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权利的游戏 第655期:第三十七章 艾德(11)

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  • The lords of the Trident keep the king's peace, Sir Raymun Darry said. "The Lannisters have broken it.
  • “三河流域的领主以国王之名维持境内和平,”雷蒙·戴瑞说,“兰尼斯特的人破坏了和平。
  • We ask leave to answer them, steel for steel.
  • 我们要求血债血偿,
  • We ask justice for the smallfolk of Sherrer and Wendish Town and the Mummer's Ford."
  • 我们要为榭尔村、温德镇和戏子滩的百姓讨个公道。”
  • Edmure agrees, we must pay Gregor Clegane back his bloody coin, Sir Marq declared,
  • “艾德慕同意我们以牙还牙,用相同的手段对付格雷果·克里冈,”马柯爵士宣布,
  • "but old Lord Hoster commanded us to come here and beg the king's leave before we strike."
  • “但霍斯特老爵爷命令我们首先得到国王的允许再出击。”
  • Thank the gods for old Lord Hoster, then.
  • 感谢天上诸神,还好有霍斯特大人在。
  • Tywin Lannister was as much fox as lion.
  • 与其说泰温·兰尼斯特是头狮子,不如说他是只狐狸。
  • If indeed he'd sent Sir Gregor to burn and pillage, and Ned did not doubt that he had,
  • 假如当真是他派格雷果爵士去杀人放火——奈德对此毫无疑问——
  • he'd taken care to see that he rode under cover of night, without banners, in the guise of a common brigand.
  • 他一定会特意嘱咐格雷果小心翼翼,夜晚行动,不张旗帜,扮成普通强盗。
  • Should Riverrun strike back, Cersei and her father would insist that it had been the Tullys who broke the king's peace, not the Lannisters.
  • 倘若奔流城反击,瑟曦和她父亲便能坚称破坏和平的是徒利家族,而非兰尼斯特。
  • The gods only knew what Robert would believe.
  • 到时候劳勃会相信哪一边,只有诸神才知道。
  • Grand Maester Pycelle was on his feet again.
  • 派席尔大学士又站起来。
  • "My lord Hand, if these good folk believe that Sir Gregor has forsaken his holy vows for plunder and rape,
  • “首相大人。如果这几位好村民坚信格雷果爵士背弃了他神圣的誓言,转而奸淫掳掠,
  • let them go to his liege lord and make their complaint.
  • 请让他们去见他的封君大人,向他去抱怨。
  • These crimes are no concern of the throne.
  • 这些罪行与王室无关,
  • Let them seek Lord Tywin's justice."
  • 他们应当请求泰温大人主持正义。”


The lords of the Trident keep the king's peace, Sir Raymun Darry said. "The Lannisters have broken it. We ask leave to answer them, steel for steel. We ask justice for the smallfolk of Sherrer and Wendish Town and the Mummer's Ford."

Edmure agrees, we must pay Gregor Clegane back his bloody coin, Sir Marq declared, "but old Lord Hoster commanded us to come here and beg the king's leave before we strike."
Thank the gods for old Lord Hoster, then. Tywin Lannister was as much fox as lion. If indeed he'd sent Sir Gregor to burn and pillage, and Ned did not doubt that he had, he'd taken care to see that he rode under cover ofnight, without banners, in the guise of a common brigand. Should Riverrun strike back, Cersei and her father would insist that it had been the Tullys who broke the king's peace, not the Lannisters. The gods only knew what Robert would believe.
Grand Maester Pycelle was on his feet again. "My lord Hand, if these good folk believe that Sir Gregor has forsaken his holy vows for plunder and rape, let them go to his liege lord and make their complaint. These crimesare no concern of the throne. Let them seek Lord Tywin's justice."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
strike [straik]


n. 罢工,打击,殴打
v. 打,撞,罢工,划

plunder ['plʌndə]


v. 掠夺,抢劫,抢夺 n. 抢夺,掠夺品,战利品

throne [θrəun]


n. 王座,君主





