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英语短文名人故事 演员明星 第49期:莱昂内尔·汉普顿

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  • 18 Lionel Hampton
  • 18 莱昂内尔·汉普顿
  • Lionel Hampton is a frenetic jazz vibraphonist, gifted bandleader and storied showman
  • 莱昂内尔·汉普顿是一位极富激情的爵士乐电颤琴演奏家、极具天赋的乐队领队,爵士乐史上著名的表演家。
  • who was one of the most celebrated musicians of the swing era and went on to a six-decade career on the American stage.
  • 他是强节奏爵士乐时代最富盛名的音乐人之一,在美国舞台上有60年的演艺生涯。
  • Hampton has cut hundreds of records.
  • 汉普顿录制了数百张唱片。
  • He was known for tremendous energy and for directing bands that were among the most long lived and consistently popular large ensembles in jazz.
  • 他以精力充沛,组建了爵士乐坛上长盛不衰的大型乐队而闻名遐迩。
  • His work has been hailed by everyone from presidents to jazz critics and endorsed by the public through enthusiastic attendance of his performances and unending sales of his records.
  • 他的作品受到了从总统到爵士乐评论家的赞赏和公众的支持。他们疯狂地观看他的演出,不断地购买他的唱片。
  • Hampton was born on April 20, 1908, in Louisville, Kentucky.
  • 1908年4月20日汉普顿出生在肯塔基州的路易斯维尔。
  • He began working as a drummer when he was a teenager.
  • 十几岁时他当了一名鼓手。
  • He spent many of his formative musical years in Los Angeles,
  • 在洛杉矶度过的数年是他的音乐风格形成期。
  • playing with top local bands and some great national figures as they came through town.
  • 他同当地顶尖的乐队和一些来小镇演出的杰出音乐人同台演出。
  • Among them were Louis Armstrong -- who first encouraged him to play the vibraphone and, later, Benny Goodman.
  • 这里面有路易斯·阿姆斯特朗,是他第一个鼓励汉普顿演奏颤音琴。后来他又遇到了本尼·古德曼。汉
  • He was one of the first musicians to bridge the racial gap between blacks and whites in jazz.
  • 普顿是第一个打破爵士乐中 种族隔阂的音乐人之一。
  • He joined drummer Gene Krupa and pianist Teddy Wilson to form the multiracial Benny Goodman quartet in the 1930s.
  • 20世纪30年代,他与鼓手吉恩·克鲁帕和钢琴演奏家特迪·威尔逊组建了多种族的本尼·古德曼四重奏乐团。
  • Hampton later recalled, "I didn't recognize that it was a social advancement,
  • 汉普顿后来回忆说:“我并没有意识到这是一种社会进步,
  • but it was the first time blacks and whites ever played together out in public."
  • 但这确实是黑人和白人第一次在公众场合同台演出。”
  • By 1930, he was touring extensively on the West Coast with his own groups,
  • 到1930年,汉普顿同他的乐队沿西海岸巡演,
  • making records and enjoying billing as the "fastest drummer in the world", when he struck his first note on a vibraphone.
  • 录制音乐,荣登排行榜上“世界上最快的鼓手”。这时他开始演奏颤音琴。
  • He played with Armstrong's group for a year, establishing the vibraphone as a jazz instrument and himself as its top interpreter.
  • 汉普顿同阿姆斯特朗的乐队演出了一年。他把颤音琴确定为爵士乐的演奏乐器,而他自己也 成为该乐器最出色的阐释者。
  • Hampton played the vibes with lightning swiftness and harmonic and melodic simplicity and the drums with a fierce, driving rhythm.
  • 汉普顿演奏颜音琴时轻灵、和谐、旋律简洁优美,而击鼓时则活力四射,节奏强劲。
  • He became a household name after recording such hits as Moonglow and Dinah with Goodman in the 1930s and continued to make the charts in the 1940s and 1950s.
  • 20世纪30年代他与古德曼共同录制了热门金曲Moonglow和Dinah,成为家喻户晓的人物。40年代和50年代他的唱片一直畅销不衰。
  • In 1940, he left Goodman and started his own big band, featuring a big sound, swinging arrangements and such soloists as Washington.
  • 1940年汉普顿离开古德曼,组建了自己的大乐队。该乐队演奏嘹亮,节奏强劲,并收罗了如华盛顿这样的独奏演员。
  • Hampton's newly recorded big-band version of Flyin 'Home became a huge success.
  • 汉普顿重新录制的大乐队版的Hyin’Home取得了巨大的成功。大
  • The band specialized in boogie-woogie, jump and later bop,
  • 乐队撞长演奏布基伍基乐曲、强节奏爵士乐和博普爵士乐。
  • and by the early 1950s it had become as much a rhythm and blues as a jazz attraction.
  • 到20世纪50年代早期,它以爵士乐和节奏布鲁斯闻名。
  • But it nevertheless remained the medium for the introduction of many jazz talents.
  • 但它一直是许多爵士乐天才的摇篮。
  • Through all of it, Hampton once said, he had just one goal, "I want to be remembered for spreading happiness and goodwill." He did just that.
  • 在经历了这一切后,汉普顿曾经说,他只有一个目标:“我想让世人记住我是在传播幸福和友善。”他确实做到了。


18 Lionel Hampton

18 莱昂内尔·汉普顿
Lionel Hampton is a frenetic jazz vibraphonist, gifted bandleader and storied showman who was one of the most celebrated musicians of the swing era and went on to a six-decade career on the American stage.
Hampton has cut hundreds of records. He was known for tremendous energy and for directing bands that were among the most long lived and consistently popular large ensembles in jazz. His work has been hailed by everyone from presidents to jazz critics and endorsed by the public through enthusiastic attendance of his performances and unending sales of his records.
Hampton was born on April 20,1908,in Louisville, Kentucky. He began working as a drummer when he was a teenager. He spent many of his formative musical years in Los Angeles, playing with top local bands and some great national figures as they came through town. Among them were Louis Armstrong -- who first encouraged him to play the vibraphone and, later, Benny Goodman. He was one of the first musicians to bridge the racial gap between blacks and whites in jazz. He joined drummer Gene Krupa and pianist Teddy Wilson to form the multiracial Benny Goodman quartet in the 1930s. Hampton later recalled, “I didnt recognize that it was a social advancement, but it was the first time blacks and whites ever played together out in public.”
1908年4月20日汉普顿出生在肯塔基州的路易斯维尔。十几岁时他当了一名鼓手。在洛杉矶度过的数年是他的音乐风格形成期。他同当地顶尖的乐队和一些来小镇演出的杰出音乐人同台演出。这里面有路易斯·阿姆斯特朗,是他第一个鼓励汉普顿演奏颤音琴。后来他又遇到了本尼·古德曼。汉普顿是第一个打破爵士乐中 种族隔阂的音乐人之一。20世纪30年代,他与鼓手吉恩·克鲁帕和钢琴演奏家特迪·威尔逊组建了多种族的本尼·古德曼四重奏乐团。汉普顿后来回忆说:“我并没有意识到这是一种社会进步,但这确实是黑人和白人第一次在公众场合同台演出。”
By 1930, he was touring extensively on the West Coast with his own groups, making records and enjoying billing as thefastest drummer in the world”,when he struck his first note on a vibraphone. He played with Armstrongs group for a year, establishing the vibraphone as a jazz instrument and himself as its top interpreter.
到1930年,汉普顿同他的乐队沿西海岸巡演,录制音乐,荣登排行榜上“世界上最快的鼓手”。这时他开始演奏颤音琴。汉普顿同阿姆斯特朗的乐队演出了一年。他把颤音琴确定为爵士乐的演奏乐器,而他自己也 成为该乐器最出色的阐释者。
Hampton played the vibes with lightning swiftness and harmonic and melodic simplicity and the drums with a fierce, driving rhythm. He became a household name after recording such hits as Moonglow and Dinah with Goodman in the 1930s and continued to make the charts in the 1940s and 1950s.
In 1940,he left Goodman and started his own big band, featuring a big sound, swinging arrangements and such soloists as Washington. Hamptons newly recorded big-band version of FlyinHome became a huge success. The band specialized in boogie-woogie, jump and later bop, and by the early 1950s it had become as much a rhythm and blues as a jazz attraction. But it nevertheless remained the medium for the introduction of many jazz talents.
Through all of it, Hampton once said, he had just one goal, “I want to be remembered for spreading happiness and goodwill.” He did just that.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
unending [ʌn'endiŋ]


adj. 不断的,不停的,永无止境的,不尽的

nevertheless [.nevəðə'les]


adv. 仍然,不过
conj. 然而,不过

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

lightning ['laitniŋ]


n. 闪电
adj. 闪电般的,快速的

specialized ['speʃəlaizd]


专门的 专科的

simplicity [sim'plisiti]


n. 单纯,简朴

consistently [kən'sistəntli]


adj. 一致的,始终如一的





