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权利的游戏 第766期:第四十四章 艾莉亚(14)

编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • His palms were cut where he'd grabbed at the blade.
  • 他刚才握剑的手掌也被割伤。
  • She backed away slowly, Needle red in her hand.
  • 她慢慢后退,擎着血淋淋的缝衣针。
  • She had to get away, someplace far from here, someplace safe away from the stableboy's accusing eyes.
  • 她想离开,她必须离开,她要躲到远离这马僮充满控诉的眼神的地方。
  • She snatched up the bridle and harness again and ran to her mare,
  • 于是她慌忙抓起马鞍和缰绳,朝她的母马跑去。
  • but as she lifted the saddle to the horse's back, Arya realized with a sudden sick dread that the castle gates would be closed.
  • 然而正当举鞍准备放上马背时,艾莉亚突然恐惧地想到城门一定已经关闭,
  • Even the postern doors would likely be guarded.
  • 边门也多半有人看守。
  • Maybe the guards wouldn't recognize her.
  • 或许守卫认不出她。
  • If they thought she was a boy, perhaps they'd let her...
  • 如果他们把她当成男孩,或许就会让她……
  • no, they'd have orders not to let anyone out, it wouldn't matter whether they knew her or not.
  • 不对,他们一定接到了不准任何人出去的命令,所以认不认出她都一样。
  • But there was another way out of the castle...
  • 还有一条路可以离开城堡……
  • The saddle slipped from Arya's fingers and fell to the dirt with a thump and a puff of dust.
  • 马鞍从艾莉亚指间滑落,咚地一声,掉在泥土地上,溅起一阵灰尘。
  • Could she find the room with the monsters again?
  • 她还得去找那个充满怪兽的房间吗?
  • She wasn't certain, yet she knew she had to try.
  • 她不确定,但她知道自己非试不可。
  • She found the clothing she'd gathered and slipped into the cloak, concealing Needle beneath its folds.
  • 她找到刚才收集的衣服,然后披上斗篷,以遮掩缝衣针。
  • The rest of her things she tied in a roll.
  • 她把其余东西绑成一束,
  • With the bundle under her arm, she crept to the far end of the stable.
  • 将包裹夹在腋下,溜到马厩的另一头。
  • Unlatching the back door, she peeked out anxiously.
  • 她打开后门的锁,不安地向外偷瞄。
  • She could hear the distant sound of swordplay, and the shivery wail of a man screaming in pain across the bailey.
  • 远处传来剑击声,内城那边还有个人在垂死哀嚎。
  • She would need to go down the serpentine steps, past the small kitchen and the pig yard,
  • 她必须走下螺旋梯,穿过小厨房和养猪场,
  • that was how she'd gone last time, chasing the black tomcat...
  • 上次她追赶黑公猫就是走的这条路……
  • only that would take her right past the barracks of the gold cloaks.
  • 可这样走会直接经过金袍卫士的军营,
  • She couldn't go that way.
  • 所以行不通。


His palms were cut where he'd grabbed at the blade. She backed away slowly, Needle red in her hand. She had to get away, someplace far from here, someplace safe away from the stableboy's accusing eyes.

She snatched up the bridle and harness again and ran to her mare, but as she lifted the saddle to the horse's back, Arya realized with a sudden sick dread that the castle gates would be closed. Even the postern doors would likely be guarded. Maybe the guards wouldn't recognize her. If they thought she was a boy, perhaps they'd let her... no, they'd have orders not to let anyone out, it wouldn't matter whether they knew her or not.
But there was another way out of the castle...
The saddle slipped from Arya's fingers and fell to the dirt with a thump and a puff of dust. Could she find the room with the monsters again? She wasn't certain, yet she knew she had to try.
She found the clothing she'd gathered and slipped into the cloak, concealing Needle beneath its folds. The rest of her things she tied in a roll. With the bundle under her arm, she crept to the far end of the stable. Unlatching the back door, she peeked out anxiously. She could hear the distant sound of swordplay, and the shivery wail of a man screaming in pain across the bailey. She would need to go down the serpentine steps, past the small kitchen and the pig yard, that was how she'd gone last time, chasing the black tomcat... only that would take her right past the barracks of the gold cloaks. She couldn't go that way.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

blade [bleid]


n. 刀锋,刀口

mare [mer]


n. 母马,母驴 n. (月球等)表面阴暗处

dread [dred]


n. 恐惧,可怕的人,可怕的事
adj. 可怕

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

saddle ['sædl]


n. 鞍,车座,山脊,拖具
vt. 装以马鞍,

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

harness ['hɑ:nis]


n. 马具,系在身上的绳子,甲胄,安全带





