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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • When you're doing all this, real life doesn't stop.
  • 现在当你们在做这些,真实的人生并未停止。
  • 1997 was the year Chelsea finished high school and went to college.
  • 1997年,切尔西高中毕业去读大学。
  • We were happy for her, but sad for us to see her go.
  • 我们为她感到开心,但看着她离开还是感到难过。
  • I'll never forget moving her into her dorm room at Stanford.
  • 我永远不会忘记帮她搬进斯坦福大学的宿舍。
  • It would have been a great little reality flick.
  • 那会成为一个伟大的现实小片段。
  • There I was in a trance just staring out the window trying not to cry,
  • 在那里,我站在窗前盯着外面出神,努力不让自己哭出来,
  • and there was Hillary on her hands and knees desperately looking for one more drawer to put that liner paper in.
  • 希拉里趴在地上拼命的寻找抽屉多放一些衬纸。
  • Finally, Chelsea took charge and told us ever so gently that it was time for us to go.
  • 最后,切尔西掌管了局面,她轻轻地告诉我们该走了。
  • So we closed a big chapter in the most important work of our lives.
  • 就这样,我们合上了人生中最重要作品的最后一页。
  • As you'll see Thursday night when Chelsea speaks, Hillary's done a pretty fine job of being a mother.
  • 在周四晚上你们会听到切尔西的演讲,会知道希拉里是个多么了不起的母亲。
  • And as you saw last night, beyond a shadow of a doubt so has Michelle Obama.
  • 正如你们昨晚所见,米歇尔·奥巴马也曾生活在这样的怀疑阴影之下。
  • Now, fast forward.
  • 现在,快进一下。
  • In 1999, Congressman Charlie Rangel and other New York Democrats urged Hillary urged Hillary to run for the seat of retiring Senator Pat Moynihan.
  • 在1999年,议员查理·兰戈尔和其他纽约的民主党人催促希拉里角逐退休参议员Pat Moynihan空出的职位。
  • We had always intended to go to New York after I left office and commute to Arkansas, but this had never occurred to either one of us.
  • 在我离任后我一直在阿肯色州通勤,我们一直想去纽约,但这在我们两人身上都没有发生。
  • Hillary had never run for office before, but she decided to give it a try.
  • 希拉里此前没有竞选过公职,但她决定试一试。
  • She began her campaign the way she always does new things, by listening and and learning.
  • 她启动竞选活动的方式和她处理新事物的方法一样——通过倾听和学习。
  • And after a tough battle, New York elected her to the seat once held by another outsider, Robert Kennedy.
  • 经过艰难一战她在纽约成功当选,这个位置上此前也曾由一个局外人罗伯特·肯尼迪任职过。
  • And she didn't let him down.
  • 她没有让他失望。


When you're doing all this, real life doesn't stop. 1997 was the year Chelsea finished high school and went to college. We were happy for her, but sad for us to see her go. I'll never forget moving her into her dorm room at Stanford. It would have been a great little reality flick.

There I was in a trance just staring out the window trying not to cry, and there was Hillary on her hands and knees desperately looking for one more drawer to put that liner paper in. Finally, Chelsea took charge and told us ever so gently that it was time for us to go.


So we closed a big chapter in the most important work of our lives.

As you'll see Thursday night when Chelsea speaks, Hillary's done a pretty fine job of being a mother.
And as you saw last night, beyond a shadow of a doubt so has Michelle Obama.
Now, fast forward. In 1999, Congressman Charlie Rangel and other New York Democrats urged Hillary urged Hillary to run for the seat of retiring Senator Pat Moynihan.
现在,快进一下。在1999年,议员查理·兰戈尔和其他纽约的民主党人催促希拉里角逐退休参议员Pat Moynihan空出的职位。
We had always intended to go to New York after I left office and commute to Arkansas, but this had never occurred to either one of us. Hillary had never run for office before, but she decided to give it a try.
She began her campaign the way she always does new things, by listening and and learning. And after a tough battle, New York elected her to the seat once held by another outsider, Robert Kennedy. And she didn't let him down.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
drawer ['drɔ:ə]


n. 抽屉,拖曳者,制图员,开票人

intended [in'tendid]


adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.

retiring [ri'taiəriŋ]


adj. 腼腆的,隐居的,不喜社交的 动词retire的

senator ['senətə]


n. 参议员

campaign [kæm'pein]


n. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动
v. 从事运

shadow ['ʃædəu]


n. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处
vt. 投阴





