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走进剑桥大学(MP3+中英字幕) 第24期:印度总理尼赫鲁

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  • Nehru- India's Prime Minister
  • 印度总理尼赫鲁
  • Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India, as well as the father of the most famous Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
  • 贾瓦哈拉尔尼赫鲁是印度首任总理,同时也是印度史上最出名的总理--英吉拉甘地的父亲。
  • He was a patriot, a freedom fighter as well as a highly regarded statesman.
  • 尼赫鲁是一个爱国者,一个为自由而战的斗士,同时也是一位非常受人尊重的政治家。
  • Jawaharlal Nehru was born on November 14, 1889 in Allahabad, central India.
  • 1889年12月4日,贾瓦哈拉尔尼赫鲁出生在印度中部的阿拉哈巴德。
  • His father was a prominent advocate and early leader of the Indian independence movement.
  • 他的父亲是一位杰出的辩护律师,同时也是印度独立运动的早期领导人。
  • The younger Nehru graduated from Cambridge University, and returned to India in 1912.
  • 年轻的尼赫鲁毕业于剑桥大学,并在1912年回到印度。
  • Even though he had a brilliant academic record, the legal profession did not attract him.
  • 虽然尼赫鲁学习成绩优异,但是他对法律并不感兴趣,在甘地的影响下迫切想加入旨在印度独立的运动。
  • Instead, he wanted to join the freedom struggle under the influence of Gandhiji.
  • 作为国会议员,尼赫鲁曾在一段时间内任阿拉哈巴德市政委员会主席,
  • For a while he was the Chairman of the Allahabad Municipal Committee as a member of the Congress and then he joined the Home Rule League established by Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Annie Besant.
  • 然后他加入了由巴尔甘加达尔提拉克和安妮贝赞特创建的印度自治同
  • During the freedom struggle, he courted arrest many a times, and had been jailed 14 years in all.
  • 在争取印度独立的斗争中,尼赫鲁多次面临被捕的危险,总共做了14年牢。
  • He was elected Congress President 5 times, and it was under his influence that the Congress adopted complete freedom as its goal.
  • 他5次当选国会议长。在的影响下,国会把印度的完全自由和独立作为奋斗目标。
  • In 1947, after India gained its independence, he was automatically elected first Prime Minister
  • 1947 年印度获得独立后,尼赫鲁理所当然地被选举为首任总理。
  • Nehru headed the Indian government for 17 long and brilliant years. He wanted India to develop into a world-recognized nation.
  • 尼赫鲁领导印度政府长达17年,成绩斐然,在任期间,他一直致力于把印度发展成一个世界闻名的国家。
  • He supported technological and scientific progress encouraged art and literature, wanted to eliminate discrimination from the face of the world and encouraged peaceful co-existence.
  • 尼赫鲁支持科技进步、鼓励艺术和文学发展;试图在全世界范围内消除歧视,鼓励和平共处:
  • Nehru did not believe in aligning himself with the military political blocks and wanted to end the cold war.
  • 不赞成和军事、政治阵营联盟,支持结束冷战。
  • He was awarded the Bharat Ratna in 1955.
  • 1955年尼赫鲁获得印度最高荣誉奖--巴域维那。
  • Nehru was a renowned orator. He could give many extemporaneous speeches in a single day.
  • 尼赫鲁是一位知名的演讲家,能在一天之内做出很多即兴演讲,
  • His most famous speech is the "Tryst with Destiny, addressing to the Constltuent Assembly of India in New Delhi on the night of August 14th, 1947.
  • 其中最著名的是1947年8月14日晚在新德里的印度制宪会议上的演讲《命运之约》。
  • Not only was he a brilliant orator, a charming, warm and noble thinker and philosopher, but also a fantastic writer.
  • 尼赫鲁不仅是一位卓越的演讲家,一位有魅力、热情的、高尚的思想家和哲学家,还是一位极其出色的作家。
  • He has written a few wonderful books Discovery of India, Glimpses of World History and Letters from a father to a daughter.
  • 他的佳作包括:《印度的发现》、《世界历史一瞥》和《一个父亲给女儿的信》 等。
  • His autobiography, Towards Freedom (1936) ran nine editions in the first year alone.
  • 尼赫鲁的自传《走向自由》(1936年出版)在问世第一年就再版了8次。


NehruIndia's Prime Minister

Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India, as well as the father of the most famous Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. He was a patriot, a freedom fighter as well as a highly regarded statesman.
Jawaharlal Nehru was born on November 14,1889 in Allahabad, central India. His father was a prominent advocate and early leader of the Indian independence movement. The younger Nehru graduated from Cambridge University, and returned to India in 1912.
Even though he had a brilliant academic record, the legal profession did not attract him. Insteadhe wanted to join the freedom struggle under the influence of Gandhiji. For a while he was the Chairman of the Allahabad Municipal Committee as a member of the Congress and then he joined the Home Rule League established by Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Annie Besant.
During the freedom struggle, he courted arrest many a times, and had been jailed 14 years in all. He was elected Congress President 5 timesand it was under his influence that the Congress adopted complete freedom as its goal. In 1947,after India gained its independence, he was automatically elected first Prime Minister*
在争取印度独立的斗争中,尼赫鲁多次面临被捕的危险,总共做了14年牢。他5 次当选国会议长。在的影响下,国会把印度的完全自由和独立作为奋斗目标。1947 年印度获得独立后,尼赫鲁理所当然地被选举为首任总理。
Nehru headed the Indian government for 17 long and brilliant years. He wanted India to develop into a world-recognizednation. He supported technological and scientific progress encouraged art and literature, wanted to eliminate discrimination from the face of the world and encouraged peaceful co-existence. Nehru did not believe in aligning himself with the military political blocks and wanted to end the cold war. He was awarded the Bharat Ratna in 1955.
尼赫鲁领导印度政府长达17年,成绩斐然,在任期间,他一直致力于把印度发展成一个世界闻名的国家。尼赫鲁支持科技进步、鼓励艺术和文学发展;试图在全世界范围内消除歧视,鼓励和平共处:不赞成和军事、政治阵营联盟,支持结束冷战。 1955年尼赫鲁获得印度最高荣誉奖——巴域维那。
Nehru was a renowned orator. He could give many extemporaneous speeches in a single day. His most famous speech is theTryst with Destinyaddressing to the Constltuent Assembly of India in New Delhi on the night of August 14th, 1947.
尼赫鲁是一位知名的演讲家,能在一天之内做出很多即兴演讲,其中最著名的是1947年8月14 日晚在新德里的印度制宪会议上的演讲《命运之约》。
Not only was he a brilliant orator, a charming, warm and noble thinker and philosopher, but also a fantastic writer. He has written a few wonderful books Discovery of India, Glimpses of World History and Letters from a father to a daughter. His autobiography, Towards Freedom (1936) ran nine editions in the first year alone.
尼赫鲁不仅是一位卓越的演讲家,一位有魅力、热情的、高尚的思想家和哲学家,还是一位极其出色的作家。他的佳作包括:《印度的发现》、《世界历史一瞥》和《一个父亲给女儿的信》 等。尼赫鲁的自传《走向自由》(1936年出版)在问世第一年就再版了8次。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
prominent ['prɔminənt]


adj. 杰出的,显著的,突出的

advocate ['ædvəkeit,'ædvəkit]


n. 提倡者,拥护者,辩护者,律师
v. 主张

legal ['li:gəl]


adj. 法律的,合法的,法定的

renowned [ri'naund]


adj. 有名的,有声誉的

automatically [.ɔ:tə'mætikəli]


adv. 自动地,机械地

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

eliminate [i'limineit]


v. 除去,剔除; 忽略

academic [.ækə'demik]


adj. 学术的,学院的,理论的

prime [praim]


adj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的

charming ['tʃɑ:miŋ]


adj. 迷人的





