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美国学生历史 第46期:从邦克山到特伦顿(3)

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  • 140. British Attack on Charleston, 1776.
  • 140.英国人进攻查理斯顿(1776年)
  • In June 1776 a British fleet and army made an attack on Charleston, South Carolina.
  • 1776年6月,一支英国舰队和陆军进攻南卡罗莱纳的查理斯顿。
  • This town has never been taken by attack from the sea.
  • 这个城市从来没有经受过来自海上的进攻,
  • Sand bars guard the entrance of the harbor and the channels through these shoals lead directly to the end of Sullivan's Island.
  • 河口的沙洲是港口入口的天然屏障,并且,穿过这些浅滩的海峡直达萨利文岛的尽头。
  • At that point the Americans built a fort of palmetto logs and sand. General Moultrie commanded at the fort and it was named in his honor, Fort Moultrie.
  • 美洲人在这个地方用沙巴尔树圆木和沙子构筑一个要塞,矛陲将军是这个要塞的司令,这个要塞以他的名字而命名--矛陲要塞。
  • The British fleet sailed boldly in, but the balls from the ships' guns were stopped by the soft palmetto logs.
  • 英国的军舰耀武扬威地开进来,但他们的炮火被松软的沙巴尔圆木挡住,
  • At one time the flag was shot away and fell down outside the fort.
  • 要塞的旗帜曾经被击中并坠到要塞之外,
  • But Sergeant Jasper rushed out, seized the broken staff, and again set it up on the rampart.
  • 但士官贾斯皮尔迅速冲出要塞,抓住损坏的旗杆,并将它再次安插到要塞的墙上。
  • Meantime, General Clinton had landed on an island and was trying to cross with his soldiers to the further end of Sullivan's Island.
  • 与此同时,克林顿将军已经登上一座岛屿并试图带领士兵穿过这个小岛向萨利文岛的纵深处挺近,
  • But the water was at first too shoal for the boats. The soldiers jumped overboard to wade.
  • 但是,由于水浅船不能前进,士兵们跳下船涉水前进,
  • Suddenly the water deepened, and they had to jump aboard to save themselves from drowning.
  • 而水忽然变深,他们不得不爬上岸以免被淹死。
  • All this time Americans were firing at them from the beach. General Clinton ordered a retreat.
  • 在这期间美洲人一直从岸上向这些人射击。克林顿将军下令撤退,
  • The fleet also sailed out-all that could get away-and the whole expedition was abandoned.
  • 军舰也退下来--他们只能逃跑,放弃整个远征。
  • 141.Long Island and Brooklyn Heights, 1776.
  • 141.长岛与布鲁克林高地(1776年)
  • The very day that the British left Boston, Washington ordered five regiments to New York.
  • 就在英国人离开波士顿的当天,华盛顿命令五个团开往纽约,
  • For he well knew that city would be the next point of attack.
  • 因为他非常清楚纽约将是下一个被攻击的城市。
  • But he need not have been in such a hurry. General Howe, the new British commander-in-chief, sailed first to Halifax and did not begin the campaign in New York until the end of August.
  • 但他不必如此着急,英国的新任总司令豪威将军带领舰队首先开往哈利法克斯港,直到八月底才发起战役。
  • He then landed his soldiers on Long Island and prepared to drive the Americans away.
  • 豪威将军在开战后命令士兵登上长岛,准备将美洲人赶走;
  • Marching in a round-about way, he cut the American army in two and captured one part of it.
  • 他采用迂回的方式将美洲军队切为两截,并俘虏了其中一部,
  • This brought him to the foot of Brooklyn Heights. On the top was a fort. Probably Howe could easily have captured it.
  • 这使得他顺利来到布鲁克林高地坡下,高地制高点有一个堡垒,豪威可能会很容易地夺取这个高地,
  • But he had led in the field at Bunker Hill and had had enough of attacking forts defended by Americans. So he stopped his soldiers-with some difficulty.
  • 但是,他有邦克山之战的前车之鉴,也有大量攻击由美国人守护的堡垒的经验,不急于进攻。于是,他命令士兵停止前进(执行这个命令费了一番工夫)。
  • That night the wind blew a gale, and the next day was foggy.
  • 当晚狂风大作,第二天则大雾弥漫,
  • The British fleet could not sail into the East River. Skillful fishermen safely ferried the rest of the American army across to New York.
  • 英国舰队无法驶入东河。驾船技术娴熟的渔民将堡垒中余下的美洲士兵摆渡出来,他们去了纽约。
  • When at length the British marched to the attack, there was no one left in the fort on Brooklyn Heights.
  • 当英国人最后开始行军和发起进攻时,布鲁克林高地的堡垒中已经空无一人。
  • 142.From the Hudson to the Delaware, 1776.
  • 142.从哈得孙到特拉华(1776年)
  • Even now with his splendid fleet and great army Howe could have captured the Americans.
  • 即使到了这个时候,豪威的豪华舰队和强大陆军也可能俘获美洲人,
  • But he delayed so long that Washington got away in safety. Washington's army was now fast breaking up.
  • 但他拖延了太久,华盛顿得以安全脱身。
  • Soldiers deserted by the hundreds. A severe action at White Plains only delayed the British advance.
  • 此时华盛顿的军队正迅速溃散开来,数以百计的士兵逃跑,
  • The fall of Fort Washington on the end of Manhattan Island destroyed all hope of holding anything near New York.
  • 怀特平原的一场激战仅仅是拖延了英国人的进攻,曼哈顿岛终端华盛顿要塞的失陷粉碎了在纽约附近立足的所有希望。
  • Washington sent one part of his army to secure the Highlands of the Hudson.
  • 华盛顿派出一支部队去援救哈得孙的苏格兰高地,
  • With the other part he retired across New Jersey to the southern side of the Delaware River.
  • 他带领其余部队穿过新泽西退往特拉华河以南地区。
  • The end of the war seemed to be in sight. In December, 1776, Congress gave the sole direction of the war to Washington and then left Philadelphia for a place of greater safety.
  • 似乎战争马上就要结束,1776年12月,大陆会议向华盛顿发出最后一个战争指示,然后从费城搬迁到一个更为安全的地方。


140.British Attack on Charleston, 1776.

In June 1776 a British fleet and army made an attack on Charleston, South Carolina. This town has never been taken by attack from the sea. Sand bars guard the entrance of the harbor and the channels through these shoals lead directly to the end of Sullivan's Island. At that point the Americans built a fort of palmetto logs and sand. General Moultrie commanded at the fort and it was named in his honor, Fort Moultrie. The British fleet sailed boldly in, but the balls from the ships' guns were stopped by the soft palmetto logs. At one time the flag was shot away and fell down outside the fort. But Sergeant Jasper rushed out, seized the broken staff, and again set it up on the rampart. Meantime, General Clinton had landed on an island and was trying to cross with his soldiers to the further end of Sullivan's Island. But the water was at first too shoal for the boats. The soldiers jumped overboard to wade. Suddenly the water deepened, and they had to jump aboard to save themselves from drowning. All this time Americans were firing at them from the beach. General Clinton ordered a retreat. The fleet also sailed out-all that could get away-and the whole expedition was abandoned.
141.Long Island and Brooklyn Heights, 1776.
The very day that the British left Boston, Washington ordered five regiments to New York. For he well knew that city would be the next point of attack. But he need not have been in such a hurry. General Howe, the new British commander-in-chief, sailed first to Halifax and did not begin the campaign in New York until the end of August. He then landed his soldiers on Long Island and prepared to drive the Americans away. Marching in a round-about way, he cut the American army in two and captured one part of it. This brought him to the foot of Brooklyn Heights. On the top was a fort. Probably Howe could easily have captured it. But he had led in the field at Bunker Hill and had had enough of attacking forts defended by Americans. So he stopped his soldiers-with some difficulty. That night the wind blew a gale, and the next day was foggy. The British fleet could not sail into the East River. Skillful fishermen safely ferried the rest of the American army across to New York. When at length the British marched to the attack, there was no one left in the fort on Brooklyn Heights.
142.From the Hudson to the Delaware, 1776.
Even now with his splendid fleet and great army Howe could have captured the Americans. But he delayed so long that Washington got away in safety. Washington's army was now fast breaking up. Soldiers deserted by the hundreds. A severe action at White Plains only delayed the British advance. The fall of Fort Washington on the end of Manhattan Island destroyed all hope of holding anything near New York. Washington sent one part of his army to secure the Highlands of the Hudson. With the other part he retired across New Jersey to the southern side of the Delaware River. The end of the war seemed to be in sight. In December, 1776, Congress gave the sole direction of the war to Washington and then left Philadelphia for a place of greater safety.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
defended [di'fend]


vt. 辩护;防护 vi. 保卫;防守

harbor ['hɑ:bə]


n. 海港,避难所
vt. 庇护,心怀,窝藏<

expedition [.ekspi'diʃən]


n. 远征,探险队,迅速

flag [flæg]


n. 旗,旗帜,信号旗
vt. (以旗子)标出

retreat [ri'tri:t]


n. 休息寓所,撤退,隐居
v. 撤退,向后倾

sergeant ['sɑ:dʒənt]


n. 中士,巡佐,军士 (法庭或议会等地的)警卫官

skillful ['skilfəl]


adj. 熟练的,灵巧的

secure [si'kjuə]


adj. 安全的,牢靠的,稳妥的
vt. 固定

severe [si'viə]


adj. 剧烈的,严重的,严峻的,严厉的,严格的

shoal [ʃəul]


adj. 浅的 n. 浅水处,沙洲 n. 鱼群,一大群





