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美国学生历史 第95期:杰斐逊政府(1)

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  • Chapter 23
  • 第23章
  • Jefferson's Administrations
  • 杰斐逊政府
  • 237. President Jefferson.
  • 237.杰斐逊总统
  • Thomas Jefferson was a Republican. He believed in the republican form of government.
  • 托马斯·杰斐逊是共和党人,他信奉共和形式的政府,
  • He believed the wisdom of the people to be the best guide.
  • 认为人民的智慧是最好的导引。
  • He wished the President to be simple and cordial in his relations with his fellow-citizens.
  • 杰斐逊希望总统与他的同事及同事之间有真诚而直截的关系。
  • Adams had ridden to his inauguration in a coach drawn by six cream-colored horses.
  • 亚当斯曾经乘坐由六匹米色马拉动的马车去宣誓就职
  • Jefferson walked with a few friends from his boarding house to the Capitol.
  • ,而杰斐逊则和他的一些朋友从他的公寓步行去国会大厦。
  • Washington and Adams had gone in state to Congress and had opened the session with a speech.
  • 华盛顿和亚当斯初到国会时带着陈述材料来做演讲,
  • Jefferson sent a written message to Congress by a messenger.
  • 杰斐逊则通过信使给国会送去一封他手写的信。
  • Instead of bowing stiffly to those who came to see him, he shook hands with them and tried to make them feel at ease in his presence.
  • 杰斐逊不向来见他的人一一呆板地鞠躬,而是与他们握手,尽力让来访者不因总统在场而感到拘束。
  • 238. The Civil Service.
  • 238.行政机构
  • One of the first matters to take Jefferson's attention was the condition of the civil service.
  • 引起杰斐逊关注的第一件事是国民公务员的待遇,
  • There was not a Republican office-holder in the government service.
  • 在政府公务部门中没有共和党人执政。
  • Washington, in the last years of his presidency, and Adams also had given office only to Federalists.
  • 华盛顿在其执政后期只将这些位子交给联邦党人,
  • Jefferson thought it was absolutely necessary to have some officials upon whom he could rely.
  • 亚当斯也是如此,杰斐逊认为绝对有必要任命一些他所可以信赖的人。
  • So he removed a few Federalist officeholders and appointed Republicans to their places.
  • 因此,他撤换掉部分联邦党人并任命一些共和党人接替他们的位子。
  • Adams had even gone so far as to appoint officers up to midnight of his last day in office.
  • 亚当斯甚至在他离职当晚的午夜任命官员。
  • Indeed, John Marshall, his Secretary of State, was busy signing commissions when Jefferson's Attorney General walked in with his watch in hand and told Marshall that it was twelve o'clock.
  • 事实上,当杰斐逊的司法部长手持手表进来告诉国务卿约翰·马歇尔已经12点时,亚当斯的这位国务卿还在忙着签署委任状。
  • Jefferson and Madison, the new Secretary of State, refused to deliver these commissions even when Marshall as Chief Justice ordered Madison to deliver them.
  • 即使作为首席大法官的马歇尔命令麦迪逊发布这些委任状,杰斐逊和新任国务卿麦迪逊也拒绝发布这些委任状。


Chapter 23

Jefferson's Administrations
237. President Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson was a Republican. He believed in the republican form of government. He believed the wisdom of the people to be the best guide. He wished the President to be simple and cordial in his relations with his fellow-citizens. Adams had ridden to his inauguration in a coach drawn by six cream-colored horses. Jefferson walked with a few friends from his boarding house to the Capitol. Washington and Adams had gone in state to Congress and had opened the session with a speech. Jefferson sent a written message to Congress by a messenger. Instead of bowing stiffly to those who came to see him, he shook hands with them and tried to make them feel at ease in his presence.
238. The Civil Service.
One of the first matters to take Jefferson's attention was the condition of the civil service. There was not a Republican office-holder in the government service. Washington, in the last years of his presidency, and Adams also had given office only to Federalists. Jefferson thought it was absolutely necessary to have some officials upon whom he could rely. So he removed a few Federalist officeholders and appointed Republicans to their places. Adams had even gone so far as to appoint officers up to midnight of his last day in office. Indeed, John Marshall, his Secretary of State, was busy signing commissions when Jefferson's Attorney General walked in with his watch in hand and told Marshall that it was twelve o'clock. Jefferson and Madison, the new Secretary of State, refused to deliver these commissions even when Marshall as Chief Justice ordered Madison to deliver them.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

attorney [ə'tə:ni]


n. (辩护)律师

coach [kəutʃ]


n. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱

messenger ['mesindʒə]


n. 报信者,先驱

presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

inauguration [in.ɔ:gju'reiʃən]


n. 就职典礼,落成典礼,开幕仪式





