In 1701 the conflict began again. It lasted for twelve years, until 1713.
It was in this war that the Duke of Marlborough won the battle of Blenheim and made for himself a great reputation.
正是在这场战争中,马尔伯勒公爵赢得了布雷海姆战役的胜利 ,这让他名声大振。
In America the French and Indians made long expeditions to New England.
在美洲,法国人和印第安人远征新英格兰 ,
The English colonists again attacked Quebec and again failed.
In one thing, however, they were successful.
然而, 英国殖民者在一件事情上获得胜利,
They again seized Port Royal.
那就是, 他们夺取了皇家港口。
This time the English kept Port Royal and all Acadia.
Port Royal they called Annapolis, and the name of Acadia was changed to Nova Scotia.
他们把皇家港口叫做安那波利斯, 并改称阿卡迪亚为诺瓦斯科夏。
93. King George's War, 1744~48.
From 1713 until 1744 there was no war between the English and the French.
But in 1744 fighting began again in earnest.
但是, 1744年蓄意已久的战争终于爆发。
The French and Indians attacked the New England frontier towns and killed many people.
But the New Englanders, on their part, won a great success.
After the French lost Acadia they built a strong fortress on the island of Cape Breton.
To this they gave the name of Louisburg.
The New Englanders fitted out a great expedition and captured Louisburg without much help from the English.
新英格兰人成立一支精锐的远征军, 在没有得到英国多少帮助的情况下就占领了路易斯堡,
But at the close of the war (1748) the fortress was given back to the French, to the disgust of the New Englanders.
但令新英格兰人恼怒的是, 在战争结束之际英国又将路易斯堡归还法国。
94. The French in the Mississippi Valley.
The Spaniards had discovered the Mississippi and had explored its lower valley.
西班牙人已经发现了密西西比河, 并到过它的下游河谷探险,
But they had found no gold there and had abandoned the country.
It was left for French explorers more than one hundred years later to rediscover the great river and to explore it from its upper waters to the Gulf of Mexico.
一百多年后, 法国探险者再次发现这条大河, 并从它的上游水域到达墨西哥湾。
The first Frenchman to sail down the river to its mouth was La Salle.
In 1681, with three canoes, he floated down the Mississippi, until he reached a place where the great river divided into three large branches.
1681年 ,他带着三条独木舟沿着密西西比河顺流而下,到达这条大河被分为三个支流的地方,
He sent one canoe down each branch.
Returning, they all reported that they had reached the open sea.