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泰戈尔诗歌精选(MP3+中英字幕) 第36期:吉檀迦利31

来源:可可英语 编辑:sophie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 31.`Prisoner, tell me, who was it that bound you?'
  • 31“囚人,告诉我,谁把你捆起来的?”
  • `It was my master,' said the prisoner. `
  • “是我的主人,”囚人说。
  • I thought I could outdo everybody in the world in wealth and power, and I amassed in my own treasure-house the money due to my king.
  • “我以为我的财富与权力胜过世界上一切的人,我把我的国王的钱财聚敛在自己的宝库里。
  • When sleep overcame me I lay upon the bad that was for my lord, and on waking up I found I was a prisoner in my own treasure-house.'
  • 我昏困不过,睡在我主的床上,一觉醒来,我发现我在自己的宝库里做了囚人。”
  • `Prisoner, tell me, who was it that wrought this unbreakable chain?'
  • “囚人,告诉我,是谁铸的这条坚牢的锁链?”
  • `It was I,' said the prisoner, `who forged this chain very carefully.
  • “是我,”囚人说,“是我自己用心铸造的。
  • I thought my invincible power would hold the world captive leaving me in a freedom undisturbed.
  • 我以为我的无敌的权力会征服世界,使我有无碍的自由。
  • Thus night and day I worked at the chain with huge fires and cruel hard strokes.
  • 我日夜用烈火重锤打造了这条铁链。
  • When at last the work was done and the links were complete and unbreakable, I found that it held me in its grip.'
  • 等到工作完成,铁链坚牢完善,我发现这铁链把我捆住了。”


31.`Prisoner, tell me, who was it that bound you?'

`It was my master,' said the prisoner. `
I thought I could outdo everybody in the world in wealth and power, and I amassed in my own treasure-house the money due to my king.
When sleep overcame me I lay upon the bad that was for my lord, and on waking up I found I was a prisoner in my own treasure-house.'
`Prisoner, tell me, who was it that wrought this unbreakable chain?'
`It was I,' said the prisoner, `who forged this chain very carefully.
I thought my invincible power would hold the world captive leaving me in a freedom undisturbed.
Thus night and day I worked at the chain with huge fires and cruel hard strokes.
When at last the work was done and the links were complete and unbreakable, I found that it held me in its grip.'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
prisoner ['prizənə]


n. 囚犯

invincible [in'vinsibl]


adj. 不可征服的,难以制服的





