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编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I am I mean, that's what the world calls me, but it's not me.
  • 我不是...黑人。我是说,那是这世界对我的称呼,不过那不是我。
  • I didn't come out of my mother's womb saying, "Hey, everybody! I'"
  • 我没有从我妈妈的子宫里出来就说:「嘿,大家!我是...黑人。」
  • No, I was taught to be black. And you were taught to call me that, along with whatever you call yourself. It's just a label.
  • 不,我是被教育要当个黑人。而你被教育那样叫我,还有不管你叫自己什么。那只是个标签。
  • See, from birth, the world force-feeds us these labels.
  • 你瞧,从出生以来,这世界就灌食我们这些标签。
  • And eventually we all swallow them. We digest and accept the labels, never ever doubting them.
  • 最终我们都吞下它们。我们消化并接受这些标签,从未质疑过它们。
  • But there's one problem: Labels are not you, and labels are not me—labels are just labels! But who we truly are is not skin-deep.
  • 不过有一个问题:卷标不是你,卷标不是我--卷标就只是卷标!但真实的我们不是表面的。
  • See, when I drive my car, no one would ever confuse the car for me.
  • 你看,当我开着我的车时,从没有人会把我的车错当成我。
  • Well, when I drive my body, why do you confuse me for my body? It's my body, get it? Not me.
  • 那,当我操纵着我的身体时,你为什么会把我错当成我的身体呢?那是我的身体,懂吗?不是我。
  • Let me break it down. See, our bodies are just cars that we operate and drive around.
  • 让我解释清楚。你瞧,我们的身体不过是我们操控然后开着到处去的车子。
  • The dealership we call society decided to label mine the black edition, yours the Irish or white edition.
  • 我们称为「社会」的经销商决定把我的标为黑人版本,你的标为爱尔兰或白人版本。
  • And with no money down, zero-percent APR, and no test drive, we were forced to own these cars for the rest of our lives.
  • 没有头期款、零年利率,而且未经试驾,我们被迫接下来一辈子都要拥有这些车子。
  • Forgive me, but I fail to see the logic or pride in defining myself or judging another by the cars we drive, because who we truly are is found inside.
  • 原谅我,但我无法看出以我们的座车定义自我或评断他人背后的逻辑或骄傲,因为真实的我们是从内在发现。
  • Listen, I'm not here to tell you how science has concluded that genetically we're all mixed and race in the human species doesn't exist,
  • 听着,我不是在这告诉你们科学如何结论出就基因来说我们全混合在一起,还有人类的种族并不存在,
  • or how every historian knows that race was invented in the 15th century to divide people from each other and it has worked perfectly. No!
  • 或每个历史学家都知道种族是十五世纪用来分裂人们的产物,而且那效果很好。不!
  • I'm not here to lecture. I just wanna ask one question:
  • 我不是来这讲道理的。我只是想问一个问题:
  • Who would you be if the world never gave you a label, never gave you a box to check?
  • 如果这世界未曾为你贴标签、未曾给你一个框框勾选,你会当谁?
  • Would you be white, black, Mexican, Asian, Native American, Middle Eastern, Indian? No!
  • 你会当白人、黑人、墨西哥人、亚洲人、美国原住民、中东人、印度人?不!
  • We would be one. We would be together, no longer living in the era of calling human beings black people or white people.
  • 我们会成为一体。我们会团结,不再住在一个称呼人们黑人或白人的时代。
  • These labels that will forever blind us from seeing a person for who they are—
  • 这些标签会永远让我们看不见一个人真实的样貌--
  • but instead seeing them through the judgmental, prejudicial, artificial filters of who we think they are.
  • 反而透过我们自以为他们是怎样、批判性、带有成见、人为的滤镜去看一个人。
  • And when you let an artificial label define yourself,
  • 而当你让人为的标签定义自己,
  • then, my friend, you have chosen smallness over greatness and minimized your self, confined and divided your self from others.
  • 那么我的朋友,你就选择了渺小而非伟大,让自己变得微不足道,局限自我且和他人分隔了。
  • And it is an undeniable fact that where there is division, there will be conflict, and conflict starts wars.
  • 有分裂就会有纷争是个无法否认的事实,而纷争开启战争。
  • Therefore, every war has started over labels. It's always us versus them!
  • 因此,每场战争都是从标签起头的。永远都是「我们」对抗「他们」!
  • So the answer to war, racism, sexism, and every other ism is so simple that every politician has missed it!
  • 所以战争、种族主义、性别歧视主义还有其它每个主义的解答是如此简单,每个政治人物都忽略了!
  • It's the labels. We must rip them off.
  • 就是标签。我们必须撕掉标签。
  • Isn't it funny how no baby is born racist, yet every baby cries when they hear the cries of another,
  • 这是不是很奇怪,没有婴儿生来是种族主义者,不过每个婴儿都会在听到其他人哭时大哭,
  • no matter the gender, culture, or color, proving that deep down, we were meant to connect and care for each other?
  • 无论性别、文化或肤色,那证实了在内心深处,我们注定要连结并照顾彼此?
  • That is our mission, and that is not my opinion; that is the truth!
  • 那是我们的任务,那不是我的意见;那是真理!
  • In a world that has sold us fiction, please listen.
  • 在一个卖给我们假象的世界里,请聆听。
  • Labels only distort our vision, which is why half of those watching this will dismiss it or feel resistance and conflicted.
  • 标签只会扭曲我们的眼光,那就是为什么有半数观看这部影片的人会置之不理或感到抗拒和矛盾。
  • But just remember: So did the caterpillar before it broke through its shell and became the magnificent butterfly.
  • 不过只要记住:毛虫破壳成为美丽蝴蝶前也是这样。
  • Well, these labels are our shells, and we must do the same thing so we can finally spread our wings.
  • 嗯,这些标签就是我们的壳,我们必须做一样的事,这样我们才能终于展开翅膀。
  • Human beings were not meant to be slapped with labels like groceries and supermarkets; DNA cannot be regulated by the FDA!
  • 人类不该像杂货和超市那样被拿来贴标签;DNA 无法被食品及药物管理局管制!
  • We were meant to be free, and only until we remove them all and stop living and thinking so small will we be free...
  • 我们应该要自由,而只有在我们拿掉所有标签并停止狭隘地活着和思考时,我们才会自由...
  • to see ourselves and each other for who we truly are.
  • 不受拘束地看见自己和彼此的真实样貌。



I am I mean, that's what the world calls me, but it's not me. I didn't come out of my mother's womb saying, "Hey, everybody! I'" No, I was taught to be black. And you were taught to call me that, along with whatever you call yourself. It's just a label.

See, from birth, the world force-feeds us these labels. And eventually we all swallow them. We digest and accept the labels, never ever doubting them. But there's one problem: Labels are not you, and labels are not melabels are just labels! But who we truly are is not skin-deep.

See, when I drive my car, no one would ever confuse the car for me. Well, when I drive my body, why do you confuse me for my body? It's my body, get it? Not me. Let me break it down. See, our bodies are just cars that we operate and drive around. The dealership we call society decided to label mine the black edition, yours the Irish or white edition. And with no money down, zero-percent APR, and no test drive, we were forced to own these cars for the rest of our lives. Forgive me, but I fail to see the logic or pride in defining myself or judging another by the cars we drive, because who we truly are is found inside.

Listen, I'm not here to tell you how science has concluded that genetically we're all mixed and race in the human species doesn't exist, or how every historian knows that race was invented in the 15th century to divide people from each other and it has worked perfectly. No! I'm not here to lecture. I just wanna ask one question: Who would you be if the world never gave you a label, never gave you a box to check? Would you be white, black, Mexican, Asian, Native American, Middle Eastern, Indian?
No! We would be one. We would be together, no longer living in the era of calling human beings black people or white people. These labels that will forever blind us from seeing a person for who they arebut instead seeing them through the judgmental, prejudicial, artificial filters of who we think they are. And when you let an artificial label define yourself, then, my friend, you have chosen smallness over greatness and minimized your self, confined and divided your self from others.
And it is an undeniable fact that where there is division, there will be conflict, and conflict starts wars. Therefore, every war has started over labels. It's always us versus them! So the answer to war, racism, sexism, and every other ism is so simple that every politician has missed it! It's the labels. We must rip them off.


Isn't it funny how no baby is born racist, yet every baby cries when they hear the cries of another, no matter the gender, culture, or color, proving that deep down, we were meant to connect and care for each other? That is our mission, and that is not my opinion; that is the truth! In a world that has sold us fiction, please listen. Labels only distort our vision, which is why half of those watching this will dismiss it or feel resistance and conflicted. But just remember: So did the caterpillar before it broke through its shell and became the magnificent butterfly. Well, these labels are our shells, and we must do the same thing so we can finally spread our wings.

Human beings were not meant to be slapped with labels like groceries and supermarkets; DNA cannot be regulated by the FDA! We were meant to be free, and only until we remove them all and stop living and thinking so small will we be free... to see ourselves and each other for who we truly are.
人类不该像杂货和超市那样被拿来贴标签;DNA 无法被食品及药物管理局管制!我们应该要自由,而只有在我们拿掉所有标签并停止狭隘地活着和思考时,我们才会自由...不受拘束地看见自己和彼此的真实样貌。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
artificial [.ɑ:ti'fiʃəl]


adj. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的

genetically [dʒe'netikəli]


adv. 遗传(基因)方面

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类

define [di'fain]


v. 定义,解释,限定,规定

operate ['ɔpəreit]


v. 操作,运转,经营,动手术

remove [ri'mu:v]


v. 消除,除去,脱掉,搬迁
n. 去除

resistance [ri'zistəns]


n. 抵抗力,反抗,反抗行动;阻力,电阻;反对

caterpillar ['kætə.pilə]


n. 毛虫 卡特彼勒(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地美

confuse [kən'fju:z]


vt. 混淆,使困惑,使混乱

distort [dis'tɔ:t]


vt. 变形,扭曲,歪曲
vi. 歪曲





