The London Olympics has given us new vocabulary: ORNs and PRNs. Or as we've been hearing, Olympic Road Network and Paralympic Road Network. And as from today London commuters travelling along the Olympic network will have to beware of the 30 miles of Olympic Lanes crisscrossing the capital to speed athletes and officials to the Games venues. So far responses to these Lanes have been mixed. No one would be happy waiting a couple of hours for the men's 100 metres final to start because athletes were stuck in traffic. But there have been a lot of voices who are worried about the traffic jams, the overcrowded trains, and the possibility of a fine if you happen to stray into the Lanes during the prohibition hours. The whole debate has dragged us into old conversations about privilege and positions. Of course, no one wants athletes arriving late for the Games. But I can hear some asking, why can't these special heroes catch earlier coaches like the rest of us?