
endemic adj.地方性的
- endemic disease
- The fish is an endemic species.

Sugar is intoxicating in the same way that drugs can be, writes Mr Taubes. Was it not Niall Ferguson, a British historian, who once described sugar as theuppersof the 18th century? A medieval recipe even suggests sprinkling sugar on oysters. The craving seems to be hard-wired: babies instinctively prefer sugar water to plain.
糖像毒品一样会让人兴奋,陶布斯写道。英国历史学家尼尔•弗格森(Niall Ferguson)不就曾把糖描述为18世纪的“兴奋剂”吗?一个中世纪的食谱甚至建议在牡蛎上撒糖。对糖的渴望似乎与生俱来:比起白开水,婴儿本能地更喜欢糖水。
intoxicating adj.刺激兴奋的
- intoxicate v.使刺激
upper n.兴奋剂 (a stimulant drug)
medieval adj.中世纪的
sprinkle v.撒
- He sprinkled water on the plants.
oyster n.蚝
craving adj.渴望
- crave v./n.渴望
hardwired adj.与生俱来的
- A human being is hardwired to be sociable.
instinctively adv.本能地
- instinctive adj.本能的
plain n./adj.平淡(的)

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plain [plein]


n. 平原,草原
adj. 清楚的,坦白的,简

conventional [kən'venʃənl]


adj. 传统的,惯例的,常规的

stimulant ['stimjulənt]


n. 兴奋剂,刺激物,酒精性饮料 adj. 使兴奋的,激

detrimental [.detri'mentl]


adj. 有害的 n. 有害的人或事

instinctive [in'stiŋktiv]


adj. 本能的,天性的,直觉的

profuse [prə'fju:s]


adj. 很多的,丰富的,浪费的

metabolic [.metə'bɔlik]


adj. 新陈代谢的

recipe ['resipi]


n. 食谱,秘诀,药方

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界


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