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木偶奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第8期:这屋子今天是我的了

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  • Chapter 4
  • 第四章
  • Very little time did it take to get poor old Geppetto to prison.
  • 可怜的杰佩托平很快被送进了监狱。
  • In the meantime that rascal, Pinocchio, free now from the clutches of the Carabineer, was running wildly across fields and meadows, taking one short cut after another toward home.
  • 皮诺乔这小坏蛋看见自己逃脱了马枪骑兵的手,马上撒腿就跑,穿过麦田和草地,抄近路回家。
  • In his wild flight, he leaped over brambles and bushes, and across brooks and ponds, as if he were a goat or a hare chased by hounds.
  • 他拼命地跑啊跑啊,跳过荆棘和灌木丛,穿过溪流和池塘,像只被猎人追赶的小山羊或者小野兔。
  • On reaching home, he found the house door half open.
  • 他跑到房子前面,发现房门半掩着。
  • He slipped into the room, locked the door, and threw himself on the floor, happy at his escape.
  • 他溜进房间,锁上门,卜通坐到地上,为他的成功逃脱感到庆幸。
  • But his happiness lasted only a short time, for just then he heard someone saying: Cri-cri-cri!
  • 可他得意了也只有一眨眼的工夫,因为他听见屋子里有声音叫:唧唧,唧唧!
  • Who is calling me? asked Pinocchio, greatly frightened.
  • 谁在叫我啊?皮诺乔吓坏了说。
  • I am!
  • 是我!
  • Pinocchio turned and saw a large cricket crawling slowly up the wall.
  • 皮诺乔转过脸,看见一只大蟋蟀在墙上,正慢腾腾地往上爬。
  • Tell me, Cricket, who are you?
  • 告诉我,蟋蟀,你是谁。
  • I am the Talking Cricket and I have been living in this room for more than one hundred years.
  • 我是会说话的蟋蟀,在这屋子里已经住了百把年啦。
  • Today, however, this room is mine, said the Marionette, and if you wish to do me a favor, get out now, and don't turn around even once.
  • 这屋子今天是我的了,木偶说,如果您真肯行行好,让我高兴高兴,就请头也别回,马上走吧。
  • I refuse to leave this spot, answered the Cricket, until I have told you a great truth.
  • 蟋蟀回答说:在我告诉你一个大道理之前,我是不会离开这个地方的。
  • Tell it, then, and hurry.
  • 那就说吧,快点,
  • Woe to boys who refuse to obey their parents and run away from home!
  • 孩子不听父母的话,任意离开家,到头来决不会有好结果!
  • They will never be happy in this world, and when they are older they will be very sorry for it.
  • 他们在这个世界上永远不会幸福,当他们老了的时候,会因此而非常遗憾的。
  • Sing on, Cricket mine, as you please.
  • 您高兴唱就下去吧,我的蟋蟀。
  • What I know is, that tomorrow, at dawn, I leave this place forever.
  • 可我明天天不亮,一准就离开这里,永远。
  • If I stay here the same thing will happen to me which happens to all other boys and girls.
  • 我要是呆在这里,就逃不出所有孩子都会遇到的事情:
  • They are sent to school, and whether they want to or not, they must study.
  • 他们被送去上学,无论他们是否愿意,他们会被逼着读书。


Chapter 4

Very little time did it take to get poor old Geppetto to prison.
In the meantime that rascal, Pinocchio, free now from the clutches of the Carabineer, was running wildly across fields and meadows, taking one short cut after another toward home.
In his wild flight, he leaped over brambles and bushes, and across brooks and ponds, as if he were a goat or a hare chased by hounds.
On reaching home, he found the house door half open.
He slipped into the room, locked the door, and threw himself on the floor, happy at his escape.
But his happiness lasted only a short time, for just then he heard someone saying: Cri-cri-cri!
Who is calling me? asked Pinocchio, greatly frightened.
I am!
Pinocchio turned and saw a large cricket crawling slowly up the wall.
Tell me, Cricket, who are you?
I am the Talking Cricket and I have been living in this room for more than one hundred years.
Today, however, this room is mine, said the Marionette, and if you wish to do me a favor, get out now, and don't turn around even once.
I refuse to leave this spot, answered the Cricket, until I have told you a great truth.
Tell it, then, and hurry.
Woe to boys who refuse to obey their parents and run away from home!
They will never be happy in this world, and when they are older they will be very sorry for it.
Sing on, Cricket mine, as you please.
What I know is, that tomorrow, at dawn, I leave this place forever.
If I stay here the same thing will happen to me which happens to all other boys and girls.
They are sent to school, and whether they want to or not, they must study.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
refuse [ri'fju:z]


v. 拒绝
n. 垃圾,废物

escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

frightened ['fraitnd]


adj. 受惊的,受恐吓的

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼





