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权利的游戏 第789期:第四十六章 琼恩(3)

编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Sam gave a tremulous nod, working up his courage with a visible effort. Slowly he swiveled his head.
  • 山姆颤巍巍地点个头,很明显地努力鼓起勇气,然后缓缓转头。
  • His eyes widened, but Jon held his arm so he could not turn away.
  • 他的双眼顿时睁得老大,但琼恩抓住他的手,不让他转开。
  • Sir Jaremy, the Old Bear asked gruffly, "Ben Stark had six men with him when he rode from the Wall. Where are the others?"
  • “杰瑞米爵士,”熊老没好气地问,“班·史塔克出长城带了六个人,其他人上哪儿去了?”
  • Sir Jaremy shook his head. "Would that I knew."
  • 杰瑞米爵士摇摇头。“我若是知道就好了。”
  • Plainly Mormont was not pleased with that answer.
  • 莫尔蒙对这答案显然大为不满。
  • "Two of our brothers butchered almost within sight of the Wall, yet your rangers heard nothing, saw nothing.
  • “两个弟兄几乎在长城的肉眼可见范围内惨遭杀害,你的游骑兵却什么也没听见,什么也没看到,
  • Is this what the Night's Watch has fallen to?
  • 难道守夜人已经怠惰到这种地步了?
  • Do we still sweep these woods?" Yes, my lord, but...
  • 我们到底有没有派人扫荡森林?”“当然是有的,大人,可是——”
  • Do we still mount watches? We do, but...
  • “我们还有没有派人骑马巡逻?”“有的,可是——”
  • This man wears a hunting horn. Mormont pointed at Othor. "Must I suppose that he died without sounding it?
  • “这家伙身上带着猎号,”莫尔蒙指着奥瑟说,“莫非你要我相信他临死前连一声都没吹?
  • Or have your rangers all gone deaf as well as blind?"
  • 还是你的游骑兵不只眼睛瞎了,连耳朵也聋啦?”
  • Sir Jaremy bristled, his face taut with anger.
  • 杰瑞米爵士气得毛发竖立,满脸怒容。
  • "No horn was blown, my lord, or my rangers would have heard it.
  • “大人,没有人吹号角,否则我的游骑兵一定会听见。
  • I do not have sufficient men to mount as many patrols as I should like...
  • 如今人手不够,根本无法照我的意图仔细巡逻……
  • and since Benjen was lost, we have stayed closer to the Wall than we were wont to do before, by your own command."
  • 更何况自从班扬失踪,我们已经缩短了巡逻范围,比以前更靠近长城——这可是大人您亲自下的令。”
  • The Old Bear grunted. "Yes. Well. Be that as it may."
  • 熊老咕哝道:“唉,也是。那就算了罢。”
  • He made an impatient gesture.
  • 他不耐烦地挥挥手。
  • "Tell me how they died."
  • “跟我说说他们是怎么死的。”


Sam gave a tremulous nod, working up his courage with a visible effort. Slowly he swiveled his head. His eyes widened, but Jon held his arm so he could not turn away.

Sir Jaremy, the Old Bear asked gruffly, "Ben Stark had six men with him when he rode from the Wall. Where are the others?"
Sir Jaremy shook his head. "Would that I knew."
Plainly Mormont was not pleased with that answer. "Two of our brothers butchered almost within sight of the Wall, yet your rangers heard nothing, saw nothing. Is this what the Night's Watch has fallen to? Do we still sweep these woods?"
Yes, my lord, but...
Do we still mount watches?
We do, but...
This man wears a hunting horn. Mormont pointed at Othor. "Must I suppose that he died without sounding it? Or have your rangers all gone deaf as well as blind?"
Sir Jaremy bristled, his face taut with anger. "No horn was blown, my lord, or my rangers would have heard it. I do not have sufficient men to mount as many patrols as I should like... and since Benjen was lost, we have stayed closer to the Wall than we were wont to do before, by your own command."
The Old Bear grunted. "Yes. Well. Be that as it may." He made an impatient gesture. "Tell me how they died."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
horn [hɔ:n]


n. 动物角,喇叭,触角,角状物,力量源泉

command [kə'mɑ:nd]


n. 命令,指挥,控制
v. 命令,指挥,支配

sufficient [sə'fiʃənt]


adj. 足够的,充分的

gesture ['dʒestʃə]


n. 手势,姿态
v. 作手势表达

stark [stɑ:k]


adj. 僵硬的,完全的,严酷的,荒凉的,光秃秃的 ad

visible ['vizəbl]


adj. 可见的,看得见的
n. 可见物

impatient [im'peiʃənt]


adj. 不耐烦的,急躁的

taut [tɔ:t]


adj. 拉紧的,整洁的,紧张的





