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美国学生历史 第154期:墨西哥战争(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • So far all had gone well.
  • 至此一切进展顺利。
  • But in the winter many of Taylor's soldiers were withdrawn to take part in Scott's campaign.
  • 但到了冬季泰勒的许多士兵被抽调去参加斯科特发起的战役,
  • This seemed to be the Mexicans' time.
  • 这似乎给墨西哥人一个机会,
  • They attacked Taylor with four times as many men as he had in his army.
  • 他们以四倍于泰勒的兵力向泰勒发起攻击。
  • This battle was fought at Buena Vista, February, 1847.
  • 这场战斗于1847年2月在布纳维斯塔打响,
  • Taylor beat back the Mexicans with terrible slaughter.
  • 泰勒率部展开一场可怕的大屠杀,他们打退了墨西哥人。
  • This was the last battle of Taylor's campaign.
  • 这是泰勒所发起战役的最后一场战斗。
  • 335. Scott's Invasion of Mexico.
  • 335.斯科特入侵墨西哥
  • The plan of Scott's campaign was that he should land at Vera Cruz, march to the city of Mexico,-two hundred miles away,-capture that city, and force the Mexicans to make peace.
  • 斯科特所发起战役的计划是在韦拉克鲁斯登陆,然后奔袭两百英里外的墨西哥城,夺取这座城市,迫使墨西哥人接受和平。
  • Everything fell out precisely as it was planned.
  • 一切都完全按照计划进行,
  • With the help of the navy Scott captured Vera Cruz. He had only about one-quarter as many men as the Mexicans.
  • 在海军的帮助下斯科特夺取韦拉克鲁斯,他的兵力仅是所遇到墨西哥守敌的一半,
  • But he overthrew them at Cerro Gordo, where the road to the City of Mexico crosses the coast mountains (April, 1847).
  • 但他在塞罗戈多打败了他们(1847年4月),这里地处山地海岸,有通往墨西哥城的路。
  • With the greatest care and skill he pressed on and at length came within sight of the City of Mexico.
  • 他们带着高度的小心和机警行军,终于看到墨西哥城。
  • The capital of the Mexican Republic stood in the midst of marshes, and could be reached only over narrow causeways which joined it to the solid land.
  • 墨西哥共和国的首都四周都是湿地,只有一条窄窄的堤道与外界结实的陆地相连。
  • August 20, 1847, Scott beat the Mexicans in three pitched battles,
  • 经过三场厮杀,斯科特打败了墨西哥人,
  • and on September 14 he entered the city with his army, now numbering only six thousand men fit for active service.
  • 9月14日他带着部队进入墨西哥城,此时,他的士兵只剩下6000人。


So far all had gone well. But in the winter many of Taylor's soldiers were withdrawn to take part in Scott's campaign. This seemed to be the Mexicans' time. They attacked Taylor with four times as many men as he had in his army. This battle was fought at Buena Vista, February, 1847. Taylor beat back the Mexicans with terrible slaughter. This was the last battle of Taylor's campaign.

335. Scott's Invasion of Mexico.
The plan of Scott's campaign was that he should land at Vera Cruz, march to the city of Mexico,-two hundred miles away,-capture that city, and force the Mexicans to make peace. Everything fell out precisely as it was planned. With the help of the navy Scott captured Vera Cruz. He had only about one-quarter as many men as the Mexicans. But he overthrew them at Cerro Gordo, where the road to the City of Mexico crosses the coast mountains (April, 1847). With the greatest care and skill he pressed on and at length came within sight of the City of Mexico. The capital of the Mexican Republic stood in the midst of marshes, and could be reached only over narrow causeways which joined it to the solid land. August 20, 1847, Scott beat the Mexicans in three pitched battles, and on September 14 he entered the city with his army, now numbering only six thousand men fit for active service.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
withdrawn [wið'drɔ:n]


adj. 偏僻的,离群的,孤独的,内向的 动词withd

campaign [kæm'pein]


n. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动
v. 从事运

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

invasion [in'veiʒən]


n. 侵入,侵略

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

vista ['vistə]


n. 街景,展望,回想





